Ransom Or Whether It Is Necessary To Pay Fortune-tellers - Alternative View

Ransom Or Whether It Is Necessary To Pay Fortune-tellers - Alternative View
Ransom Or Whether It Is Necessary To Pay Fortune-tellers - Alternative View

Video: Ransom Or Whether It Is Necessary To Pay Fortune-tellers - Alternative View

Video: Ransom Or Whether It Is Necessary To Pay Fortune-tellers - Alternative View
Video: Russell Brand Interview with Mooji 2024, September

When asked whether fortune-tellers should be paid for their work, I have only one answer - yes. And this is not at all because I am greedy and want to make money on someone else's grief. Believe me, this is not the case. In principle, I don’t take money from close friends and acquaintances. But they certainly give me some "buns". Moreover, in the literal sense of the word - it can be anything, from a box of chocolates to a bag of your favorite juice. Because - this is a tradition, this is a rule that cannot be ignored. Otherwise, it will be bad for everyone. And to the one who guesses, and to the one who knows the future or gives advice. Naturally, I charge a certain fee from people far away from me, which is very modest in today's times.

Why do you need to pay for the services of a fortune teller, you ask. First, we are wasting not only time, but also energy. Time cannot be replenished, but the energy must somehow be returned. Secondly, to neutralize the negative that you receive during the session, to exclude the possibility of penetration of other people's problems into your field.

Thirdly, payment is important for the client himself. As you know, all world religions consider fortune-telling as a sin. You can't go against God and try to find out, let alone change your future. But does that ever stop us! This is why you should pay off your sin. Pay money, or hand over a bag of sweets to the witch. Everything, you are clean before the sky. You paid to the one who lays out the cards, pours wax or swings the pendulum. Now let him pay the price for his sin.

We, fortune-tellers, sin naturally, but it's so tempting to find out what the life line of the person sitting in front of you is like. There is a great temptation to intervene in the highest providence and help him rewrite fate.

But back to the buyback. Without it, divination will not have the necessary power. The law of balance and universal energy will be violated. Nothing disappears into emptiness, and nothing is born out of nothingness - this is an axiom. If you leave without paying the fortune teller because you are not happy with the result, expect to be punished. No, no one will send damage on purpose. The Universe itself will put everything in its place. You have wasted someone else's time, energized, if you please, take a step back.

Once I was vacationing with my friend on the sea. The cultural program of staying in a distant country included not only excursions, but also fortune telling sessions. Her neighbor in the office, which they rent together, found out about my talent and very much asked her to tell fortunes. Roxana is a cosmetologist. In a busy work schedule, she found time for a session, but immediately asked how much it would cost. I replied that for my people the amount would be either symbolic, or she would simply give me candy. Roxanne, a practical woman. Glancing at me with a critical gaze, she immediately determined: we will make a face.

And yes - after the fortune-telling session, the persistent woman laid me down on the couch and fiddled with my eyebrows for a long time, dyed my eyelashes and polished my skin. So long and so thorough that I felt uncomfortable.

But Roxana reasonably replied that I spent no less time and effort on her, she must definitely work it out, “otherwise it won't come true”!

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Here is an example of a person who understands that any magical act must be rewarded. There are those who consider cards to be a game, persistently ask to tell fortunes, and after the session refuses to offer at least a ruble for services. “What are you, we're not serious. It's just for fun! Well, dear friend, if this is a game for you, it is not for me. I laid out the cards not in jest, but according to all the rules of esoteric science. I awakened the energy that sleeps in the pieces of cardboard, read the information, and you think it's fun. Well, as one hero said, it will be given to you according to your faith. My conscience is clear. I know ways to pay off and thank the cards for their conversation. And since you do not want to pay, you will have to regret it later.

Therefore, "on a visit" I rarely take a deck with me. I'm not a card magician to play for the amusement of a drunken audience. If anyone wants to play, buy yourself a deck and have fun as much as you like.

By the way, never guess in such conditions. And not at all because the result will be zero. This is not the worst thing. Cards “don't like” sticky hands and drunken gatherings. Alcohol and tarot are incompatible things. Some sorcerers say that smoking is not allowed outside the situation. But here the opinions of professionals differ. There are no clear instructions on this matter. On the contrary, the cigarette smoldering in my fingers tunes me in the right way. Do not consider this phrase for smoking propaganda!

It is better not to take money for the ransom (fortune telling) in your hands right away. I usually ask to put them on the table. In general, the transfer of bills from hand to hand devalues the energy of money. That is why they slip through the fingers, as in the proverb. Here's a free piece of advice: don't give money to the seller, always put it in a special tray at the checkout.

As for the information and energy that remains on the cards after fortune-telling, then each magician does it at his own discretion. Some diligently "clean" the cards after each session. Others, on the contrary, believe that this is how the Tarot accumulates Power.

I belong to the first. After each fortune-telling, I “burn” the cards over a candle flame. No, I don't have a special magic knife for chopping off negativity in my household. It is enough for me to wash my hands and wash my face under running water after the session. Mysterious rituals with a knife or a sword are not practical. Although, adherents of the "old school" will categorically disagree with me.

In esotericism, as you know, money is also energy. And by giving any amount for fortune-telling, you restore its balance.