If You Want Your Body To Be Free Of Fungi, Do Not Feed Them Food! - Alternative View

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If You Want Your Body To Be Free Of Fungi, Do Not Feed Them Food! - Alternative View
If You Want Your Body To Be Free Of Fungi, Do Not Feed Them Food! - Alternative View

Video: If You Want Your Body To Be Free Of Fungi, Do Not Feed Them Food! - Alternative View

Video: If You Want Your Body To Be Free Of Fungi, Do Not Feed Them Food! - Alternative View
Video: Overview of Fungal Skin Infections | Tinea Infections 2024, September

Mushrooms are a different civilization, while the most ancient, almost eternal substance.

It is very, very difficult to remove mushrooms from the human body. If the fungus has already settled, and, relatively speaking, has developed its mycelium, then rather complex problems arise.

Mushrooms are different. There are supposedly noble mushrooms, there are lower mushrooms (called mold). Mushrooms have many brands, many names, more than 50 species. There are low-toxic mushrooms, there are forest mushrooms, there are lower ones, there are higher ones. A whole class of higher mushrooms is the Chinese cordyceps, racket.

What is the meaning of a mushroom?

The point is that it has a genetic code and it is not a single individual, but an individual that lives in colonies. Moreover, between these colonies there is an exact relationship of segments. That is, each mushroom element is linked to other mushroom elements by thousands of segment links.

If we want our body to be free of fungi, the only thing we can do is not give it food. Because if our body has enough food for mushrooms, then they will be in it. For example, there is bread in a bread basket. Mold has formed on it. If you remove the bread and leave the mold, then gradually this mold will die. Because she will have nothing to eat. It will dry out, not multiply, because it needs nutrients to multiply. Mold feeds mainly on protein foods, because it needs amino acids.

For example, we take flour, add sugar, oil - energy, add water, add yeast - this is a special kind of mold - bread mold. Then we give this mold a temperature, necessarily 37, then we give it a special humidity and oxygen. And then she begins to multiply, reanimate. Moreover, before that, she was in the refrigerator at a temperature of -18. Or lay dry for another 10 years. Her germination rate will decrease slightly, but insignificantly, she will still rise. It is impossible to kill mold, even if you overcook the bread. Because if you throw the fried crackers into kvass, the kvass will boil. This suggests that as soon as it enters the protein-carbohydrate environment, it begins to multiply.

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Anything that is yeast poses a certain mold hazard to us. Because types of mold, they are all friendly, that is, this is its own class. And where one mold lives, another, a third can live.

One of the most pathogenic molds for us is Candida.

But there are more, much more harmful molds, such as aspirgirus, black mold, and mucus.

Mold is a unifying word, in fact, every fungus is different to a fungus.

Nail fungus is not the same as Candida.

Some fungi affect the lymph nodes in the groin, others under the breast, and still others affect the nail plate and live only on the nails.

Some affect only the mucous membranes and live in the mouth, in the form of candidiasis and stomatitis, or in the vagina in the form of candidiasis and vaginitis.

Some fungi affect the skin and live on the skin in the form of cracks, psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, but everywhere it is a class of mushrooms.

How do mushrooms get into the body?

Mushrooms enter the body:

- with spoiled food, - with water, - from the air, - with old dusty things.

It is very rightly said that if apricot or grapes are moldy, then they cannot be eaten. But if there is mold in the box, then it is on all fruits.

Our body has a good factor - the concentration of gastric juice, which suppresses this mold, and, in theory, it should not penetrate through the gastrointestinal tract.

Mold can invade us through our skin. Wherever we bathe, where we walk barefoot, wherever there are conditions for it, that is, humidity, temperature, organic residues (for example, dirt or human grease) - there is food for mold.

How does fungus get between toes? It will not seep through intact skin, it does not even magnetize to it. But if there are microtraumas in the skin: scratches, diaper rash, damage to the skin, then the fungus instantly clings there. And as soon as it passes the skin barrier, it takes root.

Signs of a fungus in the human body

1. Anything that itches.

They say:

- My dog got sick.

- What about the dog?

- My ear has a cold.

- What is he doing?

- Scratches.


If a dog scratches its ear, it means that it has a fungus in its ear.

If a person scratches his ear with a match, a toothpick, then here one option is fungus, there are no other options. Something happened in my ear, something hurts there, something flows there, but if itching appears, it's a fungus.

2. Cracks, blisters, abrasions (not calluses, but scuffs of an incomprehensible nature are formed, it seems that nothing has been erased, for example, in the groin folds - something weeping is formed). Wherever it flakes, it cracks and gets wet at the same time.

