A Couple Of Ghostbusters From Australia Talked About A Boy Who Did Not Know He Was Dead - Alternative View

A Couple Of Ghostbusters From Australia Talked About A Boy Who Did Not Know He Was Dead - Alternative View
A Couple Of Ghostbusters From Australia Talked About A Boy Who Did Not Know He Was Dead - Alternative View

Video: A Couple Of Ghostbusters From Australia Talked About A Boy Who Did Not Know He Was Dead - Alternative View

Video: A Couple Of Ghostbusters From Australia Talked About A Boy Who Did Not Know He Was Dead - Alternative View
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A couple from Australia devotes all their free time to a kind of hobby - ghost hunting. In search of paranormal phenomena, they have already climbed almost all the cemeteries of the country. The man was allegedly possessed by the spirit of an old miner, and the woman was brought to tears by the spirit of a boy still dreaming of new shoes for school.

A couple from Australia in their free time does not go to the cinema or cafes, but to cemeteries and abandoned houses. Heather Eckermann and her boyfriend Werner Schubert are over forty and have been hunting ghosts together for over a decade. As they themselves admit to the Daily Mail newspaper, this hobby cannot get bored.

They consider their most striking find a boy who did not know that he had died. According to the "ghostbusters", he was allegedly forever stuck at the bottom on the eve of his death.

I don't know what exactly was this about him: his age or the tragic death, but just looking at him, I burst into tears. Ben was five or six years old, he was about to go to school for the first time and was still very happy that they would buy new shoes for him.

When the couple came to the same grave a few weeks later, the boy was still sitting there and chirping cheerfully about tomorrow's hike for a brand new pair of shoes, the Australians say. Nevertheless, the child remembered Heather and asked where she was.


Werner himself became interested in paranormal hobbies in 2004 when his mother died. For as long as he could remember, she had been a ghost hunter. And Schubert realized that he was obliged to continue the work of her life. And five years later, he met Heather, taught her everything he knew, and together they began to look for spirits all over Australia, and sometimes even beyond its borders.

Werner with his mother
Werner with his mother

Werner with his mother

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However, the beast runs to the catcher, so after a while the ghost settled in the couple's house. He slams doors, turns on and off the lights, in general, behaves like a decent ghost should.

I think it's a man, but I'm not exactly sure. Werner was talking to me one day while I was taking a shower, and we both heard the front door slam. But there was no one there. And once my boyfriend was playing the piano while I was lying in bed, a huge shadow appeared on the wall.

Nevertheless, the couple tries not to attribute all the oddities that occur in the house to the paranormal.

The couple claims that there is a ghost of a man smoking a pipe in the window
The couple claims that there is a ghost of a man smoking a pipe in the window

The couple claims that there is a ghost of a man smoking a pipe in the window.

To communicate with ghosts, they use a special device, which is then connected to the car's stereo system. Once, after another visit to the cemetery, the couple heard strange sounds on their way home.

The whispering of the spirits was low, but intelligible. In different ways, they said: "Death." It was very, very, very scary.

After such a trip, according to Heather, a spirit entered Werner. Her boyfriend walked in a dream, which he usually never did. The couple remembered their last trips and decided that the culprit behind Werner's strange behavior was the ghost of an old miner.

After two weeks of torment, I returned to the place where we met him. I started yelling at the miner to return home. And I saw a vision: an old man in a white robe and a shabby hat went down to wash to the river.

According to Werner, the photo shows the energy of a ghost around the gravestone
According to Werner, the photo shows the energy of a ghost around the gravestone

According to Werner, the photo shows the energy of a ghost around the gravestone.

Werner and Heather often hunt alongside other paranormal enthusiasts and are constantly updating their arsenal. They advise beginners to think several times before embarking on the path of spirit seekers: not all of them are friendly. And always remember the main rule of a true ghost hunter is not to seek paranormal explanations for ordinary things.

Ghost hunting is a fairly common occupation in the West, dating back to medieval seances. But the most popular incarnation of this craze in popular culture is the 1984 film Ghostbusters.

If Heather and Werner seek to find ghosts, an illustrator from New York seeks to escape from them, but the ghost of the boy David with a broken head haunts him even in another apartment. He writes in detail about the misfortune on his Twitter, providing the story with photographic evidence.