In The Country Of Ivan - Alternative View

In The Country Of Ivan - Alternative View
In The Country Of Ivan - Alternative View

Video: In The Country Of Ivan - Alternative View

Video: In The Country Of Ivan - Alternative View
Video: The country and the world: Russia in the 21st century. What global trends are being built up by... 2024, September

Everyone has heard at least something about the Holy Grail, but few know what it is. Well, first of all, the "grail" is "oily oil". The very word "grail" means "cup". And secondly, few people know the history of this bowl. The fact is that it did not come to Europe from Jerusalem. Or at least not from the Jerusalem we know today. The cup was brought to the country of the Franks by the Goths, who, as it is now clear, were from Siberia.

According to legend, when Christianity became like paganism, Parzival and the keepers of the Grail decided that it was necessary to return it to its rightful owner, Tsar Ivan, to his castle, in the middle of which there was an altar, where the true place of the Grail was. Then Parzival went to India (we now know which one) and gave the cup to Ivan. He advised not to rush and read the inscription on the bowl. Parzival read his name. Out of modesty, he refused to rule India, but Ivan was adamant, and Parzifal had to rule a great country.

But he reigned for only ten years, and when he died, an inscription appeared on the bowl, stating that Ivan should now be the great king. And priest Ivan, who was also called Presbyter John, became the ruler of two-thirds of the world. Everyone obeyed him from the Pacific Ocean to the lands of King Arthur in foggy Albion.

It is not clear why historians consider Saul or Jehoshaphat to be real historical characters, which are known only from the Torah, and stubbornly consider Ivan to be mythical. And this despite the fact that his letters to the rulers of Constantinople have survived. It is also known about the embassy of King Alfred, which visited Ivan to give him gifts and assurances of loyalty to the King of the Anglo-Saxons. It is also known that Pope Calixtus received Ambassador Ivan on May 5, 1122. And Pope Alexander III sent his physician, Master Philip, to Ivan's court with a long message.

And about the war of the Indians with the Tartars, led by Genghis Khan, in which the latter won a victory, there are many sources, and they all contain many details that testify to the reality of the events described. Earlier, I have already quoted from the book of Marco Polo, which describes the victory of Chinggis Khan and the murder of Ivan.

And these events took place in the Tenduk province, which, as is now known, was located on the territory of modern Yakutia, and not on the Indian subcontinent. All this is confirmed by the report of the Franciscan monk Carpini, who, describing the battle of Ivan with Chinggis Khan, mentions amazing details:

Historians know what Greek fire is. True, there is still no consensus about what mixture was used in these weapons, and by means of which it was thrown out of the pipes onto the enemy galleys. And in this episode, the monk, who was clearly not at his best in military engineering and described the event from the words of someone who, most likely, himself was not present at the described battle, speaks of absolutely amazing facts.

Promotional video:

Apparently, Ivan's troops were armed with rather complex flamethrower systems. The copper tanks, made in the form of a rider sitting in a saddle, were sealed and filled with a flammable liquid. Which one? Obviously, oil, which is so rich in Siberia. The operators of the flamethrower installations, located behind, on the rump of the horse, created high pressure in the reservoirs with hand pumps. Exactly how modern spray guns and garden sprayers work. There had to be a trunk at least one and a half meters long, so as not to water the horse's head with burning oil. It sounds fantastic, but anything is possible. Especially in the light of the revealed data on the existence of rocket artillery in the army of Alexander I and submarines equipped with missiles during the life of A. S. Pushkin.

There is one more important piece of evidence of Carpini, which is considered to be his fantasies. Here is what he writes about one of the events that happened to Genghis Khan during his return from Circassia past the Caspian Sea to Katay:

Today, the catacombs near Omsk, Tomsk, Ugra and other Siberian cities are presented as excavations left by the stonecutters - the builders of these cities after the Yermak Cossacks' campaign in Siberia. But this is an obvious lie. Underground cities existed long before Yermak, and most likely much earlier than Genghis Khan was born. Legends about the White-eyed Chudi, about divine people who live underground and hibernate like bears for the winter, are still passed from mouth to mouth and have, apparently, a real basis and a very ancient history. By the way, here is another version of the origin of the Hellenic myths about Tartarus and the kingdom of Hades.

Tomsk mountains
Tomsk mountains

Tomsk mountains.

