Ideal Society: Dream Or Reality - Alternative View

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Ideal Society: Dream Or Reality - Alternative View
Ideal Society: Dream Or Reality - Alternative View

Video: Ideal Society: Dream Or Reality - Alternative View

Video: Ideal Society: Dream Or Reality - Alternative View
Video: Is Utopia Always Dystopia? Is Utopia Possible? 2024, September

As long as mankind exists, so much it dreams of the ideal structure of society. What has not been tried for thousands of years: primitive communism, the slave system, matriarchy and patriarchy, democracy, feudalism, capitalism, socialism … do not list. But it’s not that. So will we ever be able to build an ideal society, or will it remain an unattainable dream?


When the Olympian gods divided the land among themselves, Attica (the region of Athens) went to Athena and Hephaestus, and Poseidon took the island of Atlantis. The first two taught people a democratic form of government, nobility and a philosophical attitude to life. But the god of the seas considered that there is nothing better for the inhabitants of Atlantis than the harsh rule of law and hereditary royal rule … This is approximately how Plato described the origin of statehood. The ancient Indians also blamed the "blame" for the statehood on the gods - Indra, Varuna and Mitra. Indra provides protection from external enemies, Varuna is responsible for the connection between man and the gods, and Mithra's business is the internal order and laws. No less ancient Chinese were absolutely sure that law, customs and order arose in the Celestial Empire, thanks to the will of the divine heaven. And since the Emperor is the son of heaven,then he is the direct bearer and personification of power and statehood. In general, there will not be enough space to talk about all the theories of the emergence and structure of the state. Let's just say that there are dozens of them. The older generation of our country, of course, is closest to the Marxist-Leninist one. Younger people choose the theory of "incest" (according to which the state arose because of the strict prohibition of incest), demographic, crisis or even "sports", according to which, without the development of sports and military training, the state would not have emerged. But, as Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its talk about all the theories of the origin and structure of the state - this is not enough space. Let's just say that there are dozens of them. The older generation of our country, of course, is closest to the Marxist-Leninist one. Younger people choose the theory of "incest" (according to which the state arose because of the strict prohibition of incest), demographic, crisis or even "sports", according to which, without the development of sports and military training, the state would not have emerged. But, as Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its talk about all the theories of the origin and structure of the state - this is not enough space. Let's just say that there are dozens of them. The older generation of our country, of course, is closest to the Marxist-Leninist one. Younger people choose the theory of "incest" (according to which the state arose because of the strict prohibition of incest), demographic, crisis or even "sports", according to which, without the development of sports and military training, the state would not have emerged. But, as Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its members. The older generation of our country, of course, is closest to the Marxist-Leninist one. Younger people choose the theory of "incest" (according to which the state arose because of the strict prohibition of incest), demographic, crisis or even "sports", according to which, without the development of sports and military training, the state would not have emerged. But, as Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its members. The older generation of our country, of course, is closest to the Marxist-Leninist one. Younger people choose the theory of "incest" (according to which the state arose because of the strict prohibition of incest), demographic, crisis or even "sports", according to which, without the development of sports and military training, the state would not have emerged. But, as Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its Goethe rightly wrote in "Faust": "The theory is dry, my friend, and the tree of life is eternally green." None of the existing theories has yet helped build a society that would satisfy all its members.


People are too different, and there will always be those who declare the existing system to be complete crap, worthy only of destruction. And vice versa. Under any state system, there are a lot of people who feel great with it and are not going to change anything. Why is this happening? It seems that this is inherent in the very essence, the psychology of the human personality.

Who is always satisfied with the current state of affairs and considers the structure of a society to be practically ideal? First of all, of course, those who are in power. Changes, especially drastic ones, for them are a threat to the loss of this power, and hence of all social privileges and material benefits associated with it. In the second - the townsfolk. They are always in the majority. And they always believe that the best is the enemy of the good, you should not wake up smartly while it is quiet and God forbid we live this day, and tomorrow we will think about tomorrow. And everything would be fine, but when the mentality of those in power and the inhabitants becomes dominant, crushing all the rest in the bud, society stops developing. And this is already fraught with his death.

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The one who longs for change will always be dissatisfied. He sees only the negative aspects of social life and does not notice the positive ones. It seems to him that it is worth changing the rules of the game, and everything will work out right there, and everyone will be happy. But, as soon as this happens, he again buries himself in the gaping ulcers of society (they are always there - not one, but others) and begins to scream that everything is bad, the world is heading into the abyss and something urgently needs to be done, that is, change the state structure. Better dramatically.

