Abnormal Sleep: The Marquis The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Abnormal Sleep: The Marquis The Sorcerer - Alternative View
Abnormal Sleep: The Marquis The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Sleep: The Marquis The Sorcerer - Alternative View

Video: Abnormal Sleep: The Marquis The Sorcerer - Alternative View
Video: Sleep Disorders 2024, September

This anomalous story happened during my trip to France. I then spent the night in an old mansion, the rooms of which were rented to guests. I, tired, collapsed on the bed, going to get enough sleep. Suddenly, already half asleep, I saw a scorpion with a lion's face emerge from the floor, then a dragon, and then a naked baby riding a rooster - wearing a crown and holding a sword.

"Give me blood," the baby groaned, "I will give you wealth, I will give you power over people." I tried to get out of bed and … woke up. "Brr, what a dream," I thought. My nerves were on edge, so I tried in vain to sleep. I had to take a dose of sleeping pills - under its influence I fell asleep, and I had nightmares in which the spirits, demanding bloody sacrifices from me, sometimes intimidated, then beckoned with riches, then begged.

I later told a compatriot about that nightmarish night who had been living in France for a long time, just in those parts. To my surprise, he took the incident quite seriously.

“You seem to have the makings of a medium,” he said. - The Gauls once erected a temple to the gods of the underworld at the place where you spent the night. But the Roman era came, the emperor Claudius destroyed the Druidic religion in Gaul, and the Celtic sanctuary was destroyed. Then, at this place, the Marquis de Melin, who was raised by the castle, rebuilt his castle, he discovered the remains of this sanctuary. What happened there, no one knows - but the marquis suddenly found unheard of wealth and power. However, there were stories about him, one more terrible than the other, that he pays for his power, making sacrifices to spirits.

However, serving the dark forces ended badly for the marquis - his death was terrible. According to legend, the spirits ate him alive. After the death of the warlock, the church conducted an investigation - and there were witnesses who saw the marquis summon demons. Among the demons were just a scorpion with a lion's face, a dragon and a naked baby riding a rooster. Now these demons are not dangerous, but it is believed that on certain days they gain freedom and try to subjugate people with the ability to feel the spirit world. So we are all lucky that you were indifferent to their promises!