For some reason it is considered a mountain. And there are many of them near Tomsk. But, in my opinion, these are caked heaps of mine workings left after the construction of the underground city.

There is one more important evidence that allows to accurately identify the location of India and the Ivanov kingdom in Siberia. An unnamed Franciscan monk in the "Book of Knowledge" writes that the kingdom of Ivan is located in the center of Asia, next to Kara-China, which includes the province of Gothia. It is called Ardeselib, and its capital is Gración. Searching for Gración in today's India is a waste of work. N. S. Novgorodov claims (referring to the indicated geographical coordinates) that this city is definitely identified as modern Tomsk. Thus, we have established that Tomsk has a very ancient history. In antiquity it was Graciona, in the Middle Ages it became Sadina, and now this city is called Tomsk.

And the ancestors of modern Germans - the Goths - came from here, from Gothia. That is why the kingdom of Parsifal's brother, Feirefits, was in one of the three Indies ruled by Ivan. And this India was India Superiore, i.e. "India is primordial." There was Ivan's castle with the Grail altar. Tomsk residents need to know that they live in an ancient city, where the Holy Grail can be kept somewhere to this day.

And it may very well be that the famous Tomsk bowls with mineral springs were the prototype of the Holy Grail. In places where springs come to the surface, calcium carbonate, which is well absorbed by plants, is released due to a drop in pressure and gas release. The latter, especially sphagnum mosses, grow abundantly along the edges of the springs, creating an emerald edging. In this case, an amazing phenomenon occurs, in which the calcium carbonate contained in the water is deposited in the plants. It replaces cellulose and creates pseudomorphs of calcite over plant tissue. This process is so fast that the springs spontaneously grow walls composed of calcareous travertine tuffs formed over mosses. Over time, very original microforms of relief are formed, popularly called "bowls".

Talovskie bowls. the village of Basandaika. Tomsk region
Talovskie bowls. the village of Basandaika. Tomsk region

Talovskie bowls. the village of Basandaika. Tomsk region.

Today nobody is surprised by the similarity of the toponymy of the Russian north and India. Probably, the inhabitants of modern Pomorie, during the migration to the south, transferred the names of their rivers, lakes, and mountains to today's India. The same can be said about the Khanty and Ket tribes, whose language is surprisingly similar to the ancient Hittite, Akkadian and Sumerian. Probably, the ancient inhabitants of the northern Urals and the lower reaches of the Ob migrated south, to Mesopotamia and Asia Minor. When they moved to the south, the Turans became Iranians, and the inhabitants of the Tomsk Ob region - the Goths and Drangi - ended up in the Crimea, Germany and England.

The name "Tavrida" was also given to the peninsula by the Goths. Indeed, for them a sacred animal was a cow, or a tour (aka Veles). Therefore "Tavrus" in Hellenic is nothing more than "the land of the tour". But the tour gave the name to all of Siberia from the Urals to the Sea of Okhotsk - Turan. Later, Tamerlane, having conquered Asia Minor, named one peninsula next to Constantinople Turan.

And there is also evidence of this. Professor of Tomsk State University A. M. Maloletko, the author of the famous monograph "Paleotoponymy", discovered many Siberian toponyms that clearly indicate their relationship with the Germanic ones.

Although personally I could argue with the professor. The fact is that the Germans did not always speak German. As follows from the correspondence between the Pskov merchants and Ivan the Terrible, all the Germans spoke Russian, and their names were, to put it mildly, not very German. Among the Germans mentioned by the Pskovites, one Friedrich accounted for a dozen Alyosheks, Andryusheks, and Nikolasheks. Deutsch became uniform for the whole of Germany only with its appearance as a country, and this happened, as everyone knows, only under Otto von Bismarck. But there are still areas in Germany where they continue to communicate in everyday life in a dialect that is understandable without an interpreter to Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians. This language is the language of the Lusatian Serbs, who do not consider themselves to be Germans.

