10 Modern Paranormal Activities - Alternative View

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10 Modern Paranormal Activities - Alternative View
10 Modern Paranormal Activities - Alternative View

Video: 10 Modern Paranormal Activities - Alternative View

Video: 10 Modern Paranormal Activities - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Paranormal Horror Movies of the Decade 2024, September

Most of us are familiar with the information that paranormal events regularly occur around us, regardless of whether we are skeptics or believe in it. Ghosts, mysterious animals like Bigfoot or Nesi have always haunted our collective consciousness. Among all the oddities that supposedly exist in our world, there are some that have become especially popular in the modern era.

10. Small creatures

Ever since the discovery was made that the hobbits as a race actually once existed on earth, science has revised its categorical view that little people are a myth. Science aside, it is worth noting that there have always been those who insisted that little humanoid beings were among us.

From time to time, there are reports in the media that creatures like gnomes or elves are sometimes taken by surprise in remote places. They are described as small creatures, no more than 9 inches tall, with physical characteristics that are extremely similar to humanoids. Some of them are said to be incredibly hairy.


In Mexico and the Caribbean, they are spoken of as small, dwarf-like creatures that sometimes invade the space of an ordinary person to steal food or for more serious reasons. Both because of their strangeness, and perhaps because of the power they possess, people who see them are said to be paralyzed and then run away. Of course, in this situation, one should not ignore the relationship with fairies and magical knowledge.

In Iceland, it is believed that elves and other small creatures actually have an underground home. People who build shopping malls and large buildings often try to bypass the “troubled areas” these little creatures are supposed to live in so as not to incur their wrath. Moreover, many Icelanders defend their beliefs based on the factual observation of these creatures. Thus, can we reject the existence of elves, gnomes, fairies and other small creatures, speaking of them only as fairy-tale characters, or do they really exist and sometimes a person accidentally runs into them?

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9. Giant predators

Giant predators are birds that feed on carrion or hunt. They are generally larger than average birds and have special physiology such as powerful beaks and claws that help them grab and tear apart prey. Eagles, vultures, and falcons are such birds. However, there has been no recent report of any giant dinosaur sightings.

Eyewitnesses often describe the hoarse screams emitted by birds that have a wingspan of 12-18 feet and a bird's eye view of approximately 3-5 feet. According to many reports, giant lizards are similar to prehistoric birds and have scaly skin on their legs.


They are usually spotted in wooded areas or near gorges. Eyewitnesses say that birds often smell like rotten meat, which, in principle, is understandable given their diet. Predators were noticed by both individuals and groups of people of five or more people.

However, as there is no convincing evidence of the existence of Bigfoot in the real world, there is no reliable information regarding the reality of giant lizards. Are they unique representatives of our past that have survived in small numbers today? Or is it all the same known existing birds that are "misinterpreted"? Questions and reports of incidental observations continue to surface.

8. Doppelganger

The mysterious German combination of the words "doppelganger" means a demonic double of a person. They were noticed in ancient times when they were known as "fetches". According to Wikipedia, a wardoger in Scandinavian mythology was a copy of a person long before a real person came into this world.

In the modern era, there are several messages from people claiming to have seen them in reality, however, then, having met a real person in another place, they understood that the first meeting was an illusion.


One woman, looking out the window, clearly saw her husband returning home with his colleague. She went to the door to let them in, but found no sign of her husband or his car. The husband returned home a few hours later and confirmed that at the moment when she “saw” him, he was indeed in the company of his colleague and was four hours away from home. Another person was told that they “heard” him coming home five minutes before he actually returned, and the arrival sounded exactly the same, it was the same noises and even the same words that he uttered the “first time”. Strange, but apparently, such cases are not uncommon. Several people claimed to have seen themselves wearing the same clothing. In folklore, seeing your double is a harbinger of imminent death. Are these cases subconscious tricks, or is it just an optical illusion?

7. Movement in time

All messages related to movement in time are a nervous experience. People talk about extraterrestrial encounters, strong leaps into the future or past, etc. The most disturbing is messages from more than one person experiencing the same unrealistic time jumps.

Typically, this happens when someone sets out on a journey, long or short, along a familiar path, and clearly knows how long it takes to arrive at their destination. The journey seems quite normal, however, when it ends, the person realizes that he has traveled several miles in an incredibly short period of time. Sometimes a person is in the right place an hour earlier than planned.


There were also reverse cases, when a person set off on the road, and arrived at the place an hour later. Where did this time disappear? Usually, it was only on arrival that time differences were noticed. Are there dimensional temporary "imbalances" that we sometimes go through? Perhaps physicists will someday be able to explain and confirm the existence of these time intervals? In the meantime, more and more people are faced with something similar, while scientific research on this topic continues.

