Science Has Confirmed The Miracle Of Epiphany Water - Alternative View

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Science Has Confirmed The Miracle Of Epiphany Water - Alternative View
Science Has Confirmed The Miracle Of Epiphany Water - Alternative View

Video: Science Has Confirmed The Miracle Of Epiphany Water - Alternative View

Video: Science Has Confirmed The Miracle Of Epiphany Water - Alternative View
Video: МНЕ (ОБЕЗЬЯНЕ) НЕ ПОНЯТЬ | Мужской контент 2024, September

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Mikhail Kurik.

Every year on January 19, people line up near churches to collect Epiphany water, and the most daring rush to swim in the ice-hole. After all, it has long been believed that this water is healing. Both churchmen and ordinary people are sure of this. And more recently, scientists!

Physicists and chemists in different countries conducted experiments and found out: the structure of holy baptismal water is many times more harmonious than on an ordinary day, and its energy and beneficial properties are simply unique.

Ukrainian experiments on volunteers

The Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been conducting research on Epiphany water for about 9 years, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Mikhail Kurik. In the scientist's laboratory, there are dozens of bottles with water, dated to the end of December-January of different years. Epiphany water for many years remains transparent, odorless and almost without sediment.

- As a scientist, I was primarily interested in the very fact that from the point of view of physics, Epiphany water is. Patriarch Filaret blessed our research, specially allocated a hieromonk, a post-graduate student of the Theological Academy to help us, and we plunged into work, - Mikhail Vasilyevich tells BLIK.

One of the experiments was carried out for five years on several volunteers, with the participation of Viktor Zhukov, an employee of the Institute of Human Ecology. The subjects drank 150 ml of water in small sips, and after 30 minutes, the state of their body was measured using the method of electropunctural diagnostics. For the experiment, water samples were taken from the same church well. One water sample was taken in December - early January; the other on the morning of January 19th.

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- In experiments with water taken from a church well in late December - early January, no effect on the subject's body was found, - says Mikhail Vasilyevich. - The values of electrical conductivity did not differ in any way before and after the subject drank water. But the effect of drinking water collected on January 19 from the same church well always made itself felt in an abrupt effect - a sharp increase in bioenergetic activity in all subjects. We came to the conclusion that Epiphany water improves and evens out the circulation of energy, enhances the energy of a person, which has a beneficial effect on the state of human health, unblocks the "stuck" energy.

Perfect crystals

What happens to water at the physical level? You probably know that frozen water has a crystalline structure. So, scientists took different water, frozen it and looked under a microscope. Crystals from tap water looked like ugly monsters, water from an ordinary river or lake looked almost the same. But the crystals of water, over which prayers were read, and especially the baptismal holy water, are symmetrical crystals of an ideal form. And she transfers her harmony to people who drink it or plunge into the baptismal hole.

By the way, the famous Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto came to the conclusion that any water “hears”, perceives and absorbs information: if you play music, say kind words, read prayers, then its structure becomes more harmonious and cleaner.

January 19 even from the tap water is healing

Ukrainian scientist Mikhail Kurik also studied water not only from church sources, but also from lakes, ordinary bottled water.

- All our experiments have shown that any water collected in the morning of January 19 is subject to the "Epiphany" phenomenon - that is, it has increased energy.

And the specialists of the laboratory of drinking water supply of the Moscow Institute. Sysina began to observe the water from 15 January. The water taken from the tap was defended, and then the amount of radical ions was measured in it. In the course of the study, the number of radical ions in water has crept up since January 17. Along with this, the water became softer, its pH increased, which made the liquid less acidic. The water reached its peak on January 18 in the evening. Due to the large number of radical ions, its electrical conductivity was really like that of water saturated with electrons. At the same time, the pH of the water jumped over neutral by 1.5 points. The researchers also studied the degree of structuredness of the baptismal water. They froze several samples - from a tap, from a church source, from a river. So, even tap water, which is usually far from ideal,frozen, it was a harmonious sight under the microscope. The curve of electromagnetic activity of water began to decline in the morning of January 19 and by 20 took its usual form.

Space "charges" water

To understand why it is at Epiphany that water becomes bioactive, scientist Mikhail Kurik decided to go further. He began to collect water samples from December 22 - the day of the winter solstice, in order to more accurately trace why and how water changes its structure on January 18-19.

And he came to the conclusion that the properties of water are influenced by the energy fields of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the fields of the planets of the Solar system, various cosmic radiation.

- Everything is explained by the laws of nature, - says Mikhail Vasilyevich. - Every year on January 19, the Earth, together with the Solar System in Space, passes through rays of special irradiation, as a result of which all life on Earth comes to life, including the increase in the bioenergy of all the waters of the Earth. It is on January 18-19 that the water receives additional energy due to changes in the gravitational field in galactic space. What for? It's that simple! After all, spring is approaching, and all living things need energy to be reborn.