But in general, it turns out that the theory of the great migration of peoples from Africa to Europe and Asia was not always "the only correct". Here is, for example, a quote from the "Bulletin of Europe" for the month of September 1868:


It also speaks in detail about the origin of another name for Russians, which spread in Europe as more and more waves of immigrants arrived from India-Turan-Katai-Siberia. In principle, most of us came to similar conclusions purely speculatively, drawing conclusions based on logical constructions, and the author of this article confidently operates as a given, as follows:

The first Goths who found themselves on the territory of present-day Germany were called Van, or Ivan. Later it was transformed into Venets and Venets. In this form, this word has survived to this day in Venice. In the original, this word is spelled correctly "Venetia" in contrast to the "Italianized" pronunciation "Venetia". That is why the brothers Matvey and Nikolai Polo cannot be called Italians in any way. It's all the same, as Europeans indiscriminately call everyone Russians, and not only Yakuts and Kalmyks, but also Estonians and Latvians.

With the formation of a separate German language, which is actually one of the Jewish dialects - Yiddish, borrowed from the Ashkenazi Jews living along the banks of the Rhine, the letter "t" was transformed into "d". So we became Wends and Wends. It was on the basis of this word that their own names arose among neighboring peoples. The Greeks, who could hardly pronounce “v” at the beginning of the word, simply began to omit it, and in their vocabulary “vents” turned into “ents” and “antes”. The Finns and Estonians, on the other hand, did not pronounce the endings, and the Russians became “vene” for them. And Russia is “vennaenmaa” in Finnish and “Venemaa” in Estonian.

Therefore, it is in vain that some laugh at the words of M. Zadornov that Venice, Vienna, and Ventspils are all Russian cities. But the most important thing, of course, is that the ants are Russians. Ivans gave the name to the whole era of antiquity. Anty is nothing more than the Greek form of pronunciation of the word “vents”. Confidence that this is not a mistake and not speculation is given by the fact that the root Aryan name "vantas" was fixed in the name of the Vyatichi tribe, as well as in the hydronym Vyatka, which is far from the Oka, where the Vyatichi lived.

In addition, in Sanskrit there is a verb "vand", meaning: "to honor, to express respect, to praise." And if we look into the dictionaries in search of the meaning of the word Aryan, we will find out that in many languages it means: “respectable, kind, praiseworthy, and … attention! Light or white. " It all fits together. Aryans are white people who are respected by everyone. And in the old Russian language the word “rus” was synonymous with the word “light”. Therefore, "Russian" means "light". Exactly like "Swede" means "swet". And in the process of Germanization of the Swiei language, the word swet was transformed into Sweden. Remember that German is Yiddish, in which the letter "t" is difficult to pronounce, and was replaced by "d" everywhere?

But the Veneti were not the only Slavic tribe on the Apennine Peninsula. After the Trojan War, one of the tribes called by Strabo Enets (the Hellenic version of the pronunciation of the word “Veneti”), they are also Antes, ended up in present-day Italy, and new neighbors, who were not very happy about the newcomers from the East, named them in their own way. So the enets became genets. They are also known to us as Genoese. Therefore, in the small Apennines, we know at least three generations of Slavs who came out of Turan: Etruscans, Venetians and Genoese. Is this not the key to the kind of spiritual closeness that strangely makes Russians and Italians related?

Then it becomes clear how the Germans and Genoese could fight shoulder to shoulder with the troops of Batu Khan while defending Moscow in 1238. Everything turns out to be simple. It is enough to shout “They are beating our people!” So that all relatives come running to help. The Germans and Genoese were not just mercenaries, but blood brothers.

But the destruction of Troy by the Hellenes, in the defense of which the Slavic tribes of the Enets (Antes) and Venets participated, was not the first wave of migration of the Ivanov to the west. Earlier, I already wrote about the message of the Scythians to Alexander the Great, from which it is clear that the Scythians have long been in possession of Iran and Persia. And the historian Arrian, speaking about the expansion of the Assyrians in 1200 BC, reports that the Scythians, driven out by the Assyrians, were squeezed out of Mosul, Aleppo and Persepolis to the west. And most likely, these were the "teachers of teachers" of the ancient Romans - the Etruscans. And this version is confirmed by the fact that when the Veneti arrived in the Apennines, they were met by a warlike people ruled by a king named Veles. That's it! It turns out that they killed their own, who had arrived in these lands earlier.

Just do not pay attention to the official dating of the dates of the Trojan War. Of course, she was not in the 13th century. BC. The ambassador of the King of Castile, Ruy Gonzásez de Clavijo, in the fifteenth century AD I saw with my own eyes the ruins of Troy, which at that time began to disassemble and take out building materials for the construction of Constantinople. Who would believe that marble blocks, slabs, and columns could last 2,700 years outdoors and still be recyclable? Of course, all these events took place not so long ago, at the earliest - in the first or second century A. D.

