The Predictions Of The Monk Abel - Alternative View

The Predictions Of The Monk Abel - Alternative View
The Predictions Of The Monk Abel - Alternative View

Video: The Predictions Of The Monk Abel - Alternative View

Video: The Predictions Of The Monk Abel - Alternative View
Video: 7 shocking predictions for 2020 and beyond 2024, September

In the year 1757 in a small village near Moscow, a boy was born into the family of an ordinary peasant. The boy was named Vasily, and the last name was Vasilyev. The boy grew up and was tonsured a monk. When tonsured he took a name for himself - Abel.

And so I would have lived my humble life in the service of God unknown to anyone. But he said what later came true.

For his prophecies, Abel could suffer greatly. Once during the reign of Catherine the 2nd, Abel predicted the imminent death of the empress. For which he was arrested and sent to prison. But soon the Empress died.

Having come to the kingdom, Paul the 1st, having learned about the predictions of the monk, was so surprised that he pardoned the monk and sent him to Kostroma out of sight.

While in exile, Abel prophesied about Paul. He wrote that they would strangle him, and during his lifetime they would be considered a holy fool. For this, the monk was exiled to Solovki. While on the Solovetsky Islands, Abel predicted a war with Napoleon and the burning of Moscow.

When the prophecy about war and fire in Moscow came true. The new emperor Alexander 1st., Ordered to release Abel from exile.

Immediately after his release, Abel went on a journey. The monk returned from his wanderings when Nicholas I was in power. And the monk gave predictions about him. But in order not to listen to unpleasant things in his address, the Tsar sent the monk away to Suzdal. This is where this amazing man ended his earthly journey.

After the death of the monk, his predictions came true for a long time. So the monk predicted the coming to the throne of Nicholas II. And about his terrible fate. The monk said that he would not wear a crown, but a crown of thorns. And that the godless new government will tear Russia apart and destroy churches.

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There are in the predictions of the monk and references to the First World War. He talked about the appearance of aircraft, submarines, and weapons of mass destruction.

Also, the monk predicted the coming of Hitler very interestingly. He called him Western Batu, who would raise his hand. And here it is not clear whether he will raise his hand against Russia or this is a Nazi greeting.

The monk described the future of Russia vaguely.

He said that after the times of godlessness the Prince would come. And his name is like that of his two namesakes, who were already sitting on the throne, but not the royal one.

It is in this prince that the salvation of Russia will be.