Mysteries Of The Habu Temple - Alternative View

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Mysteries Of The Habu Temple - Alternative View
Mysteries Of The Habu Temple - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Habu Temple - Alternative View

Video: Mysteries Of The Habu Temple - Alternative View
Video: Episode 5 The mystery of the mysterious palace of Dandara 2024, October

- The symbol of this huge temple, the walls of which are painted with countless frescoes, is a two-headed winged snake emerging from a ball. The temple is dedicated mainly to snakes and animals. But the most curious thing to us seemed to be that snakes and animals are depicted with "balls of Prana" on their heads. And the "balls of Prana", being, according to our hypothesis, brothers from the dematerialized world, are apparently capable of reading information.

The development of these thoughts led us to the assumption that, perhaps, every living creature on Earth, be it a plant, animal or snake, is a material carrier of some type of energy. For example, in the East since ancient times it is believed that the snake is the carrier of the Kundalini energy - the very energy that determines the mental and sexual power of a person.

Do you think that in the supposed dematerialized world, where there are only energies, the personification, for example, of the Kundalini energy is a snake?

- Yes. It is quite possible that the personification of the Kundalini energy is a snake, a cow is the personification of some other energy, a duck is the personification of some other energy, and so on.

It seems to me that the material and dematerialized worlds are interconnected, as if being a mirror image of each other. Unfortunately, with the loss of the "third eye", we stopped seeing this world associated with us. And this world, I think, exists, photographs and drawings of "balls" speak about it. Yes, and everything living in our material world has, in our opinion, not only a dense and watery body, but also two energy bodies - an ether body (phantom) and a time body, through which communication with the conjugate dematerialized world - the world of living energies is carried out.

“If you are to believe, the world is much more complicated than we think

“There is a strict and precise balance of countless energies in the world, unknown to us. And if we take into account the fact that matter is energy locked in space, then we can say that the balance of all material life on earth, including animals, birds, fish, worms and much more, is a reflection of the balance of energies in ours and in ours. dematerialized world. Therefore, it is impossible, for example, to destroy wolves, because the wolf is also the bearer of some kind of energy, without which the life-affirming balance will be disturbed. Nature itself will regulate the number of animals.

- But still, there must be observations confirming your hypothesis

Promotional video:

- They are. For example, in one of the mountainous regions of Bashkiria, where cold streams murmur, one person blocked the stream and made a pond. And in this pond, out of nowhere, carps appeared, reeds grew along the banks, water striders began to run along the surface of the water, although at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from here one could not find a single lake or swamp. People, of course, explain such phenomena by the fact that ducks on their feet bring caviar, seeds and so on. But I doubt that duck's feet are so hardy, and there are few ducks in the mountainous regions. It is easier to assume that the appearance of a lake causes changes in the balance of energies, which, in turn, leads, according to the principle “nature abhors a vacuum,” to materialization here, for example, of crucian carp eggs, reed seeds or something else. After all, it is not for nothing that two brilliant Russian scientists - Peter Gariaev and Georgy Tertyshny - claimthat 90–98% of genetic information is carried by wave energy.

You started talking about how the Habu temple is symbolized by a winged snake. Why a snake?

- During one of the Himalayan expeditions, we met a yogi - Swami Premananda. For many years he lived as a hermit. The snakes did not bite him. Once he noted that snakes have a very beautiful aura, and said: “Snakes utilize mental poison in themselves and turn it into physical one. Mental poison is worse than physical. From this we can conclude that the snake is a symbol of purification. It is not in vain that the energy personified by the snake takes part in the birth of a new life. And the genetic engineering of the ancients is not complete without the symbol of the snake, as described in the frescoes of Egypt.

Ernst Muldashev about the secrets of the past