The Most Intriguing And Incredible Predictions Of Nostradamus - Alternative View

The Most Intriguing And Incredible Predictions Of Nostradamus - Alternative View
The Most Intriguing And Incredible Predictions Of Nostradamus - Alternative View

Video: The Most Intriguing And Incredible Predictions Of Nostradamus - Alternative View

Video: The Most Intriguing And Incredible Predictions Of Nostradamus - Alternative View
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Today, January 14, 2017, marks the 514th anniversary of the birth of Michel de Nostradamus, who is better known to the general public as Nostradamus. He was an eminent chemist, physician, astrologer and pharmacist, but is best remembered for his incredible predictions. Many consider him a prophet, while others are sure that he is just a good strategist and his guesses are far from reality. However, the mysterious figure and the predictions of Nostradamus undoubtedly had considerable significance for history, although they caused numerous disputes and battles.


Starting in 1550, quatrains from Nostradamus, which were prophecies, began to appear with regular constancy. It was thanks to them that the astrologer received popularity and recognition during his lifetime. During his prophetic career, he wrote hundreds of different predictions, which, meanwhile, were interpreted in different ways at different times. Far from all quatrains have survived to our time, and some of the later works are considered by many to be falsifications. However, there are also such predictions, whose proximity to real events drives even skeptics into a stupor.

So, in his predictions, Nostradamus mentioned the arrival of the "three antichrists", moreover, in many respects, Napoleon and Adolf Hitler coincide with the descriptions. Many historians and other experts are trying to understand who is the third "main villain". Many agree that the arrival of the last "villain" will lead to the outbreak of war.


By the way, the possible Third World War is also often mentioned in the writings of Nostradamus. However, there is no single correct interpretation of this. He mentioned that at the end of the 20th century "The great king of Terror will descend from heaven", after which many compared the statement with Vladimir Putin, who came to power in 1999. French leader François Mitterrand was also mentioned.

However, the very forecast for the future from Nostradamus is difficult to call optimistic, he often talks about wars, hunger, devastation, the death of all living things from a "comet". Some believe that the astrologer actually meant nuclear warheads and war by the cosmic body. As for predictions about the end of the world, many scientists believe that Nostradamus used only general statements that are easy to "fit" virtually any situation. He mentioned, in particular, that after the death of the "great from Rome" all living things will die. The followers of the prophet are sure that in this case we are talking about the Pope and the Vatican.


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In his quatrains, indirectly, the French leader and scientist predicted the appearance of aircraft, pointed to bombs that would fall on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and turn the city to dust. Often, the predictions of Nostradamus affect the military sphere, for example, the creation of military aviation, the appearance of amphibious landing vehicles and various bombs.

Based on the works of the chemist, many writers were able to predict quite incredible, but real-life events, in particular, the cloning of human organs, the weakening of Europe, protracted economic crises, and the like. In the future, according to the works of the authors, there will be a revolution in the construction industry, during which a super-strong, but lightweight material will be created, or the invention of a "second skin" that can protect a person in dangerous conditions.


Speaking of 2017, according to some experts who have studied the predictions of Nostradamus, the collapse of the EU is possible, which is already on the brink. Several severe floods may occur throughout the year, while droughts continue in other regions. The East, according to the prophet, in 2017 may weaken the “West”, and a scandal will break out in one of the royal families, connected with the correspondence discovered with the queen. However, on the whole, the year should be peaceful, although in the future the outbreak of wars is likely.

If we talk about the predictions of Nostradamus, which came true, then we cannot fail to mention the fire that took place in 1666. In London, a bakery really caught fire, but it was not possible to extinguish the flame for three days, as a result of which a significant part of the city suffered destruction. The expert managed to predict the coming to power of Adolf Hitler, Napoleon, King Louis and Pope John Paul II. According to some, Nostradamus in his works also talked about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the death of the alleged culprit, who, according to the astrologer, was not really related to what happened. The activist told about the terrorist attack that took place in New York on September 11, 2001.


The astrologer and doctor died on July 2, 1556, while staying in Salon de Provence in France, in fact, being at the peak of fame. It is rather difficult to talk about the authenticity of the predictions of Nostradamus, because many are divided in opinion as to how to interpret the predictions left by the astrologer. However, contrary to rumors, criticism and enthusiastic praise, the legacy of the figure is truly enormous. His life, work and works have served as inspiration for a number of works, films and even TV series. In addition, the scientist also drew amazing mysterious watercolors, which were filled with significant meaning and at the same time had a worthy performance.

Author: Kurilo Marina
