Circle Of Svarog. Solar Calendar Of The Slavs - Alternative View

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Circle Of Svarog. Solar Calendar Of The Slavs - Alternative View
Circle Of Svarog. Solar Calendar Of The Slavs - Alternative View

The circle of Svarog is divided into 12 eras, each of which is equal to 2160 years. In 2012, the era of Christianity (the era of Pisces) ended, which corresponds to the month of Lute in the Slavic month, and the era corresponding to the month of Bereznya began. In 2012, the circle of Svarog was closed and a new Svarog colo began.

The ancient Slavic Calendar is based on the hexadecimal number system and forms long periods of time, called Svarog Circles, in each of which the Sun passes all 16 Halls in succession in 180 Circles of Life. This is the day of Svarog.

- The Circle of Life contains 144 Years.

- Summer - three seasons: Owsen, Winter and Spring - this is one Summer (hence the concepts in Russian: chronicle, chronology, how old are you? Etc.)

- Summer - 9 months, - month - 41 or 40 days (depending on whether it is odd or even), - day - 16 hours, - hour - 144 parts, Promotional video:

- part - 1 296 shares, - share - 72 moments, - instant - 760 flashes, - a moment - 160 whitefish (from here in Russian "leap", that is, move quickly)

- whitefish - 14,000 centig.

Such precision is unattainable even with modern atomic chronometers.

The new day of Svarog earlier began at the time of the setting of the Yarila-Sun on the day of the equinox - very simply and clearly. Earlier (when there was no widespread use of clocks), new days began at sunset.

The term "day" appeared a little over 110 thousand years ago. Moreover, the word "day" is only in the Slavic languages. Neither in English, nor in French, nor in German, nor in other languages, this word is not. And its etymology is simple: weave, weave - i.e. join together (TC). O - U - transitional vowels. That is, DAYS are woven, docked together day and night.

Now the day begins at night when everyone is asleep. But even if they had not slept, it is still impossible to fix the beginning of a new day, since there is nothing to observe in the sky at that moment.

The week consisted of nine days: Monday, Tuesday, Tribe, Thursday, Friday, six, week, octum and week. Remember phrases from fairy tales uncorrected by "historians": "and on the first week he went to the City-capital" (The Little Humpbacked Horse), "the octopus has already passed and the week has come" (Stone bowl).

All months began on strictly defined days of the week. For example, if the first month of the year starts on Tuesday, then all other odd months will start on Tuesday, and the even ones on weekday. Therefore, the calendar that we carry with us today, which contains 12 different month tablets, used to contain only two tablets: one for odd months, the other for even ones.

All years of Krugolet Chislobog always began on strictly defined days of the week.

Many elements of the Slavic Calendar have survived to this day in the form of sayings and customs, the origins of which, unfortunately, have already been forgotten. For example, the Great Feast, that is, the commemoration of a deceased relative, takes place in a week (9 days) and in a month (40 days), that is, on the ninth and fortieth days.

For nine months the mother bears the child in her womb and forty-forty (forty months) then feeds him with breast milk.

And forty-forty (or four years and four months) after the birth of the first child, women enter a period of life improvement, as a result of which she becomes a Leading Mother or My Witch.

369 weeks after the birth of a person, the period of his Spiritual Training begins, for at nine years the first Great initiation into the Ancient Wisdom of the Gods and Ancestors takes place.

When children from Slavic Clans turned 12 years old (108 months) and they reached a height of 7 inches in the forehead (124 cm), a new stage in life began for the children. At 108 months (or at 12 years old) a person comes of age, and he goes through the rites of majority and naming, after which the boys begin to teach ancestral crafts and martial art.

And after another 108 months, that is, in the 24th year, he, accepting Spiritual sanctification by the Sacred Fire, learns the true meaning of the existence of his Kin and the true meaning of the Kin name.

In the 33rd summer, the time of Spiritual development comes.

And at 369 months or 41 years, the era of Spiritual Illumination begins.

A girl could get married only after 16 years or 144 months, which makes up the One Circle of the Circle. Until that time, she knows - learns the Message, that is, she learns about housekeeping, caring for children, handicrafts, and at the age of 16 she finishes telling and becomes Nevesta.

The widespread use of the ancient Slavic Calendar stopped, unfortunately, when Peter I introduced the foreign calendar. Accordingly, the modern calendar has been complicated for the sake of political interests. The week was shortened to seven days, to please the worshipers of the lunar cult. The number of months in the year has increased and their names have changed. At the present time, if we use a modern calendar, then it would be more correct to use it only for events of the last three hundred years. And more ancient events, for a clear understanding of their essence, must be dated in the system of chronology that was used until 1700. Otherwise, the wrong interpretation of our chronicle, culture, traditions and customs is possible.

The solar calendar of our ancestors is tied to astronomical events - solstices and equinoxes.


These astronomical phenomena are important for all nature and were the main holidays of Russia - 4 great solar holidays - Kolyada, Yarilo, Kupalo, Svetovit. Or - Kolyada, Yaro, Krasnaya Gora, Ovsen (Small and Great).

* Instead of the solstice, in Russia they said - solstice (the sun turns to profit or decrease of the day).

