The Murmansk Resident Deciphered The Frightening Messages Of His Ancestors - Alternative View

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The Murmansk Resident Deciphered The Frightening Messages Of His Ancestors - Alternative View
The Murmansk Resident Deciphered The Frightening Messages Of His Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: The Murmansk Resident Deciphered The Frightening Messages Of His Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: The Murmansk Resident Deciphered The Frightening Messages Of His Ancestors - Alternative View
Video: Today, in the direction of Murmansk... 2024, September

People have always wanted to look into the future. Therefore, many still believe in folk omens, every morning they read astrological forecasts, and some enthusiastically study the predictions of the ancients. For three decades now, Murmansk resident Dmitry Rozhdestvensky has been deciphering the mysterious messages of world famous astrologers, mystics, seers, attentively studying biblical prophecies. And, according to his assumptions, difficult trials await us …

Dashing nineties

“I began to get carried away with decoding predictions in the early 90s, when our country was rapidly sliding into the abyss of“criminal democracy,”” says Dmitry Anatolyevich. - Like many compatriots, I was haunted by the question "What will happen next?" I once asked a friend of him, he was a very religious person and freely quoted Scripture. The sacred texts were not easy to understand. So I decided to study them myself. I bought a Bible and began looking for answers to my questions.

Dmitry Rozhdestvensky began to study the Book of Books from the last part - the Revelation of John the Theologian, which is called the Apocalypse.

This is a very difficult work to understand, but its mysterious nature for many centuries has attracted the eyes of both believing Christians and inquisitive thinkers who are trying to unravel the meaning and significance of the visions described in it.

- In the Apocalypse, I found a mention of the Chernobyl disaster. There is a prophecy about the "Star Wormwood", according to which many people will die from the waters that were poisoned by a falling star, - continues Dmitry Rozhdestvensky. - Chernobyl is a derivative of the "black blade", as in the old days the grass was called wormwood. It was then that I realized that we are living in the era of the apocalypse, and began to study more closely the last part of the New Testament further.

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Messages from the past

The next interesting conclusion made by the Murmansk citizen concerns the images of animals. According to his hypothesis, the Apostle John in his Revelation spoke about modern military technology.

- For example, there is a mention of "locusts, the noise from the wings of which is like the sound of chariots." There is also a line that "her hair is like a woman's." I think this is a description of combat helicopters, because before women wore long braids, and the blades could well cause such an association, says Dmitry Anatolyevich. - In the Apocalypse, there are many similar animalistic descriptions in which tanks, missiles and other combat installations can be recognized. It's just that a man who lived two thousand years ago did not know how to describe the technique that probably appeared to him in visions. Moreover, in my opinion, this once again confirms that the Apostle John wrote about our time. After all, tanks have existed for just over a hundred years, and helicopters and missiles even less. If progress continues to progress at the same rate,then in a hundred years this technique will become morally obsolete and give way to new weapons, for example, psychotropic weapons.

Found a Murmansk citizen in the Apocalypse and predictions of the events of 1991, when the Americans, together with NATO, launched Operation Desert Storm, aimed at restoring the sovereignty of Kuwait, seized by the Iraqi army in August 1990.

The predictions speak of "smoke, from which the sun was darkened", about "five months of torment of people, which is like torment from scorpion poison," and it was emphasized that there would be no harm to the grass and trees.

- Saddam Hussein, leaving Kuwait, set fire to oil wells that burned for five months, covering the region with smoke. Smoke and products of oil combustion do not harm the flora, but people suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning, explains Dmitry Anatolyevich. - NATO servicemen began to get sick. There was even a special term "Gulf War syndrome", its main symptoms - weakness, malaise, impaired respiratory and motor functions, like a scorpion bite. Only many years later it turned out that the military did not get sick from carbon monoxide poisoning, but from the use of ammunition with depleted uranium …

As for the forecasts, according to the hypothesis of the Murmansk citizen, one of the most pessimistic concerns the United States. He does not exclude that in the coming years in large cities there may be four nuclear attacks, but they will not happen simultaneously. Moreover, most likely, according to the subjective decoding of predictions, Los Angeles and New York will be hit. Further, a civil war may begin, which will destroy the country. Indeed, despite all the current economic, political and military power, there is no further mention of it.