But Moscow State University professor A. T. Fomenko convincingly proves that Troy was destroyed in the 13th century A. D., and I rather agree with him than disagree. Two hundred years of the ruins of marble, being in the open air, could survive, quite safely. Let me remind you that some types of outdoor marble lose their properties after 70 years. Indeed, in fact, marble is just chalk, only pressed under special conditions during prolonged exposure to high pressure and in the absence of oxygen.

But if everything is so, and the Etruscans came to the Apennines first, expelled from Persia, and the Antes - Genoese, immigrants from Troy, then where did the Veneti come from? And when did they migrate to Europe? I think that they were there before the Genoese, and either at the same time, or a little later than the Etruscans. One thing is clear that their homeland was the Baltics. After all, it was from them that such a character as Phaeton appeared in Hellenic mythology. Let me briefly recall the plot of the legend.

The youth Phaethon was the son of the Sun. And once he asked his father for permission to fly in his golden chariot across the firmament. The father was reluctant, but gave his son the reins. The horses sensed that they were not ruled by such a strong hand as before, and carried it. The chariot tilted at a bend, and scorched the whole of Africa with fire, from which its inhabitants turned black. The earth sobbed in pain, and Zeus, in order to alleviate its torment, caught up with black clouds and began to pour cool rain on the burnt place. And one of the peruns (among the Slavs, Perun is the thunderer himself, and among the Greeks, peruns are fiery arrows - lightning struck by Zeus) threw at the hooligan Phaeton. The body of the incinerated young man fell to the bottom of the Eridan River, and his sisters went to the river bank and began to mourn their beloved brother. Then they turned into willows and poplars, and their tears began to fall into the waters of Eridan with pieces of amber.

This story is the subject of extensive research. It clearly reflects the ancient catastrophe that befell the Earth and is known as Fire Gehenna. Information about the fall of Phaethon and about the incinerating flame that dried up rivers and seas has been preserved in all religions and myths of many peoples. Strange, but the townsfolk remember only about the "global flood". But we are primarily interested in the references to Eridani and amber, as they indicate the probable ancestral home of the Veneti from Italy.

The fact is that the Eridanus River does not exist now, with the exception of a small river in Athens. But there is no doubt that it got its name in memory of the mythical Phaeton, and not vice versa. However, many ancient authors say that such a river existed in Hyperborea and flowed into the Northern Ocean, taking its source in the Ripean Mountains. And the name by the river speaks for itself. After all, "Eridan" is clearly a distorted word, and a compound one, like almost all words in Russian: "Aria" (the country of the Aryans) and "Don" (water stream - Old Russian) became "Eridan".

By the way, the name Eridanus very much reminds me of another name of the river, most famous throughout the world … Let me remind you of the Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 4. Art. 13-17):

Is the consonance of the names of the rivers Eridanus and Jordan accidental? Hardly. Especially in the context under consideration, when we are trying to find out who priest Ivan was. Many ancient and medieval authors agree that Ivan was one of the three wise men who brought gifts to the Mother of God when they learned about the birth of the son of God. And here we find another amazing coincidence: the Cologne Cathedral, built in honor of this event, in which the “three kings” are reburied, was built later than the Castle of the Kings, and this is Königsberg, now called the “Amber Capital of Russia”. Moreover, initially three kings (sorcerers?) Were buried in the Königsberg castle.

Castle of the Three Kings in Königsberg, East Prussia. Postcard from the early twentieth century
Castle of the Three Kings in Königsberg, East Prussia. Postcard from the early twentieth century

Castle of the Three Kings in Königsberg, East Prussia. Postcard from the early twentieth century.

It turns out that the "three kings" gave the name to the castle and the city, but no one knows now who these kings really were. But everything is on the surface! If their ashes were transferred to the Cologne Cathedral, which is dedicated to the arrival of the Magi with gifts for Jesus (incense, gold and myrrh), then they are the very same Magi! And the patriarchs lie that the relics were transferred to Cologne from Constantinople. Everything happened on the Pregolya River in Kaliningrad, where there is an amber deposit at the place of its confluence with the Kaliningrad Bay.

