World War II And Its Restless Ghosts - Alternative View

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World War II And Its Restless Ghosts - Alternative View
World War II And Its Restless Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: World War II And Its Restless Ghosts - Alternative View

Video: World War II And Its Restless Ghosts - Alternative View
Video: The Cursed Ship of World War II 2024, July

In October 2006, the remains of Soviet soldiers were found in the Kursk region. At first glance, nothing special and supernatural, fierce battles were fought in these parts during the Second World War, therefore, burials will be found here in ten years and in a hundred …

A stranger in the forest. Eyewitness Sergei

Then I worked as a district police officer in a provincial town in the Kursk region. The work is boring, the maximum is drunken fights, well, maybe once a month someone will kick a chicken off someone. As for the rest, it was not even work, but the damage of state trousers on a chair.

One autumn evening they knocked on my door. Petrovich, who worked as a gamekeeper in our forest, burst into the office. He sat down on a chair.

- Listen, Stepanovich, here the diggers came to you.

- Something was stolen again?

- No, nothing yet. But it looks like something happened in their forest.

Promotional video:

- Come on, call.

Petrovich went out into the corridor and a second later brought two local idiots, Lekha and Sery, into my office. I knew them well, for 22 years each, they do not work, they survive, as everyone dreams of getting out of this wilderness.

- Hello, Sergei Stepanovich, - said Lech, we are here on business.

- Us, - Gray hesitated. - They wanted to kill. In a swamp, some kind of abnormal, walks with a gun. We barely escaped.

I took out a map and laid it out on the table.

- Show me where they wanted to kill you?

- Here, - Lech pointed with a finger.

I instantly took out my service pistol from the safe and threw a pea jacket over my shoulders. And finally he told the boys to stop illegal digging and sign up for the search party.

Petrovich and I sat down in a battered police UAZ and drove to the place indicated by Lehoy. Part of the way was to be covered on foot. We got out of the car, about three kilometers remained to the desired place. Already after five hundred meters it began to seem to me that someone was watching us. I never suffered from paranoia, so I tensed. From time to time, branches creaked somewhere nearby. Suddenly a girl came out of the bushes with a gun in her hand. Tall and thin, with a dirty face and hair, she was dressed in an overcoat of the forties of the last century.

- Who you are? What are you looking for? She asked menacingly.

- I am Sergei, a district militia officer. It looks like you need urgent help.

- Do you need help. Follow me.

We followed the stranger for about a hundred meters. She stopped, lowered the gun, sat down on the ground and told us to start digging.


We looked at each other, took out the grabbed shoulder blades from the would-be diggers from our backpack and began to fulfill the request. After 20-25 centimeters, we came across a skeleton. The skeleton tightly gripped the gun in his hands, one to one, like a stranger, and the skeleton itself looked like a girl. When we turned around, no one was around.

Until that day, I had never believed in ghosts, or in devil, or in God. And that evening I realized that the ghost of the girl had brought me and Petrovich to that place so that the soldiers would be reburied humanly.

The next day, the police dug up nine more remains of the Red Army at this place.
