Fortunetellers. Gift Of God Or Curse Of Satan? - Alternative View

Fortunetellers. Gift Of God Or Curse Of Satan? - Alternative View
Fortunetellers. Gift Of God Or Curse Of Satan? - Alternative View

Video: Fortunetellers. Gift Of God Or Curse Of Satan? - Alternative View

Video: Fortunetellers. Gift Of God Or Curse Of Satan? - Alternative View
Video: Shadow Control. Psychic criminalist Victoria Lee. Behind the Veil of Magic Secrets 2024, September

Throughout human history, people have appeared who talked about the future, as if these pictures appeared in their heads. Where does this knowledge come from, is it a gift or a curse, as well as how it should be related to prophecies for the future. In this article, my author's view of supermen.

What predictors do you know? Wanga, Nostradamus, Casey, Rasputin? There have been hundreds, if not thousands, in human history. At different times, these people were called differently:

  • Fortunetellers
  • Oracles
  • Seers
  • Sages and witches
  • Psychics

And dozens of other names, the meaning of which is the same. All these people made their prophecies about the future, blowing the minds of ordinary people. Where do they get their knowledge, do they know how to connect consciousness to a single information field of the Universe?


I note that among modern psychics, most are charlatans who play on people's feelings. Moreover, they are good at observing and receiving information from the people themselves who contacted them. As the saying goes, "Sleight of hand and no fraud." People themselves begin to talk about their problems, and if a psychic has at least some kind of logic, then the story from their lips sounds beautiful, as if they are seeing something somewhere.

But the world knew quite a few people who talked about future events for a hundred or a thousand years, the more difficult it is to call such people charlatans. I believe that some people may have such abilities, but there are very few of them and you should not blindly rely on their predictions.

People with such abilities are unique and their gift is rather a curse than a grace. What does it mean to see hundreds and thousands of destinies in the future? See a huge number of options for events that can happen in 500 years. You can go crazy quickly!


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Many people accuse Wang of working with the special services and say that she allegedly did not have any gift, but received information about people in advance. I do not believe in this. If she worked with the special services, it was in a completely different direction than sniffing out some details about ordinary people.

Yes, you can say that some of the predictions are not accurate, that any events can be timed to the way she described them and in the form that there are no clear signs and events of the future. But it all depends on the skepticism of a particular person and if he likes to deny that the world is so simple and there are no superpowers, then what can convince him?

But these are the forces such people serve. Good, evil? Are they neutral? I have no answer to this question, but I am still looking carefully and it would be interesting to know your opinion about psychics.