And if Pregolya is Jordan, then it is logical to assume that the eldest of the Magi, called Melchior in the Gospel, is Priest Ivan, and he also baptized Jesus in Eridan. Now take a look at this:

Sandstone slab depicting a scene of the offering ofts by the Magi. Cologne, presumably the end of the 12th century
Sandstone slab depicting a scene of the offering ofts by the Magi. Cologne, presumably the end of the 12th century

Sandstone slab depicting a scene of the offering of gifts by the Magi. Cologne, presumably the end of the 12th century.

Now read the inscription. What's not clear? In Russian it is written literally "North India is you". The inscription directly says that the Magi came from Siberia, but Western scientists … Western scientists have irrefutably proved that the inscription, translated from Latin, means "Serious (important) part of an eggshell". Yes, I am not a great expert on "dead" languages, but somehow I trust my own eyes more than interpreters.

Now it becomes clear that the ancestors of the modern Venetians came to Italy from Prussia. Moreover, everything is in the same XIII century, but already according not to the "New chronology" of Fomenko and Nosovsky, but in accordance with the official date of the transfer of the relics of the Magi to Cologne. And if this is the case, then the origin of the word "vene" among the peoples of the Baltic states is taking shape. Slavic traces of the Venetians have survived not only in myths, but also in symbolism:

Bas-relief depicting the Golden Lion. Venice, XIII century
Bas-relief depicting the Golden Lion. Venice, XIII century

Bas-relief depicting the Golden Lion. Venice, XIII century.

This is the main symbol of Venice - the Golden Lion. And again, for some reason, the thirteenth century. There are too many overlaps for one of the issues under consideration. Historians claim that the Golden Lion is the personification of Venice's "keeper" - the Evangelist Mark. For me, it’s impossible to come up with a more absurd version. Well, what does Saint Mark have to do with it ?! This is a symbol of the Sun, or rather one of its incarnations - Dazhdbog. He is also on the banner of the Venetian Republic.

And it is no coincidence that the rulers of the country until Venice lost its independence in 1866. bore the title of Doge. This is a legacy of the Slavic worldview, according to which a direct descendant of Dazhdbog should rule.

Why is all this said. Of course, not in order to belittle the Italians and Germans, or God forbid, to elevate the Russians. It’s not about whose ethnic group is older, let alone territorial claims or leadership ambitions. Unlike "exceptional" and "God's chosen" nations, we do not require anything from anyone. The only thing you want is to restore a true story so that the people of the white race realize that they have nothing to share. We all have common ancestors, a common language and a common history. This means that they should not divide each other along ethnic lines. We need to unite and help each other selflessly, as members of a single family do. When there are no older and younger ones. Regardless of the size of GDP per capita, the size of territories and armies. This is what the restoration of historical truth means for all of us: Tatars, Hungarians,Russians, Poles, Czechs, Greeks and Portuguese. We are one people, and not the "patchwork quilt" into which the "external managers" turned us.

Yegor Ivanovich Klassen understood this very well. Being himself from Germany, he was Russian to the core, and fiercely fought against all manifestations of "Schletserianism," as he called the course of Normanism, founded by the Russophobe Gerard Miller. Here is a striking quote that fully characterizes Klassen's attitude to the falsifiers of history:

E. I. Klassen. Lecturer, author of scientific and educational books and teaching aids, writer. (1795 - 1862)
E. I. Klassen. Lecturer, author of scientific and educational books and teaching aids, writer. (1795 - 1862)

E. I. Klassen. Lecturer, author of scientific and educational books and teaching aids, writer. (1795 - 1862).

By the way, he refutes the assertion that the very word "Slavs" was introduced into circulation artificially to distinguish related groups of peoples. And you can't deny him logic. See how many Russian names and names contain a constituent part with the root "glory":

Breti-glory, Bole-glory, Storm-glory, God-glory, Vladi-glory, All-glory, Crown-glory, Veche-glory, Vrati-glory, Gremi-glory, Good-glory (this was Stephen, Prince of Serbia, Named Bue-glory by the Byzantines), Lyubo-Slav, Msti-Slav, Meche-Slav, Miro-Slav, Prim-Slav, Rosti-Slav, Svyato-Slav, Suli-Slav, Sobe-Slav, Sudi-Slav, Slavo- Thought, Slavo-Mir, Uni-Slav, Yaro-Slav, Pre-Slava, Perea-Slavl, Za-Slavl, Bri-Slavl, Yaroslavl, Ros-Slavl (in Labe, now Rosslau). Sla-vensk, Slavyanoserbsk, Slavyanskoe lake, Slavenskie springs (here Klassen is wrong, because the keys in Izborsk are called by the name of the city's founder - Slovenian keys. - my comment), Sla-vitino (village of Novogodorsk province), Slavenka (street in Novgorod).