Four hypostases of the Sun:

* Baby Sun Kolyada is born after the Night of the Winter Solstice.

* The sun-youth Yarilo - grows stronger at the spring equinox.

* Sun-husband Kupalo is a mighty summer sun.

* The sun-old man Svetovit - begins to fade after the autumn equinox and dies before the Night of the Winter Solstice.


Kolyada (colo + yes) - the beginning of the circle / Sun.

Yarilo (YAR is a fertilizing force, see Yarga), i.e. a new life is being born: “Yarilo gave birth to a field, gave birth to children. Where he is with his foot, there is a mop of corn, and where he looks, there an ear will bloom."

Kupalo / Kupala ("kupa" - a bush, a sheaf of plants, an abundance of greenery). There is also a version of N. R. Guseva - the name Kupala consists of two words: in Sanskrit "ku" - earth, "pala" - guardian, giver of gifts. Those. Yarilo-Sun coped with its task - the grains sprouted. The Sun-husband of Kupalo appears, who guards, looks after the harvest. People have completed all planting, now the harvest depends on the weather.

Light -?, Maybe light + coil / life, or something similar.

4 main holidays of Russia

KOLYADA (winter solstice, December 21) - the longest night after which the "Day of the Gods" begins. The Baby Sun Kolyada is born, still weak, rising quite low above the horizon. In Russia, they celebrate the holiday of the birth of the Sun, Winter Christmastide (Svetiki), dedicated to the Divine (Universal) Light - the Creator of everything manifested in the Universe. At this time, the world of people is visited by the deceased ancestors of the "saint" or "saint", who have fulfilled their earthly duty and acquired a light body.

YARILO(vernal equinox, March 21) - from this time, the day gradually becomes longer than the night. The youthful sun Yarilo grows and melts the snow, Spring is red. The Slavs celebrate Maslenitsa, but the name "Maslenitsa" is just a statement of the presence of ritual food: pancakes and butter. According to S. V. Zharnikova - today we can confidently assert that the real name of Maslenitsa is Krasnaya Gora (red - that is, beautiful) which is mentioned in the Veles book. The holiday is dedicated to the cult of the Foremother - it embodies the divine thought in the manifested world, hence the tradition of going to "mother-in-law for pancakes" during Oil Week (mother-in-law is foremother). Also, this holiday symbolizes the meeting of boys and girls, akin to the fact that spring is the beginning of a new life for all nature. Celebrate newlyweds who got married last summer (year);weddings were timed to the Red Mountain, and games and festivities took place on the hills. The Slavs did not forget about the dead either, Red Mountain began with the commemoration of the dead, after which a holiday was arranged.

KUPALO(summer solstice, June 22) - the longest day after which the "Night of the Gods" begins. The sun-husband Kupalo is in the prime of life, and with it all nature, all the elements are activated. The Slavs tried to capture the moment of the maximum power of nature, therefore the date of the celebration of Kupala is associated with two astronomical events - the summer solstice and the full moon. If the full moon is far away, then they celebrate on the day of the solstice, and if the full moon is close to the solstice (no further 2-3 days ago and 7-10 days ahead), then they celebrate on the night of their combination - this is Great Kupalo. During the Kupala night, both men and women girded with herbs "for posterity and wealth." On this holiday, all the incarnations of the God of Fire are worshiped - mountains, sun, water, earth, trees. They perform ritual cleansing with fire and water. Moreover, fire is not only a means of purification, but also a talisman,and straw and old things are used as fuel for the fire. Kupala bonfires are set on fire with "living fire", which is obtained by friction of two pieces of wood against each other, or with the help of birch chaga (insert the edge of a stick into it, by turning it into a fire). Kupalo is a PRESERVATION holiday, in contrast to the spring holidays of CREATION. On Shrovetide, ancestors are invited as guests for a short time. The return of the souls of the dead to a new human life begins on Kupala. Souls fall in rain or dew and are then born as children. On Shrovetide, ancestors are invited as guests for a short time. The return of the souls of the dead to a new human life begins on Kupala. Souls fall in rain or dew and are then born as children. On Shrovetide, ancestors are invited as guests for a short time. The return of the souls of the dead to a new human life begins on Kupala. Souls fall in rain or dew and are then born as children.

Svetovit(autumnal equinox, September 22) - the nights are getting longer. The old sun Svetovit gradually loses strength and dies before the winter solstice. There is an assumption that the holiday was dedicated to the Dawn of the "red maiden", who will become the "Dawn-mother" of the Sun, but after a long polar night, when it will turn from Evening Dawn to Morning. There is almost no information about this holiday, but it is known that Svetovit is also a harvest and New Years festival. The Slavs honored the wise old Sun Svetovita - a source of light and warmth, which presented the harvested crop. They burned bonfires, danced in circles, wondered. The hostesses only had time to bake pies - with meat, lingonberries, cabbage. Bake and a large cake with a human height. Be sure, as in previous holidays, the dead ancestors were revered, one loaf from the grains of the first compressed sheaf was sent to the fire - a gift for the ancestors. The fire in the hut was renewed - the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit.

Oksana Lyutova