There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View

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There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View
There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View

Video: There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View

Video: There Are Reptilians Among Us - Alternative View
Video: Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people 2024, September

We are used to thinking that people are the first intelligent and civilized beings on Earth. But it is possible that the situation is somewhat different.

Reptoids, reptilians, dinosaurs

Sometimes scientists and just random people find strange artifacts in the layers of sedimentary rocks and minerals. For example, in 1979, near the town of Heavener (Oklahoma, USA), amazed workers discovered a brick wall in the strata of coal aged 320-260 million years. In 1910, near Saint-Jean-de-Livier, France, metal pipes were found in chalk deposits dating from approximately 144 to 65 million years. And in the summer of 1844, in the vicinity of the English town of Tweed, an elegant gold chain was removed from a stone aged 360-320 million years. Finds of this kind testify in favor of the fact that long before man, some other intelligent creatures lived on our planet.

And in recent years, the idea that they could be the so-called reptoids (otherwise - reptilians, serpentoids, dinosaurids, Dino sapiens), that is, a species of reptiles endowed with a highly organized mind, has become increasingly popular.

Ufologists even suggested that objects on the Moon that were inconceivably ancient of man-made origin could have been built tens and hundreds of millions of years ago by the earthly reptoid civilization that colonized it. In the airless space above the lunar surface, towers, castles, and glass domes can last almost indefinitely. But traces of a possible reptoid civilization and on our home planet come across in the most unexpected places. Let's allow ourselves a kind of mental play.

Serapeum through the eyes of von Daniken

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Let's move mentally to Egypt, where next to the Sak-kara temple complex there is an underground cemetery of the sacred Apis bulls. In 1851, the French archaeologist Auguste Mariette saw the avenue of the Sphinxes, which was very much like a similar alley of the legendary Alexandrian temple, known as the Serapeum. Following the guide, he reached a barely visible entrance, but it was not an ancient ruined temple, but a huge underground necropolis. There, archaeologists found a large gallery, on both sides of which there were 24 niches with huge granite sarcophagi. In late 1852, Mariette discovered another ancient gallery, which is now known as the Small Crypts. They consisted of the same chambers carved into stone, in which there were wooden sarcophagi with the mummies of sacred bulls. Finally, already in 1952, archaeologists found a third in the Serapeum,a relatively small group of bull burials.

Over time, ufologists and various independent researchers began to show more and more interest in the Serapeum. I must say, their interest is by no means unfounded. The famous Erich von Daniken writes in one of his works: “The Serapeum is an underground structure with the largest sarcophagi that the world has ever seen. These colossi are made of granite and weigh between seventy and one hundred tons. Granite was mined in Aswan, a thousand kilometers from the Serapeum. This entire complex is dedicated to the sacred bull, which the Egyptians called Apis. There is no doubt that in ancient times there was a magnificent cult of the bull on the banks of the Nile. And yet this is very strange. According to the logic, mummies of bulls should lie in giant sarcophagi - but what is there really? Bitumen, which is a natural asphalt,in which the remains of thousands of different animals are mixed.

The ancient Egyptians believed in the rebirth of all living things. That is why they were engaged in mummification of animals. According to their ideas, only those whose bodies were preserved intact can be reborn to a new life. The rebirth took place at the moment when "ka" and "ba" - body and soul were reunited. In the underground Serapeum, the opposite was happening. Here the bones were chopped and mixed in bitumen. The conclusion suggests itself that in this case an attempt was made to prevent rebirth … And all this was for the sake of bone fragments? Obviously, these were some special bones. I believe they were hybrid bones. " Hybrids, probably genetically engineered and once terrifying the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt.

At the limit of space technology

In the 1990s, the American Christopher Dunn was engaged in research on the granite sarcophagi of the Serapeum. This man leads a large construction company, and his leisure time is mainly devoted to the mysteries of Ancient Egypt. Therefore, it is in the technical side of the issue that he can be considered very competent. After examining the huge stone boxes, Dunn came to the conclusion that they simply cannot be made by hand. Not only external, but also their internal surfaces are processed to the limit of modern space technologies! The flatness of their surfaces is maintained almost perfectly. Installation of massive sarcophagi in a confined space by a simple manual method without the use of special machines and mechanisms is also impossible. Moreover, all this could hardly have been created even at the current technical level of civilization development.

Sometimes in the press you can find publications stating that the niches in which the granite sarcophagi are located are so insignificant in size, and the entrance to some of them is smaller than the width and height of the sarcophagus itself. I don't know how reliable such information is, but if this is the case, then it was impossible to install sarcophagi in these niches. The fantasies of ufologists that the priests of Ancient Egypt owned teleportation are somehow not convincing. Who, then, has ever seen her teleportation in real life? Paradoxically, it is easier to assume that huge granite high-tech boxes were in place of the Serapeum even before the formation of the limestone stratum in which the necropolis was carved out by the Egyptians.

Sarcophagi hundreds of millions of years old?

Granites are one of the oldest geological rocks on our planet. Actually, granites are solidified and solidified emissions of magma to the Earth's surface. They are characteristic of the upper part of the continental crust and were formed throughout the entire geological history of our planet. Their age is for the most part close to 3.8 billion years, the time when the continental crust was just forming and life on Earth was out of the question. Limestone is a sedimentary rock, in which you can often find disseminations of the remains of fossil organisms. It is much softer than granite and can be easily scratched with a steel needle. Limestone deposits can be found among the deposits of all geological eras - from Precambrian (Proterozoic) to Anthropogenic, almost modern to us. But its main mass was formed in the time interval 320-300 million years ago.

It is curious that it is in the strata of sedimentary rocks and minerals that sometimes not only technogenic artifacts are found, but even traces of human legs or feet of anthropomorphic creatures, possibly reptoid, including shod ones. At different times and in different places, they were found in geological layers with the age of 150, 248-213, 320-286 and even 590-505 million years. Against this background, the likelihood of the discovery by the ancient Egyptians of monstrously ancient granite sarcophagi in limestone deposits looks by no means vanishingly small.

They could be found both by chance, mining limestone for whitewashing buildings or for other purposes, and relatively purposefully. Experienced dowsers, able to find layers of water in the earth or favorable places for the construction of housing, were not particularly rare throughout the historical development of mankind. And we can assume that some ancient Egyptian dowser in the process of searching for water could have noted 24 anomalies resting in limestone. The religious fantasy of the Egyptians was quite capable of giving the find a sacred meaning, which led to the construction of the Serapeum.

The builders cut a gallery between the anomalies and made side branches to them. Probably, over time, the Egyptians managed to move the lids of the sarcophagi. What did they see inside? Suppose that there were mummified intelligent creatures of the reptoid type buried there tens and hundreds of millions of years ago, and the appearance of the creatures was at least outlandish and unusual, and possibly repulsive and terrible. It was this that could force the Egyptians, with their peculiar ideas about the posthumous rebirth, to chop the found remains into pieces and fill them with bitumen. Later, the sacred bulls of the Apis were buried in the galleries cut through nearby. These burials were markedly different from granite artifacts of unthinkable antiquity. The bulls rested in primitive wooden sarcophagi,the manufacture of which was quite accessible to the slave society of Ancient Egypt.

Magazine: Secrets of the 20th century №35. Author: Valdis Peipins