Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View

Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View
Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View

Video: Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View

Video: Riddle Of Height 611 - Alternative View
Video: Body Shake - Height 611 (1995) 2024, July

“On January 29, 1986, near the village of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Territory, a night fireball was observed in the form of a bright self-luminous ball with a train … A fire started at the place of the fall, which lasted for about an hour. The expeditionary team, which surveyed the area, found a 2x2 meter area with traces of high temperature exposure. Fragments of rocks on it were covered with a black film with traces of tarnishing, and the platform itself was covered with black ash. The remains of a burnt tree were found, turned into porous coals, not typical for a typical forest fire. Metal droplets, black glassy particles weighing up to 30 mg, as well as unusual loose scaly particles in the form of a kind of mesh were found on the wall of the cornice and in the ash.

In November 1987, over Dalnegorsk and other settlements of Dalnegorsk, Terneisky, Kavalerovsky and Olginsky districts of Primorsky Krai, numerous eyewitnesses again noted the flight of fireballs. Some of them illuminated the surface of the Earth."

This message at one of the seminars in Tomsk by Valery Dvuzhilniy, a biology teacher, immediately attracted attention. Some enthusiasts began to analyze the samples Valery had brought: some balls (they were dubbed "glass"), porous scaly particles called "nets", as well as coals from a burnt stump, which for some reason melted. Carbon, as you know, melts at a temperature of 3.5 thousand degrees. What happened at altitude 611 that evening, what energy sources could have spewed out such an avalanche of fire?

The very first analyzes amazed the scientists of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. The "mesh", figuratively speaking, turned out to be "knitted" from almost half of the Mendeleev table. Its individual elements resemble the finest fittings. When they tried to correct one of the “mesh” loops on the instrument glass in order to better see it, it jumped out of sight and could not be found. Other elements of the grid turned out to be "jumpy" as well.

A completely unfamiliar material for researchers turned out to be "glass" - translucent yellowish droplets. Even more riddles were asked by small - smaller than a pea - balls that do not lend themselves to any files, bending vices in which they were trying to clamp. According to experts, the sample under study turned out to be a droplet of alpha-iron. When it was heated and the temperature went over 1300 degrees, the ball turned into a melt that spread over the tantalum substrate. In the resulting film, scientists unexpectedly found elements and "mesh" and "glass".

Of course, research will continue. But already the first results give the Dalnegorsk phenomenon a certain mystery, give rise to assumptions and hypotheses.

Here is one of them - in the hands of scientists were the remains of a probe or a robot, the shell of which is made of an unknown material ("mesh") with holes for the output of the plasma-forming body - lead. The intricate shell contains controls, information collection and analysis, as well as a duplication and sensor system.

"Mesh" is an analogue of the cortex of the human brain. It is protected from the external environment by a system of plasma vortices compressed by a super-powerful magnetic field. Moving, the object interacts with the earth's magnetic field. A metal with signs of alpha-iron is a source of energy (by its nature, most likely intralattice, it is something between chemical and nuclear). An internal pressure of hundreds of kilobars at very high temperatures ensures the stress of all materials. Voltage source - electromagnetic interaction between plasma magnetic fields and electric field sources.

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The hypothesis also paints the alleged picture of the death of the object. Suddenly, energy was lost - a magnetic trap appeared on the flight path. The system automatically developed a program of stepwise self-destruction, the lead supply for the formation of plasma was stopped, the shell collapsed under the pressure of lead vapor.

In a word, about 50 grams of various materials collected at an altitude of 611 made it possible to paint pictures that were downright fantastic.

- In Dalnegorsk, an interstellar ship with a crew of humanoids on board crashed! - exclaimed the fans of sensations. - And the appearance of fireballs in October 1987 is an expedition sent from a distant Galaxy to clarify the circumstances of the death.

Perhaps a small digression is appropriate here.

What did scientists decide - to consider that UFOs, all kinds of biofields, psychics really exist? Or are they not? Something unclear, based on the principle "this can never be." We must try to explain unknown phenomena, using modern knowledge. What is the official decision made?

The results of numerous observations and instrumental studies confirm, scientists believe, that anomalous phenomena take place in the environment. Anomalous phenomena are understood as objects and non-periodic fast processes, the existence of which is not explained from the standpoint of modern theories.

As you can see, no one has "canceled" either UFOs or other riddles that nature presents to us from time to time. But there was also a sober warning - no need for hasty assessments. Some reports and messages are descriptive or superficial, do not carry specific scientific information, have little theoretical and practical significance.

… And now the expeditionary detachment set off to the height of 611. We got to a patch with a charred stump and not just scorched - like red-hot and then sharply cooled stones. There are stains on a small area - as if after a large hot frying pan carelessly placed on the table. These are traces of a mysterious object. The most amazing thing is that not a single tree, not a single bush, located in the immediate vicinity of the places of severe burns, was not affected at all.

Humanity does not give up hope to get in touch with extraterrestrial civilizations. Scientists' efforts are supplemented by science fiction writers, cinematographers, futurologists. That is why any meeting with an unidentified object that "fell" from the sky is often perceived as a long-awaited rendezvous with the "aliens". What, at least presumably, did they encounter here? Metal balls, "glass", "mesh"? But today the atmosphere is dirty, contains many different elements. Why can't a plasmoid capture all this "dirt" in the form of ions to build its structure? Moreover, it does not have to be artificial at all - the source of such formation can be rocket launches, fires, and various kinds of tests.

Today there is no reason to use the hypothesis of an extraterrestrial object to explain the Dalnegorsk phenomenon. The scheme of France is downright dotted. Each of them is a place for observing objects similar to the Dalnegorsk phenomenon. They love to move along the faults of the earth's crust, along energy routes, along high-voltage lines and railways. Sometimes they sit on them, sometimes they fly off. There was even a version that they are "fed" by electromagnetic radiation. According to the statistics of observations of anomalous phenomena from 1910 to 1980, their number is clearly increasing with the expansion of human economic activity.

Of course, it is necessary to clarify the place and mechanism of the emergence and existence of such phenomena. They are born in the zone of faults, structural stresses. The main carrier of energy is currents transforming to the surface. Energy exchange with the object occurs through aerosols.

Height 611 is located in the zone of continuous anomalies - there are both large faults and gravity disturbances. The problem is discussed not by amateurs, not by amateurs of sensations, but by scientists armed with deep knowledge and modern equipment. Bee, without exception, the witnesses who watched the flight and landing of the mysterious ball, spoke of the "jumps" made by him. Most believe that there were two. And only two girls said that the ball "jumped" four times.

… At the height of 611, which keeps a riddle, which we only managed to touch, photographs were taken at parting. When the films were developed, they turned out to be empty from the end at which the frames of the hill should be. And everything that was filmed below turned out as it should. A few days later, it was reported that while the expedition was at the summit, both electric flashlights went out. Returning home, they found breaks and even melting of the threads.

What happened at altitude 611?

I would like to think that the expedition members will find objective answers. And if not? Well, in science, and negative results are worth something. But the main thing is that science itself most often begins with a person's desire to throw off the veil of secrecy from what he does not understand.

From the book: " THE SECRETS OF THE TWENTY CENTURY " I. I. Mosin