"Miracles" In Malaysia: The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Oozes Honey And Oil - Alternative View

"Miracles" In Malaysia: The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Oozes Honey And Oil - Alternative View
"Miracles" In Malaysia: The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Oozes Honey And Oil - Alternative View

Video: "Miracles" In Malaysia: The Statue Of The Virgin Mary Oozes Honey And Oil - Alternative View

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At the home of Anna Maria Pereira in Pandan Indas, Kuala Lumpur, a statue of the Virgin Mary allegedly oozed oil and honey from her eyes for two years.

It all began in September 2013, according to Pereira, when a painting of Divine Mercy she bought from Sacred Heart Church in Kuala Lumpur began to ooze oil in the places where Jesus Christ's hands, feet and heart are located. The icon of the Virgin Mary also shed "tears of blood" throughout the year during the forty-day period of fasting and prayer before Easter, Pereira argued.

As for the plaster statue of the Virgin Mary, which she bought eight years ago from St. Anthony's Church in Kuala Lumpur, she began to ooze oil in October 2013 from her eyes, the woman claims. However, over the past three months, Pereira said, the statue has oozed honey mainly from the eyes and sometimes from the entire head.

Anna Maria Pereira in her house against the wall with myrrh-streaming statues and an icon
Anna Maria Pereira in her house against the wall with myrrh-streaming statues and an icon

Anna Maria Pereira in her house against the wall with myrrh-streaming statues and an icon.

The “Crown of Thorns,” a wreath of thorns bought by the Pereira family during a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in April 2013, also began streaming myrrh in October 2013, Anna Maria said. But during Lent, the "crown" exuded a mixture of oil and red liquid, which she considers blood.

A statue of the Virgin Mary next to the image of Divine Mercy, which shows traces of oil flowing from Jesus' hands and feet
A statue of the Virgin Mary next to the image of Divine Mercy, which shows traces of oil flowing from Jesus' hands and feet

A statue of the Virgin Mary next to the image of Divine Mercy, which shows traces of oil flowing from Jesus' hands and feet.

The fourth "miracle" includes a bronze statue of Divine Mercy from Poland, which was presented to Pereira in July last year. Anna Maria said that this statue exudes what appears to be blood and oil in the region of the heart.

Bronze figure of Divine Mercy with a raised hand with traces of oil and what appears to be blood
Bronze figure of Divine Mercy with a raised hand with traces of oil and what appears to be blood

Bronze figure of Divine Mercy with a raised hand with traces of oil and what appears to be blood.

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All these "miracles" continue to this day, Pereira said, adding that she knows no other reason for their occurrence than divine. The young woman is sure that this is a direct call to repentance and faith in God.
