Who Will Win If America, China And Russia Start A War Right Now - Alternative View

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Who Will Win If America, China And Russia Start A War Right Now - Alternative View
Who Will Win If America, China And Russia Start A War Right Now - Alternative View

Video: Who Will Win If America, China And Russia Start A War Right Now - Alternative View

Video: Who Will Win If America, China And Russia Start A War Right Now - Alternative View
Video: Biden Announces War: US Strengthen Massives Military Power to Against Russia & China 2024, September

Experts around the world believe that the war of the three superpowers - the United States, China and Russia, is closer than ever. While the real threat comes from terrorists, countries continue to argue for dominance over territories that do not belong to them (by and large). We decided to impartially, on the basis of the main military equipment of these countries, to see who will have the probability of winning in this hypothetical (let it remain so) war. There are no nuclear weapons or submarines with ballistic missiles in our report - what kind of winners there can be in a nuclear war. Some survivors.

Fighters. USA

Currently, America has the only fifth generation fighter in the world. However, the vaunted F-22s are only 187 in service, and the F-35 cannot pass the testing stage.


Fighters. China

The J-31 made its debut at the 2014 air show, but the Chinese gunsmiths did not stop there. Recently, the J-20 was sent into mass production, and two of the newest projects, the J-23 and J-25, are being tested right now.

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Fighters. Russia

The newest T-50 is expected to be the main enemy of the American Raptors. More maneuverable but less radar-proof, it will only have serious problems if it doesn't spot the enemy first.


Probable winner. USA

At the moment, the American F-22 has a clear advantage, if only because all opponents are still finalizing their projects. However, Raptor pilots should worry now: both Russia and China are creating fighters that will be ideal hunters.


Tanks. USA

The M-1 Abrams boasts a 120mm main cannon and carries excellent electronics and remote weapon stations on board. The armor configuration consists of layers of uranium and kevlar.


Tanks. Russia

Russia is developing a prototype of the T-14 on the Armata platform, but now the T-90A models shown back in 2004 are in service, which many independent experts recognize as almost the best tanks in the world.


Tanks. China

China, on the other hand, is betting on its new development, the Type 99. The tank has recently been upgraded with reactive armor and is considered almost as hardy in battle as Western or Russian tanks.


Probable winner. Russia

Strictly speaking, there is a draw in this category. However, America has a large number of tanks already upgraded and, more importantly, much better trained crews. We must not forget about combat experience - here America is again ahead of the rest of the planet.


Navy. USA

With the world's largest fleet, America may well feel like the heir to Britain. 10 aircraft carriers will make anyone think twice before encroaching on US territorial waters.


Navy. Russia

Unfortunately, we have nothing to brag about here yet. Despite the strong groupings of fleets, Russia has only one aircraft carrier, and even that one moves with some difficulty.


Navy. China

The Chinese Liaoning is still the only aircraft carrier in the fleet. However, serious work is now underway to strengthen the fleet of the People's Liberation Army. China's Coast Guard is being used to establish sovereignty in contested waters and is acquiring the world's largest and most armed ships among such groups.


Probable winner. USA

The US Navy continues to have the strongest navy in the world. However, a full-scale invasion of Russia or China is likely to fail - just cutting off the supply ships from the fleet.