This is all true. However, in my opinion, one should distinguish between Slavs, Slavs and Slovens. The first, so called, most likely, were foreigners who noticed that this nation is famous for everything that has a plus sign, figuratively speaking. The latter (through the letter "o" - Slovenes), most likely, received a nickname by the name of their Prince, revered as a father, their own father - Sloven, the founder of Novgorod on Volkhov and Izborsk. Well, and Slovenes were those who professed a now forgotten religion, whose adherents glorified God by the name of Words. Most likely this is one of the early currents of Christianity, because in "Slovism" Jesus Christ is called the incarnation of the God of the Word on Earth.

However, it should be noted that most likely, the Slavic names had the prefix "glory" not in the name itself, but in the subordinate clause. Compare, for example, Russian subordinate names with European ones:

bald (Karl), fat (Karl), red-beard (Friedrich), birder (Heinrich), hammer (Karl), blue-toothed (Harald the third), blue beard (Heinrich), hare legs, etc. Agree, there is something alarming about this there is. We glorified our princes, and the Europeans awarded their kings with contemptuous nicknames. Is it easy? I think the answer is obvious. A cultural gap arose between Russians and Europeans back in the Middle Ages.

There the Kings were slave-owners, whom the common people despised, while our princes were "priests" in the best sense of the word. But the secret is simple. Our ancestors elected princes at the veche. And this position was awarded to the best of the best. And the post of the prince itself was not coveted, but was a heavy duty, which they often tried to refuse. So, princes Dovmont and Alexander Nevsky, three times each asked the people to release them from the reign, but each time ordinary people elected them, and they obeyed the will of the people. So where was the true democracy? In Russia or in Hellas?

Yes, in fact, the term "democracy" does not mean at all "the rule of the people", as we are told, but the rule of the demos. And demos is an analogue of the current middle class, i.e. wealthy citizens who themselves often had slaves. And the people, in Greek, are called "okhlos". Okhlos are proletarians who do not own anything. Therefore, democracy is ochlocracy, and democracy is the rule of the rich and slave owners. So, in this sense, everything is correct - democracy really reigns in Russia now, i.e. the power of the rich.

But here's what else Yegor Klassen reports about the Slavic names, which eloquently testify to the moral values of our ancestors:

“Budi-guest, Cela-guest, Good-guest, Greek commander (from the Antes) against the Persians in 555 (Agapius). Rado-guest, Lubo-guest, Guest-vid. This should also include the name of a visiting merchant - a guest, indicating that the Slavs also patronized trade. The names testifying to the peacefulness of the Slavs: Budi-mir, Brani-mir, Drago-mir, Rado-mir, Rati-mir, Call-mir, Love-mir, Miro-vey, Tati-mir (959th year, the military leader in Byzantium), Jaromir (Prince Ruzhan, 1259).

Names indicating that spiritual qualities were highly revered by the Slavs:

Dobro-vlad, Dukho-vlad, Soul-vlad, Samo-vlad, Lyubo-vlad, Vse-vlad, Rado-vlad, Rado-vlad, Milo-dukh (Prince of Serbs), Vlad-dukh (Prince Vendov, 772), Everyone is nice (Prince Glomachey).

Names testifying to heroism, speed and lust for power: Honor – peace, Vladi – world, My – world (Prince of Moravian), Vlast – Mir, Kazi – Mir, Khoti –mir (nephew of Prince Horutansky, 725), Thunder – Boy, Skalo– thunder. Rogo-vlad, Sokol (at Vendy Rurik, at Bodrich Rorik), Orlik, Thunder.

But let us also ask: which people, besides the Greeks, have the names of Faith, Nadezhda, Lyubov or Osmomysl (thinking for the immeasurable or having eight thoughts for each business), All-Thought (thinking about everything), Premysl (re-thinking everything) (Czech Prince, 750), testifying, along with other names, that the Slavs deeply reasoned about all phases of human life, about all the bends of the soul and heart; that they were hospitable and peaceful, but brave and courageous, loved glory and boast, honored spiritual dignity, were devoted to the faith, but at the same time were power-hungry."