3. People often come and show on their palms, on the backs, something incomprehensible, as if it was scratched - burned. Everything on the arms, under the armpits, in the groin folds are all mushrooms. If something white, cheesy comes out from somewhere - then these are also mushrooms. It does not matter whether from the mouth, vagina, or bronchi, tonsils.

4. Everything that is white, curdled, grainy on the tongue - these are all mushrooms. In the evening we went to bed - the language was normal, in the morning we got up - it was coated with a white bloom. White bloom is the fungus. The lymphatic system collects this white plaque all night on the villi of the tongue, like on rugs by the door, puts it off, because then it goes to be discarded. It is exfoliated from the tongue and spits out with food, or is coughing up.

It is necessary to scrape off the tongue with a stick, or a spoon. There should be no plaque on the tongue. The tongue should be pink with pronounced papillae.

5. Anything that doesn't hurt is a fungus. Because mushrooms gnaw through nerve endings. A huge number of nerve endings go to the skin. What would a psoriasis patient feel, if the huge surfaces of his skin were constantly irritated every second, he would simply go crazy with pain. When we prick our finger with the button, the pain is such that we jump. If the surfaces of psoriasis were painful, then it would be a strong painful irritation, and the person would die from pain shock. The fungus purposefully works with this, it bites off everything, conquers the skin and makes it manageable. He has his own castles, his palaces there.

6. Everything that is sprinkled on the skin, falls off, rises, peels off in rings (evenly, unevenly), wherever there are scales.

As a rule, the fungus is located in the area of large lymph nodes, for one simple reason - the fungus is located in the intercellular space. Here is a cell, here is the intercellular space - water, the potential of this water is approximately 50. The environment should be either alkaline or acidic, fungus multiplies around the cells. Here it enters the intercellular water with the blood stream from the digestive tract. The intercellular water must flow, every morning water must flow here, and every morning it must be drained and gone. It is eliminated through the lymphatic system. The lymphatic ducts end in lymph nodes. The lymph nodes have compartments, 10 entrances, one exit. And here the lymphocytes process those vital molecular forms that have been sucked in here and purification takes place. Pure lymph goes one wayand dirty lymph goes to another, to be released.

The man had a knee joint pain. Here is one mosel, here is another mosel. Cartilage between them. What can hurt here? Bones cannot hurt, cartilage too, there are no painful endings. There is fluid between the cartilages. It does not hurt either, but it can be inflamed, someone can live in it. Behind the joint, from the popliteal fossa, there are lymph nodes. If there is a fungus on the legs, it will rise up to the popliteal lymph nodes. The lymph nodes will delay the fungus, and at this moment they will stop letting water go up. The joint will swell. And when it swells up, it hurts.

What will the body do? It will raise the temperature to increase microcirculation so that leukocytes can enter the joint.

What will the doctor do? Pain relief, prescribe aspirin.

Will it help? Will not help.

Will Belagil help? Will not help.

Will Diclofenac help? Will not help.

Will ultrasound help? Not.

First you need to figure out what's in the joint. Either mushrooms or bacteria.

If a person has all his toenails in fungi, guess three times what is in his joint? Mushrooms. And no antibiotics will help here. Because the lymphatic system of the upper segment will keep the same thing that is in the lower segment so that they do not go further, otherwise the fungus will conquer everything. This is a cordon, this is a frontier post. Nobody will pass above it. If someone has settled somewhere, then a war develops there. War between leukocytes and those who settled.

The one who settled is of 5 types:

- viruses, - mushrooms, - helminths, - the simplest, - bacteria.

Protozoa do not live in joints. Toxoplasma, lamblia, and apisthorchs do not live here. If someone has settled in the joint, the disease will end in - it. Bronchitis, arthritis, sinusitis, gastritis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis, nephritis, and so on. Someone lives there, there is a war, an infection.

There are 5 types of infection

To make it clear, sinusitis, how is it with us? Some pus in the nose. What kind of pus is in the nose, where did it come from? The nose is a hole, just a hole, and just a sinus. There is nothing else, there can be no pus. It can come up on the lymphatic escalator. But he will come along his way. Why is he in the nose? Ejection, exit to the outside.

It can go to the bronchi, vagina, and intestines. It goes from the upper body to the nose; from the genital tract it will not go to the nose.

From the genital tract, he will disembark on the first floor of the elevator. It is useless to fight with leucorrhoea and discharge; there is no need to fight with it. If they are, does this indicate what? What is the fungus and what the lymphatic system works. When you didn’t touch it, but it passed by itself, what does it say? That everything is fine, that everything worked out if it stopped on its own.

Here is your stomach, and what, for example, do you eat? Garlic, or take bitter pepper and ate 20 pieces at once, right peas. And all the diarrhea will stop at once.

