Phantom In The Lens Of A Movie Camera - Alternative View

Phantom In The Lens Of A Movie Camera - Alternative View
Phantom In The Lens Of A Movie Camera - Alternative View

Video: Phantom In The Lens Of A Movie Camera - Alternative View

Video: Phantom In The Lens Of A Movie Camera - Alternative View
Video: How to use the Phantom VEO 4K 4K 1000fps Super slow motion 4K camera 2024, September

Many skeptical people believe that ghosts are the product of some difficult-to-explain brain processes that, to some extent, can even be considered a special kind of hallucinations. And if you follow this logic, then ghosts cannot appear in the absence of a person. In other words, where they are not seen by the eyes of living people, they are simply not there.

However, the appearance in many residential buildings and public buildings of a video monitoring system, this version was called into question. It turns out that the absence of a person does not at all prevent the appearance of ghosts.

It was with such a case that British specialists in anomalous phenomena encountered in the last decade of the last century. And it happened on October 27, 1991 in one of the English nightclubs …

As usual, the owner of the Butterfly nightlife establishment in the large English city Cameron Bolshaw, together with his business partner John Reid, early in the morning, after the completion of all night activities, locked all the doors of the establishment, turned on the alarm, the video monitoring system and went to Reid's house to drink a strong coffee. Fortunately, his apartment was located very close to the nightclub.

But they did not manage to rest after a hard night shift. At about 4.30 am, a phone call rang at Reid's apartment. The police called. The half-asleep voice of the attendant announced that an alarm had worked in the club.

Cameron and Reid dressed hastily and hurried to the establishment. A police car was already parked there, and several constables were hovering in the street, waiting for the owners.

Already at the very beginning of the investigation of the incident, certain inconsistencies were discovered. So, although the alarm did indeed work, no traces of a break-in could be found.

Entering the room, Cameron immediately rushed to the console. There could be no doubt: the system reacted to an attempt to enter the club's cash register. But it was locked, and apparently no one even tried to get into it. Moreover, a thorough examination of the entire building did not reveal the presence of unauthorized persons at all.

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But then managers and police officers were faced with a phenomenon that was difficult to fit into the ordinary. The fact is that when they began to view the video surveillance recording, they clearly saw a man in a white shirt with short sleeves and dark trousers moving along the corridor. He walked to the end of the corridor, froze in front of the checkout room, and then turned to the locked door and stepped through it into the room.

In disbelief, the audience watched the recording again. But nothing in the testimony of the "impassive witness" has changed. The film clearly showed how a strange person was moving along the corridor, how he stopped in front of the cash register, how he effortlessly passed through the door and disappeared from view. And the phantom entered the room at the very moment when the alarm went off at the police station.

This case, of course, could not remain out of sight of researchers of anomalous phenomena. And, as usually happens in such strange cases, everything recorded on the tape was considered a high-quality fake. However, after careful examination of the video, this version had to be abandoned.

When it became clear that this was not a hoax, but a ghost fixed by technical means, in November 1991, experts from the British Society for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena took up this phenomenon. As a result of this work, it turned out that the Butterfly Club is located in a Victorian building, with which a rather curious and mysterious story is connected.

It turned out that even earlier in this house signs of a poltergeist were noticed. And two people who carried out repair work in this building died in it for some unknown reason.

But since the ghost's face remained off-screen, it was not possible to compare it with the photographs of the dead people.

When an article with photographs of the "ghost robber" appeared in the local press, a certain Derek Lloyd turned to parapsychologists, who said that the ghost in the pictures was his father, who tragically died in this building in 1932.

All the facts seemed to be in favor of the ghost. But nevertheless, experts had the assumption that a ghost could have arisen as a result of the superposition of one image on another: a closed door and a person walking through an open door.

However, Cameron Bolshaw categorically stated that all films are always demagnetized before they are reused. So, there could be no combination of frames.

But experts from the Association of Paranormal Researchers turned out to be meticulous people and decided to investigate the technical parameters of the film even more thoroughly. To do this, they sent a cassette with a recording of the appearance of a ghost to experts from the BBC. And those, using modern equipment, proved without any problems that the signal is one.

Thus, all the facts indicated that it was the ghost who had penetrated the wall into the checkout room and that it was he who was recorded by the surveillance camera.

To all of the above, it should also be added that the security system in "Butterfly" had a fairly simple device: the alarm was triggered only when two infrared rays were sequentially blocked from the device, which was located on the cash register door.

And the alarm, as you know, reacted to the ghost. Moreover, she would behave in the same way, even if clouds of smoke floated in front of the infrared rays. It turns out that indeed that night in the entertainment establishment "Butterfly" could be a ghost.

Bernatsky Anatoly