Amazing Healing - Alternative View

Amazing Healing - Alternative View
Amazing Healing - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Healing - Alternative View

Video: Amazing Healing - Alternative View
Video: Healing Acupressure and Face Reflexology on a Real Person - ASMR 2024, September

The Caucasus again. The newspaper "Chernomorskaya zdravnitsa", autumn 1989, the city of Sochi, a note signed by a resident of this city N. Kirmos:

“This summer, I accidentally poured all the boiling water from a large teapot on my right leg. A burn bladder formed from the knee joint to the ankle. The skin literally boiled!.. On the eighteenth day after involuntarily inflicting the most severe injury on myself, I, as always, treated the burns that did not want to heal, and went to bed. Outside the window - a thunderstorm, thunder, lightning flashes. I couldn't sleep. My leg hurt badly.

When the sky thundered once again, two people suddenly appeared in the middle of my room - a woman and a man in some kind of sparkling raincoats. Their eyes are huge. At the top of each of them is a small black box with three antenna wires going up. A black stripe stretched down from the box to the forehead, and a black stripe also intercepted the forehead perpendicular to it. On the bridge of the nose - something like a sparkling white setting, and on the tip of the nose - two small shiny balls … From fear I quietly howled and immediately lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I heard - what is amazing: mentally! - someone else's voice. The man, to my great surprise, said in pure Russian, addressing his companion: “This woman has a severe burn. Take it off! “The next second I lost consciousness again … When I woke up again, there were no more mysterious uninvited guests in the room. In the morning I took off the bandage from my leg and was stunned - the festering wound disappeared, covered over the past night with a thin crust, and everything around it dried up. In a few days, the leg wound was completely overgrown with healthy skin.

Probably, in life there are a lot of others, much more important problems, in which you cannot do without aliens with antennas on their heads.