But according to the research results of the Russian physicist Anton Belsky, in space before January 19, for a number of years, intense bursts of neutron flux were recorded, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times. The maximums were in the 18th and 17th, but sometimes exactly on the 19th.

The energy channel structures water

Astrologers also adhere to the "cosmic" theory of the origin of Epiphany water.

- On this day, the water becomes pure, carries a charge of holiness and rejuvenation. And it's not just that, - says Pavel Mikhlin, Ph. D., astrologer.

It is believed that the Sun, Earth, the center of the galaxy are located so that on January 18-19, a communication line between our planet and the center of the galaxy opens, everything begins to interact. The earth falls under an energy channel that structures everything, in particular water on earth. In addition, there are usually frosts on Epiphany, and water in a frozen state absorbs and "preserves" positive energy during services and prayers. And during the consecration, people themselves charge the water with their positive energy, because they very much believe that water should become healing, sanctified.

By the way

Many people ask: they say, if a person is 70% water, can our bodies on Epiphany be cleansed of all bad things and immediately be cured of all diseases? But no, this is impossible, the churchmen say.

- There is nothing automatic in religion. A person consists not only of water and protein - a body, he also has a soul, - says Abbot Evstratii. - And it's not so easy to cleanse the soul. You can even lie in holy water all day, you won't become a saint. To cleanse the soul, you need to live and pray righteously. And holy water is just a blessing for that.

How to use holy water

Often we ourselves do not know how to use holy water, although we collect it literally in liters in the church. But this is optional. Abbot Evstratii, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate, told BLIK about these subtleties and some secrets.

They drink holy water during illness and little by little on an empty stomach - 60-100 grams.

They store it in a glass vessel near the icons so that no light gets in.

You can strengthen the effect of water by reading a prayer over it, for example - "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Holy water cannot be used for domestic purposes - washing dishes, making tea, brewing something, and even taking a bath from it. After all, it is impossible for it to go into the drain.

It is not necessary to take consecrated "temple" water, you can bring your own water for consecration, even if tap water.

It is advisable to take clean and high-quality water for consecration, because physical dirt will not go anywhere.

Consecrated water can be diluted with ordinary water, such water acquires the qualities of a saint. You should not bring carbonated, mineral water, it is better to take ordinary water.

Epiphany water can be sprinkled on a home.

The water stood for three years

Usually Epiphany water is stored for a year until the next Epiphany. But few people know that such water can stand even longer - for three or even ten years.

- I had Epiphany water for three years - and did not spoil, did not bloom, - says Father Varsonofy, treasurer of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. - I typed it in our holy source Anthony. After I drank it, I felt a surge of strength all day and felt blessed. I know that scientists came and even collected water for experiments from the source of St. Anthony. After all, studies have shown that the optical density of Epiphany water is higher than water from the same sources on ordinary days. Moreover, it is close to the optical density of water from the Jordan River.

But Abbot Evstratiy, press secretary of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kiev Patriarchate, told BLIK that he knows a case when the Epiphany water stood for 10 years and did not deteriorate!

Epiphany magic will preserve the beauty and make wishes come true

The main thing is to remember the dream

Everyone knows about Epiphany fortune-telling. But ordinary dreams on the night of Epiphany are also “letters from the future”. Before falling asleep, you need to ask the question about your destiny that interests you most. Unmarried girls in the old days put a comb or a king of tambourines under their pillow and asked that their betrothed dream. Spend the evening the night before as calmly as possible, go to bed early, and wake up on the morning of the 19th without the alarm ringing. In this case, there are more chances to see a prophetic dream and not forget it right there. They say that the dream will be brighter and better remembered if you eat something salty at night, but do not drink water. Put a pen and notebook next to the bed, and when you wake up, immediately write down the dream or immediately tell someone - this is more likely to remember.

The most cherished

It is believed that the night from 18 to 19 is the ideal time to make your deepest desires. It is believed that the sky at this time hears best what people ask for, and requests are fulfilled. There is only one main condition: you need to make wishes with a pure soul. And only kind ones! Before asking for anything for yourself or your loved ones, it is better to first, at least mentally, ask for forgiveness from those whom you hurt for a year, who, even if reluctantly, hurt. And also - to thank God for all the good things in life. And only after that, with an open heart, make wishes. How? Yes, even just going out onto the balcony and looking at the sky! You can write 12 wish notes, put under the pillow. And when you wake up in the morning, pull out three of them. They will definitely come true.

No wrinkles all year round

And here is a piece of advice for ladies who want to keep their youth for a long time. Early in the morning of December 19, pour baptismal water into a bowl and look at your reflection. You need to examine yourself very carefully, noticing wrinkles and flaws, and then wash your face three times with your hands. Pour the remaining water over the flowers. The effect will increase if the water comes from the river, where the woman herself goes to get her early in the morning. But, if you believe that in Baptism all water gains strength, ordinary water, left overnight under the sky, can also do. They say that after such a magical procedure, your face will be fresh and attractive all year round.