The First Antichrist - Nostradamus About Napoleon - Alternative View

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The First Antichrist - Nostradamus About Napoleon - Alternative View
The First Antichrist - Nostradamus About Napoleon - Alternative View

Video: The First Antichrist - Nostradamus About Napoleon - Alternative View

Video: The First Antichrist - Nostradamus About Napoleon - Alternative View
Video: The Terrifying Truth About The Antichrist 2024, September

Antichrist in the prophecies of Nostradamus

In his Centuries, Michel Nostradamus predicted the coming of three tyrants, whom he called "Antichrists". These tyrants, the prophet said, are capable of bringing humanity to its complete destruction. About the first Antichrist - says the 60th quatrain of the first century - Napoleon, who was born near Italy, on the island of Corsica.

An emperor will be born near Italy, And cruel fate will elevate him to the throne.

The horror of the souls of those close to them will seize

The executioner's manners are the guise of a prince.

The Prophet foretold in stages the whole life of Napoleon, right up to his fall in 1814. And the ascent of the dictator-commoner 18 Brumaire began, that is, on November 9, 1799. This is evidenced by the 25th quatrain of the sixth century:

Because of Mars, opposed to the Monarchy, Promotional video:

The great fisherman will be worried.

The young red king will take over.

Traitors will act on a foggy day.

What does Nostradamus predict in these lines? "Mars" - the color of war and revolution, that is, "red" - will overthrow the Bourbon monarchy, - John Hoag commented on this prophecy. - “The Great Fisherman” is Pope Pius VI, concerned about the successful military actions of the young Napoleon in Italy. The "young red king" is Bonaparte, who carried out a coup d'etat in November, which in the new revolutionary calendar was called "Brumaire" - "month of fogs".

From this time, the prophet defines the beginning of Napoleon's rule - from November 9, 1799 to April 13, 1814. At that time in November, Bonaparte cut his hair short to look even more like his beloved ancient Roman dictator Julius Caesar.

The short-cropped one gets the reign

To humble those wretched

Who will be against him.

His tyranny will last fourteen years.

1799 - Napoleon proclaimed himself first consul, and 5 years later, in December 1804, he changed the "short" clothes of the consul to the long ermine robe of the emperor, and Pope Pius VII was forced to coronate him in Notre Dame Cathedral.

From a simple soldier, he will become an emperor.

He will change his short clothes to long ones.

Brave in battle, very bad for the church

It will annoy the priests as water plagues a sponge.

Indeed, Napoleon was a real scourge for Pope Pius VI and Pius VII. He imprisoned both of them. Pius VI died in prison.

And here is what Michel Nostradamus said about Napoleon's relationship with women:

"He will be very considerate of foreigners"

Josephine, Bonaparte's mistress, who eventually became his wife and first empress, was a Creole who was born in Haiti, a French colony.

Maria Walewska, this captivating aristocrat from Poland, was probably Napoleon's most loyal mistress. She visited him at his first renunciation and bore him an illegitimate child.

Marie-Louise is the daughter of Francis I of Austria, the second empress. Napoleon divorced Josephine in order to marry her. She gave birth to his first heir.

Of these women, only Josephine he fully trusted. Common people believed that Josephine was his talisman, bringing him good luck. They said that they read Nostradamus with great interest. Fortune turned against the emperor after he abandoned Josephine to marry Marie-Louise of Austria. “Another Austrian girl,” the people of France murmured. The last Austrian princess on the French throne was Marie Antoinette.

It is a well-known fact that Josephine was against Napoleon's campaign against Russia. But her advice was not heeded. In 1812, disastrous for the French emperor, another woman, Marie-Louise, shared a bed with Napoleon.

Napoleon's trip to Moscow was a fatal mistake. Until now, he was lucky, but disaster awaited him in the Russian capital. When tired French soldiers entered the abandoned Moscow in September 1812, the city burned for three days and three nights. By the end of the fire, only a fifth of it survived, and Napoleon had no choice but to turn back to the west.

In the 75th quatrain of the 4th century, it is said about this as follows:

His era is hopeless for the weak, The strongest and smartest won victories.

With him the guards will plunder many lands, But in the snowy land, the winner was gone.

The Great Army, which consisted of 500,000 soldiers of 20 nationalities, crossed the Russian border in the summer of 1812. Six months later, 20,000 people who were frozen, ragged and broken in spirit returned.

In the long retreat from Moscow, many soldiers died from the winter cold; the pitiful remnants of the "victorious" army could hardly repel the attacks of the Russian partisans. Their great leader Napoleon did nothing to help them. Having treacherously abandoned his soldiers to the mercy of fate, disguised Napoleon returned to France on a sleigh, with the intention of rebuilding the army for new hostilities.

When the emperor abdicated power in 1814, the Congress of Vienna sentenced him to exile on the island of Elba in the Mediterranean. The next year, he fled the Elbe and began to gather forces to return to France. Nostradamus predicted its route 240 years ago.

In the 24th quatrain of the 10th century, he wrote:

A captive prince

Defeated at Italos

It will pass Genoa by sea to Marseille …

1815 March 1 - Napoleon and about a thousand hundred of his grenadiers and sailors sailed to France, passing along the coastline through the Gulf of Genoa, landed at Cannes, a hundred miles south of Marseille. On March 20 Napoleon was already in Paris again. He was brought into the Tuileries on the shoulders of a triumphant crowd, again glorifying their hero and the head of state.

But as Nostradamus prophesied, Napoleon's triumph will be short-lived.

The prisoner will escape great dangers.