As they say, neither add nor subtract. It remains only to remember the differences between Russian and European fairy tales. All our fairy tales are kind, wise, instructive, and in them good always triumphs over evil. And in European fairy tales there are only horrors, murders, betrayals, and the end is sad for most. This is the fundamental difference between our worldview and the Western worldview, where individualism and material well-being are cultivated, which justifies lies, cunning, deceit and betrayal. When Europe embarked on this path, our paths diverged far in different directions. It is possible to correct the situation only within several generations living within the framework of a return to the old ideology of goodness and justice.

Maybe then this bacchanalia, unleashed by Russophobes, will stop. After all, even Herodotus wrote that: "… many Scythian tribes knew the letter and that the Greeks themselves adopted the alphabet from the Pelasgians, a people also Scythian …". So how did Cyril and Methodius please the churches then?

Well, something, but in the desire to dispel the myths about "bastard Russia" I with Yegor Ivanovich completely agree. And it would be more correct to say “solidarity”, because the word “solidarity” is not Latin at all, but originally Russian. This is synonymous with the word "mutual assistance". There is such a custom among Russians - to share salt with the disadvantaged free of charge. Those. It's okay to give salt to a neighbor. And then returning the salt to the one from whom you borrowed it is considered a bad omen. In the same way, the word "hospitality" has in its composition two roots "bread" and "salt", which is synonymous with the word "hospitality". And someone can convince me that the word that has the roots "salt" and "gift" is of Latin origin?

The situation is similar with the numeral "three". If the English word "trident" is native to English, then why not "threedent"? Yes, because in most Indo-European languages, numerals are included from our common proto-language. That is why Troy, and the name of Emperor Trajan, and the name of the wild people, the troglodytes, are all echoes of the number 3. And … the most amazing thing … Where do you think the word "TNT" came from? And remember the names of the sons of the Trojan King Priam.

The name of one of them is Diy (Dyi), and this is the hero of Slavic myths. From the Encyclopedia of Slavic Mythology:

Nikolai Mikhailovich Galkovsky, Russian and Soviet Slavist (1868-1933), tells us about Die:

The second son's name was … Troilus. But this word is written on Ivan-Cannon (Tsar-Cannon), which is located in the Moscow Kremlin.

Troilus. Bas-relief on the breech of the Tsar Cannon barrel
Troilus. Bas-relief on the breech of the Tsar Cannon barrel

Troilus. Bas-relief on the breech of the Tsar Cannon barrel.

Here I had to make sure that the conspiracy of history falsifiers still exists. While trying to find the appropriate illustration, I came across a surprising fact. I could not find the desired image of satisfactory quality. But I found this:


It turns out that the image of Troilus is now missing. And this is not happening in a country ruled by "Islamic fundamentalists." This is happening now, in the Kremlin, in the center of Moscow! But back to Troilus …

Such closeness of the name of the explosive, invented in 1863 in Germany, and the "instructions" on the artillery gun about where exactly the charge should be placed, cannot but lead to certain thoughts, right?

In this regard, the story of the renaming of the Kremlin artifacts known to the whole world seems to be very suspicious. After all, the Tsar Bell and Tsar Cannon are not their real names. I cannot provide evidence for this statement, I will refer only to information received in 1985 in Kolyma from a former prisoner who in 1945 was convicted of murdering a group of civilians in the Soviet occupation sector in Germany. He argued that his grandparents, who were born in the second half of the nineteenth century, definitely spoke of a certain Tsar Ivan, and not at all about Ivan III or Ivan IV.

It was about the prehistoric Ivan, from which Russia came. And that the Ivan-tea herb got its name in his honor. The Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Kremlin is also his property. And the cannon with the bell was also "Ivan-Cannon" and "Ivan-Bell". They are very ancient and were inherited by the kings of the Romanov dynasty from the previous dynasty, which ruled long before Rurik.

There is no way to check the reliability of this information, at least not yet. But, you must agree, we have no right to ignore it, if only because it is more logical than the official version proposed by historians. I would venture to suggest that the expression “shout at the whole Ivanovskaya” has the same background as other definitions, part of which is the name Ivan. And I have almost no doubt that all the examples given are the development of the lost story of the reign of Tsar Ivan - Presbyter John, who was forgotten because he was that very John the Baptist.

Author: kadykchanskiy