Destructive Apophysis

Dmitry Anatolyevich builds his theories about future events not only on the basis of Holy Scripture, but also on the predictions of Michel Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce and other famous prophets. For example, they all predicted the fall of a large cosmic body to Earth.

- Today the most dangerous asteroid Apophis is considered, its diameter is about 320 meters, and its mass is about 27 million tons, - continues my interlocutor. - According to the calculations of astronomers, the approach of this space giant with our planet will occur in 2029, 2036 and 2068. The probability of a collision, according to scientists, is small - less than 3 percent. But if Apophis falls to Earth, then the explosion will be equal to 100 thousand bombs dropped on Hiroshima. A crater with a diameter of more than 6 kilometers is formed, an earthquake with a magnitude of about 6 points will occur. And various prophecies say that this will actually happen.

Dmitry Rozhdestvensky found a description of this catastrophe in Michel Nostradamus. According to the Murmansk resident's interpretation, the famous French predicted that the asteroid would fall between Italy and Greece into the Adriatic Sea. This will provoke a huge release of water, due to which the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas will be flooded, and in their place the large Adriatic Sea will form.

The American soothsayer and healer Edgar Cayce also wrote about global changes. In his prophecies, he said: “The earth will undergo global destruction. Most of Europe will change beyond recognition in an instant. England is half-flooded. Most of Japan must go under water. In western America, the earth will begin to split. California and southern Nevada will roll into the Pacific Ocean. Mexico is in ruins. In the next few years, new islands will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans … The earth will break in many places. South America will be shaken from top to bottom. Los Angeles, San Francisco and other cities will be destroyed even earlier than New York. The states of Carolina and Georgia will disappear. The waters of the Great Lakes will merge into the Gulf of Mexico. As a result of the nightmarish tectonic cataclysm, the Earth's axis of rotation will move. The planet's climate will change”.

What could have caused such a catastrophe? Indeed, according to the hypothesis of Dmitry Anatolyevich, the asteroid will fall into the region of the Adriatic Sea. What will provoke such violent destruction in North America and other continents?

- In the United States there is the Yellowstone volcano, the largest in the world, - explains Dmitry Rozhdestvensky. “It hasn't erupted in over 500,000 years. But the fall of the asteroid can wake him and other dormant volcanoes. It is they who can cause the troubles that Casey wrote about.

There are also catastrophic predictions in the Apocalypse. In two chapters describing the fall of Babylon, the Murmansk citizen saw a forecast for the destruction of Rome.

There are chances

Of course, these prophecies are scary. Fortunately, this is not the end of the world. According to Dmitry Anatolyevich, there will be at least one place on Earth where people can survive. It's Russia.

- I am not saying this for a catchphrase, - Dmitry Rozhdestvensky emphasizes. - Remember the structure of the Earth? Its surface, lithospheric plates are in constant motion relative to each other. The speed of their movement is low - up to several centimeters per year. But the places of their connection are considered earthquake-prone. Where one plate “crawls” under another, earthquakes periodically occur. Russia is located on one of the largest and hardest plates - the Eurasian lithospheric plate. We have earthquake-prone zones - Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Transbaikalia, Altai, the Caucasus and Crimea, but most of the vast country is safe in terms of earthquakes. And it is from the territory of Russia that the revival of a new, more highly developed civilization will begin.

The Italian monk Ragno Nero described the consequences of this catastrophe as follows: “Huge waves will rise. They will flood half of the earth and then roll back. After that, the number of humanity will greatly decrease. France, Spain, Turkey, Scandinavian countries will disappear. Tartary will not disappear. And Tartary in the Middle Ages was called the territory east of the Volga River and up to the Pacific Ocean, that is, most of modern Russia.

- Different sources, prophets from different eras speak, in fact, about the same thing, and therefore it is worth paying attention to them, - my interlocutor summed up. - As they say, whoever is forewarned is armed.