The Statue Of The Virgin Cried Blood In Argentina - Alternative View

The Statue Of The Virgin Cried Blood In Argentina - Alternative View
The Statue Of The Virgin Cried Blood In Argentina - Alternative View

Video: The Statue Of The Virgin Cried Blood In Argentina - Alternative View

Video: The Statue Of The Virgin Cried Blood In Argentina - Alternative View
Video: Virgin Mary Statue Cries Blood In Argentina Church Launches Official Investigation 2024, July

Many Argentine Catholics visited the family's home in the province of Salta, where the statue of the Virgin began to cry on the eve of Easter with a reddish liquid, similar to myrrh or even blood. A small statue of the Blessed Virgin is still on display in the city of San Jose de Metán, and believers do not stop coming here to touch the miracle and pray to the Madonna.

The Frias Mendoza family notified their fellow countrymen of their amazing discovery through a local radio station. News of the phenomenon quickly spread throughout the area, and hundreds of Christians soon arrived (with the permission of the owners) to the family's home. The anomaly has been captured on video by many Argentines. One of these videos is shown below. Turning it on, you can see the statuette of the Mother of God on the improvised altar and make sure that the pink liquid is really clearly visible on the face of the Virgin.

However, the local priest Julio Raul Mendes argues that there is no need to rush to conclusions. First, representatives of the Roman Catholic Church must investigate and prove that the miracle that happened cannot be scientifically and rationally explained. “Only after conducting a scientific analysis can we talk about the possibility of a supernatural phenomenon. Otherwise, no one will take the church seriously,”the pastor says.

In recent years, there have been many reports from various parts of the earth about religious statues exuding ointment or blood from their eyes. However, the Vatican recognized all but one of these incidents as hoaxes. The exception was the event that took place in 1984 in the Land of the Rising Sun. Then at the wooden sculpture of the Mother of God of Akita (as the Japanese call the Virgin Mary) human tears, blood and sweat soaked from the eyes, which was officially documented by Catholic priests from the Vatican and recognized as a real miracle. However, in our world, many miracles remain unrecognized, however, for the most part by science. But even if the church does not recognize miracles, then, as they say, God himself commanded science …