This is how revolutions break out (they have other reasons, external ones, but we are not talking about that now). Everyone already knows how they end. A sea of blood, thousands, if not millions of lives, laid on the altar of the revolution, the collapse of the economy, a long and painful return of society to a civilizational channel. And very rarely - a subsequent worldview, social, economic and technological breakthrough into the future. But even he is always paid for at such a high price that ten times you wonder if the game was worth the candle.


In general, no matter how you look at it, it turns out that the dream of building an ideal society will remain a dream. Nevertheless, you need to dream. Because only from a dream (or its absence) in the end, any reality around us grows. So, let's dream a little about what kind of society and state we would like to live in? Let's start with the main thing - the government and the people. We are so accustomed to separating these two concepts that we do not hesitate to call the power “they”, placing it in the opposite camp, hostile to us. And if we imagine that we ourselves are the authorities and decide how to live in our apartment building, microdistrict, district, city, in the end? So the confrontation went away, so the responsibility for their own life appeared, and the dream began to come true. Do we want our children to grow up healthy and educated? Let's dream aboutso that the professions of doctor and teacher become the main and most respected in society. To do this, at a minimum, their work should be judged by results and feedback. What percentage of this particular doctor recovered (everything is not so simple, but in our computer age, it is possible to create appropriate assessment programs)? What do patients say about him? And how many students of this particular teacher took place in life, as high professionals and worthy people? And what do they say about their former teacher? And, by the way, about the education of children. It assumes that a person does not grow up as a thoughtless consumer, but as a creative free personality, vitally interested in both his own development and the development of the state and society in which he lives.their work should be judged by results and feedback. What percentage of this particular doctor recovered (everything is not so simple, but in our computer age, it is possible to create appropriate assessment programs)? What do patients say about him? And how many students of this particular teacher took place in life, as high professionals and worthy people? And what do they say about their former teacher? And, by the way, about the education of children. It assumes that a person does not grow up as a thoughtless consumer, but as a creative free personality, vitally interested in both his own development and the development of the state and society in which he lives.their work should be judged by results and feedback. What percentage of this particular doctor recovered (everything is not so simple, but in our computer age, it is possible to create appropriate assessment programs)? What do patients say about him? And how many students of this particular teacher took place in life, as high professionals and worthy people? And what do they say about their former teacher? And, by the way, about the education of children. It assumes that a person does not grow up as a thoughtless consumer, but as a creative free personality, vitally interested in both his own development and the development of the state and society in which he lives.but in our computer age, it is possible to create appropriate evaluating programs)? What do patients say about him? And how many students of this particular teacher took place in life, as high professionals and worthy people? And what do they say about their former teacher? And, by the way, about the education of children. It assumes that a person does not grow up as a thoughtless consumer, but as a creative free personality, vitally interested in both his own development and the development of the state and society in which he lives.but in our computer age, it is possible to create appropriate evaluating programs)? What do patients say about him? And how many students of this particular teacher took place in life, as high professionals and worthy people? And what do they say about their former teacher? And, by the way, about the education of children. It assumes that a person does not grow up as a thoughtless consumer, but as a creative free personality, vitally interested in both his own development and the development of the state and society in which he lives.and the development of the state and society in which he lives.and the development of the state and society in which he lives.

Next: officials and finance. The first should be several times smaller, since most of them are already doing the work that computer programs are able to do for them. And much better and many times faster. As for finance, why not dream of their absolute transparency? It is believed that financial intelligence already knows everything, but does not say everything … But if it starts talking, then corruption will decline sharply. Most likely, for the sake of this, you will have to abandon paper money, as such, and adopt a bunch of laws inconvenient for oligarchs and corrupt officials, but why not? Honest people have nothing to hide, and let the dishonest become honest (we dream, right?).

Political system. Here, the scope for imagination and dreams is truly endless. Who said that democracy is the best invention of humanity in this regard? Churchill? Why should we believe him? Adolf Hitler came to power in an absolutely democratic way. Everyone remembers how it ended. And vice versa, history knows periods of autocratic rule, when the state flourished and the people were happy (relatively, of course). So let's dream. It seems that the answer close to the truth lies in our very first thesis about the division of people and power. The smaller and narrower the gap between them, the closer to the ideal society will be. And it does not matter at all how the state system that it organizes is called. Because only under such conditions a person will feel that he really lives in a country that belongs to him too,and not only, fenced off from it by impregnable real and social fences of the power and capital haves.

Akim Bukhtatov