Reapers - Gatherers Of Human Souls - Alternative View

Reapers - Gatherers Of Human Souls - Alternative View
Reapers - Gatherers Of Human Souls - Alternative View

Video: Reapers - Gatherers Of Human Souls - Alternative View

Video: Reapers - Gatherers Of Human Souls - Alternative View
Video: Asking Hunter-Gatherers Life's Toughest Questions 2024, September

Among the undead, there are two creatures to whom special reverence is shown, and among them the Reaper and the Prophetic Spirit. The meaning of the prophetic spirit seems to be more understandable than the Reaper, and the former is a harbinger of any negative events, but what does the soul collector do and whose side is he on?

Gathers of human souls have been mentioned for a long time, and in addition to collecting souls, they are the last guides to another world. The sources note that the soul gatherer is free to choose his own victim. It is also interesting that such a creature is mentioned among almost all peoples who inhabited or inhabit the Earth and the Reaper differs only in name. It is believed that Death and the Reaper are not the same creature, although they are often confused.

Legends say that the Reaper has a list of future souls, according to which he "works". This creature appears when a person is on the verge and is ready to leave this world. In some films, the situation is played up when the Reaper comes to a person, but he begins to talk about how many things he did not manage to do in this life, and then the Reaper can show the person the possible future of the person he came for and what will happen to his soul if the Reaper will not be his guide.

For example, a soul can turn into a vengeful spirit if the Reaper doesn't come for a person on his list. If persuasion does not help and the possible future of the person for whom the Reaper came does not frighten him, then the soul can be taken by force. But in very rare cases, the Reaper succumbs to the persuasion of his victim and leaves a person on Earth, giving him a little more time so that he could finish his business.

It is argued that the wisdom of the Reapers is so great that no mortal can understand it, as well as the reasons why the Reapers allow a person to stay for a while. Maybe they are able to feel for their victim and have their own emotions?