&Ldquo; Milk Miracle &Rdquo;: A Phenomenon That Shook The Entire Hindu World - Alternative View

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&Ldquo; Milk Miracle &Rdquo;: A Phenomenon That Shook The Entire Hindu World - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Milk Miracle &Rdquo;: A Phenomenon That Shook The Entire Hindu World - Alternative View

In 1995, millions of people around the world witnessed the Milk Miracle. He was captured by thousands of amateur and professional cameras and cameras.

It all started with the fact that on September 21, 1995, at two o'clock in the morning, a phone call rang in one of the New Delhi temples of Ganesha. An enigmatic male voice said, “Ganesha wants milk. Please give him a drink.”

Just in case, the priest immediately offered the deity a spoonful of milk. She was immediately empty.

The startled priest called his friend, who also poured a spoonful of milk for the figure of Ganesha standing at his house. The milk disappeared this time too.

At four o'clock in the morning, the whole city knew that the deity wanted milk. By midday the whole country and half of the Hindu world knew about it. In Hindu temples all over the world, the same thing happened - people brought spoons with milk to the mouth of the statue of the deity - and the milk disappeared right before their eyes.


Madness began in India, with many institutions shutting down, trading on the Bombay stock exchange, students running away from schools, and offices and roads emptying. Everyone rushed to the temples to see the miracle with their own eyes and to give milk to the deity.

Statues of Krishna, Brahma, Shiva, Ganesha and Durga, Indra, Hanuman - all Indian deities "drank" milk. Milk disappeared even if it was brought to the mouth of the gods painted on the calendar.

Promotional video:

Kilometer-long queues with jars, bottles and bags lined up to the temples. The priests had to limit visitors - no more than a teaspoon from one source.

Only one Birla temple in New Delhi was visited by 55,000 people that day. The deity in him drank 125 liters of milk, which disappeared in front of numerous witnesses. Less than a day later, all milk was sold in New Delhi and another 100 tons were urgently ordered. And this despite the fact that the price of a liter on that day increased from six to 100 rupees!


Versions of what is happening

Many churches worked around the clock to accommodate the maximum number of believers. Some skeptics and journalists went there with the intention of exposing the fraud.

Scientists-skeptics explained this phenomenon by the fact that the figures of Indian deities are made of porous stone that absorbs moisture. However, this theory does not explain why the figurines of the gods, made of metal, absorbed milk in the same way.

Another version is mass hypnosis or hysteria. But how can one explain the fact that this phenomenon was captured by thousands of cameras around the world?

A committee was set up to manage this so-called milk miracle. Its members tried to expose the conspiracy of Indian clerics, however, they could not do this.

What Believers Say

Religious leaders saw this as a sign urging the younger generation to strengthen their faith.

In addition, according to the believers, the incident clearly showed that God and his “helpers” - the demigods highly value milk and therefore the cow that gives it. This gives reason to wonder if modern society will suffer for cruelty to animals.

In the end, everyone agreed that the “milk miracle” is a good sign. last time it was recorded about 500 years ago. Then, with the offering, fruits, sweets, juices and, of course, milk disappeared. At the same time, the great saint Sri Chaitanya appeared in India, who was considered an incarnation of Krishna.
