The Secret Of Nostradamus - Alternative View

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The Secret Of Nostradamus - Alternative View
The Secret Of Nostradamus - Alternative View

The Renaissance era destroyed the feudal-serf dependence of the Middle Ages. She laid the foundation for the rapid development of sciences, crafts and art. The Renaissance, which began in Italy, quickly spread throughout Europe. Until now, many people know the works of such Renaissance authors as Rabelais, Cervantes, Petrarch, Shakespeare. In their works, they presented man as the highest creation of nature, revealed the wealth of his mind and soul.

The famous foreteller, astrologer and prophet Michel Nostradamus also lived and worked during the Renaissance. The prophecies of Nostradamus haunt many generations. Until now, no one can answer exactly how he managed to predict events in the distant future.

In 1791, the inhabitants of the small town of Salon (France, Provence) decided to reburial the remains of the great prophet. For more than two centuries, he rested as a statue, in a standing position in the wall of a Franciscan monastery. A remarkable fact, after they opened the tomb, everyone saw an amulet on the neck of the skeleton with the date written on it - 1791. It should be noted that such a burial is not accepted in Christianity.

Why did Nostradamus tell him to walled himself up in the wall? Perhaps this is because Nostradamus identified himself with the teraphim. It was the teraphim who were placed in the walls of temples in order to offer prayers to them and sacrifices were made, in return they were expected to prophesy. Of course, this was not the literal prophecy of the Terophim. According to belief, the therophim attracted prophetic spirits to themselves and the walled up therophim could hear their whisper. Hence such an expression as "the whisper of the theophim" came from. It is known that the prophet himself did not use the services of a teraphim.

After the death of Nostradamus, the prophet's predictions began to be interpreted by his disciple and follower Jean-Aimé de Chavigny, who is, moreover, the mayor of the city of Beaune. In 1564 he published his book, where he analyzed the "already fulfilled" prophecies of Nostradamus. A significant part of them concerned the life of Henry of Navarre, who became the king of splendid France.

Quatrains of Nostradamus excited the minds of people even during the life of the prophet. For them, he became a real teraphim.

This is how Nostradamus himself wrote about how he received information for the prophecy:

“I sit alone in my secret study, my head resting on a bronze tripod. A light glow stands in the room, and I hear predictions. The wand in my hand indicates the intertwining of branches, the waves wash over my feet, and I write, trembling with fear. The deity himself is next to me …"

Promotional video:

It is unlikely that this ritual can be attributed to the astrological, most likely, Nostradamus is more correctly considered a magician using astrological methods. So, the famous magicians of that time were Llull, Agrippa, Villanova, Paracelsus. Known for their work related to the field of occultism. But, these works are theoretical calculations, but Nostradamus was a practitioner who widely uses the theory developed by them in his work.

The name Nostradamus consists of the Latin spelling of the name Michel de Notre Dame, who was born into a Jewish family in December 1503. He spent his childhood in the small southern French town of Saint-Remy. He was born on the eve of Catholic Christmas, even this is the time of the solstice. Michel's grandfather was the personal physician of the son of the King of Naples - heir to the Merovingian family (belonging to the family of David). There is an assumption that since the relatives of Nostradamus served the descendants of King David, a certain mystical connection between them is possible. Michelle grew up in a family as a beloved child, to whom loving grandfathers passed on their knowledge. It was under their supervision that he mastered Latin, Hebrew and Greek, mathematics, astrology. Then his parents sent Michel to study at the former papal residence - the city of Avignon,which was considered the best center for teaching humanitarian subjects. After completing his studies in Avignon, the 19-year-old boy entered the University of Montpellier - the most famous European medical center. In 1525, having received his degree, he acquired the right to practice medicine. The very first test in the field of a doctor for Michel was the plague epidemic. There he distinguished himself by using non-standard methods of treatment. So, instead of the klysters and bloodletting, which were then accepted in wide practice, Michel often turned to herbs and magical methods. There he distinguished himself by using non-standard methods of treatment. So, instead of the klysters and bloodletting, which were then accepted in wide practice, Michel often turned to herbs and magical methods. There he distinguished himself by using non-standard methods of treatment. So, instead of the klysters and bloodletting, which were then accepted in wide practice, Michel often turned to herbs and magical methods.