6. Chupacabra

The Chupacabra has been described in various ways, but most often it was a dog-like creature with long fangs. It was first seen in Puerto Rico in the 1990s, and has since been seen in the Americas as well as Mexico. Sometimes witnesses said that the animal has a kangaroo gait.

Its name comes from the Spanish word that means "sucking a goat". And all because of, it is claimed, because of its terrifying ability to infiltrate livestock farms and literally suck blood from animals until they die. The obvious resemblance to a vampire, as well as the likelihood that animals sometimes attack humans, led to panic among the population. What is this strange creature? Is this really a new animal or is it supposed to be a mutated coyote?


The alleged body of the Chupacabra has been found and studied, however, no specific conclusions have been drawn. However, after that, reports of the finding of bloodied animal corpses only increased. Many farmers began guarding their estates at night, hoping to kill this strange predator before he becomes bolder.

5. PANIC in the forest

The forest is a mysterious place full of invisible life and fraught with danger for the unwary. The forest is something that hides a threat in itself, both in folklore and in fairy tales. But in our enlightened modernity, can a forest cause such an unreasonable panic? However, there are people whose experience tells them that nature has intelligence, and he is not always happy with people.

PANIC in the forest is associated with the mythological Greek god Pan, the patron saint of wild places, because of whose invisible presence, causeless horror is born. Victims experience a sense of powerful, sinister power nearby, as well as a sense of danger. This, as a rule, makes a person leave the forest faster in search of civilization.


Some people describe their feelings of horror that appear when it suddenly becomes quiet and eerie in the forest, others talk about a growing buzzing sound. Many others share their experiences of panic in the forest on paranormal forums. Is there a forest spirit that scares humanity? And if so, is the resulting panic a way to warn us?

4. Men with dog heads

The existence of men with dog heads has been talked about since ancient times. Kinocephals were supposedly a race living in Africa that ate humans. But the existence of such creatures in our time may seem incredible, however, there were reports from eyewitnesses. Most witnesses say that they saw these creatures at night, although some reported seeing them during daylight hours. Strange, but many people said that they saw them calmly walking along the street, along the usual road in ordinary clothes.


The only difference is the presence of a dog's head. At the same time, all witnesses claim that the head has too real appearance and its movements are too realistic to look like a mask. Some reports of encounters with such "men" were more ominous when the creature was bumped into late at night, near a forest or in a dark courtyard.

One man, who ran in the evenings, said that the creature ran with him across the field, for a fairly long period of time until they got to a well-lit part of the street, where he could see the "man" well.

3. Black man is a stick

The black man - the stick - is another phenomenon of modern times. Not to be confused with human shadow. Stickman looks like an absolutely black, thin man, and is extremely similar in figure to the little man that teachers draw for children in kindergarten. They are reported to be medium to incredibly tall. Their heads are a simple black circle with invisible facial features.


As a rule, they are spotted on the roads at night, at dusk or before dawn. Strangely, many people reported that some of them wore top hats. Their gait is also described as extremely strange. At the same time, the people who encountered them said that the creatures were not at all surprised and followed them, and, as they approached, the pace of movement remained unhurried. Nothing unpleasant happened during these meetings, however, those who met them were, for obvious reasons, terrified. They did not cause any physical harm to bystanders and ended up just disappearing.

2. People are shadows

Who are shadow people? Nobody, but, nevertheless, reports of the observation of these objects continue to arrive. Usually they look like dark figures, as a rule, these are silhouettes of men who walk along corridors, pass through walls, appear in rooms, then suddenly disappear, and sometimes they just stand and stare at a sleeping person only to instantly disappear when the person wakes up.


They do not pursue any goal, and, apparently, they are not harbingers of anything. Do they represent a different dimension? Afterlife? Whoever they are, ordinary people are very scared to face them.

1. Children with black eyes

The story began in 1998 when journalist Brian Bethel recounted how two boys approached him as he got into his car. The boys allegedly asked him to give them a lift. He described that he experienced a sudden feeling of fear and panic at that moment, while at the same time he was overwhelmed by an incredible desire to open the door for the boys. Then he noticed the boys' eyes - they were completely black as coal, with no visible white spots.


Bethel left in fear just after the teens became more assertive. After the publication of his story in the press, there were several more reports of meetings with children with black eyes. One woman noted that they asked to be allowed into the house, while they were terribly excited when she refused. Their main characteristics are coal-black eyes, suddenly overcome by fear and panic, as well as the need to invade human space.

Balandina E. A.