Soon, luck will turn away from the great …

Exactly 100 days after his return to power, Napoleon suffered his most devastating military defeat at the Battle of Waterloo. Troops of European countries entered Paris. The Prophet wrote: "As a good sign, the city is under siege." For Nostradamus, the 16th century monarchist, Napoleon's defeat is a good sign that heralds the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty.

1815, June 18 - three months after returning to Paris, Napoleon was preparing to fight at Waterloo with another of the greatest generals of the time, the Duke of Wellington. Two days earlier, Bonaparte had defeated the Prussian army under the command of Field Marshal Blucher at the Battle of Ligny. He sent a third of his army in pursuit, expecting that 30,000 men under Marshal Pears would pursue the Prussians and prevent them from suddenly attacking the right flank of the French army while it was fighting the British.

By the morning of June 18, Napoleon was plagued by prolonged nocturnal pains that were caused by a chronic bladder disease. Efforts to maintain the empire and the 50 battles he fought in 20 years ruined his health. Yet he counted on victory at Waterloo.

The red summer sun rising over the camp, shrouded in fog, reminded Napoleon of the old autumn dawn over Austerlitz, where he won his most glorious victory.

Meeting the 3480th dawn after Austerlitz, the aging and weary first Antichrist wanted to believe that this was a sign of future victory. Napoleon desperately needed the sun, which rose over Austerlitz in December 1805, to illuminate the June of his impending sunset.

The sun, rising over a field near Waterloo, failed to dry the mud-covered and wet fields. When it became brighter, Napoleon realized that his cannons and infantry would not join the battle at dawn, as was the case at Austerlitz. Precious time has been lost. And no one knew where Marshal Pears and the Prussians were at that time.

The battle began at exactly 11:30. An hour later, columns of soldiers appeared on the horizon. One glance through the telescope was enough for Bonaparte to realize that these were not the soldiers of his Marshal Grusha, but the Prussian army of Blucher, hurrying to the aid of Wellington. Time passed very quickly. If Napoleon could not defeat Wellington's army before noon, 30,000 Prussians would fall on his right flank.

Wellington's men held out all morning on the ridge of Mount Saint-Jean, opposite Waterloo, fighting off attack after attack of French cavalry and infantry. The grenadiers went into battle with the inevitable confidence of victory: they had a history of 20 years of victorious wars behind them. The thin red line of British soldiers entrenched in Mount Saint-Jean was getting narrower. Wellington said in horror: "If Blucher does not come this second, they will blow me to the bone!"

At this point, Wellington could not even imagine how close he was to victory.

As he watched the eagle-laden guard standards rising from the ridge of the mountain, a prediction, written 261 years before the battle, came true:

In the third month the sun rises

Boar and Leopard meet on the battlefield:

Tired Leopard looks at the sky

And he sees the Eagle playing with the sun.

"The third month" (June 1815), "the sun rises" (Napoleon's recollection of Austerlitz), "Boar" (Napoleon) "and the Leopard" (England is symbolized by a heraldic lion; meaning the Duke of Wellington).

The vision of Nostradamus came true for the exhausted duke when he saw the brass eagles shining in the sun on the standards of the French, and the British broke out in the first deadly volleys at the sight of the advancing enemy.

The sun and the eagle will appear to the winner, The defeated one is encouraged by empty news:

Signals and screams will not stop the soldiers.

Over time, through death, freedom will come and peace r.

These lines of another prediction about Waterloo became reality: “The sun and the Eagle will appear to the winner. The defeated one is encouraged by empty news …"

Before the imperial guard went on the offensive, Bonaparte spread a false rumor among his troops that the soldiers advancing from the flank were the French soldiers of Pears, and not the Prussians. The setting sun over Waterloo illuminated an incredible scene as the French guards ran down the ridge under a hail of British bullets. In the approaching dusk, they noticed the blue uniforms and battle banners of the Prussian soldiers on the right flank. The truth behind Napoleon's "empty news" immediately became apparent to thousands of battle-worn Frenchmen. Napoleon's army fled.

“… Neither signals nor shouts will stop the soldiers. In time, through death, freedom and peace will come."

The orders of the commanders failed to stop the stampede. The line was retained only by the retreating guards, forming a battle square in order to meet the British and the Prussians face to face and gain time, which would enable their idol to escape the shameful captivity. Thousands of guardsmen were then killed in the field near Waterloo.

Peace descended on Europe like a deepening twilight, covering the bodies of 60,000 killed and wounded soldiers out of the 144,000 who fought that day.

“I still can't understand why I lost,” Napoleon often lamented on St. Helena. "I wish I had died at Waterloo!"

In the 90th quatrain of the 10th Century, the prophet predicts:

Tyrants die a hundred times in centuries

Scientists and honest surrendering all power.

Old wounds won't heal soon

After all, baseness and dirt could not curb.

Probably, he described the mental suffering of Napoleon - an active, active person who rolled off the crest of history and entered into an unequal battle with the two greatest enemies - time and inaction. The words that he will die "a hundred times" may also be an allusion to what historians call "100 days" - the three months that elapsed between Napoleon's triumphant return to Paris on March 20, 1815 and his final defeat at Waterloo June 20.

And here is the conclusion that Nostradamus comes to in the 32nd quatrain of the first century:

The greatness of the empire will still perish

And such a country will lay the scepter, There is no trace of the conquered lands, The blood pomegranate was left without seeds.

According to Nostradamus, the "arrival of the common people" in 1792 prepared the kingdom of a commoner dictator who forced the crowned heads of Europe to adopt his laws and strategies in order to ultimately end his empire. As a result, a united Europe that defeated Napoleon became even more "Napoleonic" than its adversary. The first Antichrist, Napoleon, managed to direct the course of European history towards the destruction of the monarchy and thereby lay the foundation for the activities of two subsequent Antichrists …

"Interesting newspaper"