Nostradamus traveled a lot around the country, healed people, attended lectures by famous alchemists, worked in the papal library, read many works on occult sciences, medicine and magic. His happy family life, with his beloved wife, son and daughter, was destroyed by the plague epidemic, taking away his wife and children. The fact that the doctor was unable to save his family reduced the trust of numerous patients in Nostradamus. In addition, the Inquisition became interested in him. The future prophet had to leave his native France and wander around the countries of Europe for many years.

The very first prophecy of Michel Nostradamus is considered a prediction that heralds the death of King Henry II from an eye injury:

The young lion will defeat the old

In a strange duel in the battlefield

He will pierce his eye through a golden cage:

One becomes two, then it dies

Painful death

The prophecy was fulfilled two years later. A knightly tournament was held in honor of the wedding of the king's daughter. Henry II decided to take part in the tournament and challenged the young Earl of Montgomery to the competition. In the skirmish, Montgomery's spear pierced the king's helmet, and a splinter hurt his eye. A few days later, the king died from his injury.

Many predictions of Nostradamus have come true. For example, the fact that Henri Bourbon will sit on the French throne. And this happened in 1594. The Prophet saw in an ordinary monk the future Pope of Rome and, indeed, in 1585 the monk Felice Peretti, taking the name Sixtus V, became the head of the Roman church. For Nostradamus himself, his prophecy about the execution of the French king and queen was a terrible and terrible alleged event:

“At night he will come through the Rhine forest by roundabout roads

Two will make their way. one of them queen, white stone

The other is the monk king in gray, in Varenna

Chosen Capet causes storm, fire and bloody massacre

(Century IX, Quatrain 20)

Two hundred years after this prophecy, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed.

It is believed that in his quatrains the great prophet described the coming to the throne of Russia of the Romanov dynasty. And the fact that England will become a great maritime power. Nostradamus foresaw the discovery of a new planet - Neptune and much more.

1564 was the year of Nostradamus's triumph, his fame reached its peak. When the future king of France, fourteen-year-old Charles IX and his mother Catherine de Medici, visited him, Nostradamus announced that Queen Elizabeth of England would become Charles's wife. However, as time has shown, this prediction did not come true. Here is what the Spanish ambassador wrote about this visit:

“The Queen told me,“You know, Nostradamus claims that in 1566 there will be universal peace throughout the world, and France will be peaceful and her position will be strengthened.” And while saying this, she looked so confident as if she were quoting the Gospel of St. John or St. Luke."

But, unfortunately, everything did not happen as Nostradamus expected - the religious wars tore France apart for three long decades.

When the royal family visited Nostradamus, little Henry of Bourbon, King of Navarre, was with them. The Prophet became very interested in this child. “He asked the tutor of Henry of Navarre to show him to him. The next morning, during the dressing ceremony, when the prince stood naked, Nostradamus was led into the room. And while the prince was being handed a shirt, he looked at him for a long time, and then said that he (the prince) would receive the entire inheritance and “If God shows mercy to you (the educator), and you live until then, the king of France and Navarre will be your master ". What seemed incredible then has happened in our day. Since then, the king has repeatedly retells this prophecy, even to the queen, adding jokingly that they did not give him a shirt for a long time so that Nostradamus could slowly examine it, and he (Henry) was even afraid that they were going to flog him."

After meeting with the royal court, Nostradamus lived for only two years. On the marble slab of the grave of the great prophet, it is carved: "Here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, the only one of all mortals who was worthy to capture with his almost divine feather, thanks to the influence of the stars, the future events of the whole world."