Essential oil of grapefruit, tea tree - everything works in the same way as the product itself. The plant can be of several types. The plant itself, the decoction of the plant, the napar of the plant, the essential oil of the plant, the oil of the plant, the leaves of the plant, the legs of the plant, the tincture of the plant. Any product made from a plant will act in the same way as the plant itself. Whether you take parsley or parsley juice, cranberry juice or cranberries themselves, it doesn't matter, everything works the same.

Here you have taken sesame oil, and sesame itself is a powerful antiparasitic agent. You add sesame oil to a salad, it is very tasty, try black sesame oil, so plus it is a very powerful antiparasitic agent. You just eat lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, cumin, dill, celery and add sesame oil, sesame seeds and you get a delicious, antiparasitic salad.

If you use something antiparasitic, antifungal, every day, then you will not have viruses, bacteria or parasites. Only in permissible norms or in minimal concentrations so that you do not do any harm.

Let's look around us, inside ourselves. Our central nervous system is so powerful that it can send any immunity to any place, dig up any war and stop it.

But what is needed for this? Energy, purposefulness, knowledge is needed, a lot of faith is needed, this requires a correct lifestyle, an algorithm that will need to be done every day. It is said, garlic every day means garlic every day. Do not tolerate garlic, which means horseradish every day. You can't stand horseradish, which means radish every day.

Find what you are carrying. 10 kinds of pepper carry over, white, red, yellow, but it should be. Because the fungus will conquer everything if you give him pasta every day, for breakfast he has yeast bread, for lunch he has condensed milk, for dinner he has potatoes.

Have you seen how potatoes become moldy? In three seconds.

Try to mold the radishes. You are tormented. It sometimes happens when there are a lot of arguments in the air or sour cream was standing nearby.

Have you ever seen vegetable oil get moldy? Rancid, but mildew. Because there is nothing for fungi to do, there are special substances. Plants that fight fungi. They hate helminths, almost everything, they have a mind and they are in confrontation with helminths, viruses, bacteria and everyone else. They are for us. For ourselves and for us. They are looking for funds, every plant is looking for something to not be eaten. Who hasn't eaten? Fungi, viruses, bacteria, parasites and us. Because we, too, do not always do everything right, something is set against us too, we cannot eat everything, we cannot eat everything. But if we know that the plant has already tuned in, we can use this plant for our benefit.

It is very important to understand what mushrooms do in the body. They just live. They feed, reproduce, move, move. What are we doing? We feed, grow, and constantly add, every God day. Now we drink kefir fungus, then we drink snotty kombucha, then we drink cordeceps, then we drink beer, then from morning till night we eat yeast bread, then we start drinking yeast.

Antifungal food

This is garlic, onion. Anything that is antiparasitic is also antifungal, but more is added.


Needles, fir, pine, spruce. All sap is added here. The gum is what flows, the resin from the spruce, so that the fungus does not eat it. Pine is preserved, that is, it is not afraid of fungus, it does not live for 30 years, like a birch. And therefore, the cedar lives for a long time, the whole coniferous species.

The resin can be put in compotes, decoctions, steam, you can insist on water, you can boil and inhale steam. It is best to have young paws of pine needles, fir dried, just put in tea, you can prepare any drinks. The gum can be chewed or added to the gum.

Anything that has antifungal activity has that effect in oils. Pine nut oil, it is also antifungal. Tea tree and all tea tree products.

If there is a severe fungal pathology, then you can dilute one drop of tea tree oil in 1 teaspoon of sour cream and eat it, because it does not dissolve in water. You don't need much, this is 1 drop, an adult can take 2 drops. If you do this in a row for 2 months, then you can seriously argue and compete with the fungus. Essential oil is best dissolved in fat. It can be any kind of fat, for example, cream.

Propolis. You can drink propolis tincture or water broth, or steam, or put propolis in honey, or put it in jam, or just chew it, or eat honeycombs, you can just stick a piece of propolis on your cheek, let it lie there and be absorbed into saliva. It doesn’t matter which way to get it there. You can make a tincture from it. If you do not want a tincture, make a water vapor. If you don't want a steam, just chew it like gum. How he gets inside is another story, the main thing is that he gets there.

All that is anthelmintic is (most) and antifungal at the same time. This is pepper, all kinds, this is radish, this is horseradish, all seasonings, from cumin and ending with turmeric.

Nail fungi can be cured. Treatment is needed from the inside and outside. Only outside, nail fungi cannot be cured for sure. Separately from the inside is also difficult. But if on one side and on the other, then it can be cured within even six months. But again, you need to understand the mechanism, fungi do not live on the nails, but inside the joint fluid. From the knee to the foot, all lymph is infected with fungus.

Marva Vagharshakovna Ohanyan