Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View

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Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View
Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View

Video: Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View

Video: Orbs: Ghosts Nearby - Alternative View
Video: Doorbell Security Camera Ghost Scare? | The View 2024, September

Sometimes in the photographs you can see some translucent round objects that are not visible to the naked eye. Their diameter is very different - from a few centimeters to a meter. They also differ in color: bluish, green, pink, golden. These objects are usually called orbs (from the English orb - "ball"). There are many versions of their origin, but there is no exact answer to the question of where they come from.

First meetings

The first to pay attention to the mysterious objects was Professor Klaus Heinemann, who worked for a long time at HACA. Once, looking at the photos of his wife, which she took at a meeting of healers, Heinemann noticed light circles on some of them. At first, the professor decided that dust particles, moisture or light reflections on the lens could be the cause of such "defects". He visited the room in which the photographs were taken, carefully checked his wife's camera, but found nothing unusual. Moreover, in the photographs of Mariachi, taken by Heinemann himself, mysterious spheres were again present.

The intrigued professor took several hundred pictures in different places. At the same time, he discovered such a tendency - orbs appear if you mentally ask them about it, as well as in pictures taken during spiritualistic seances or at meetings with psychics. The researcher even managed to establish that the orbs do not stand still, but move at a speed of about 800 km / h. In addition, as a result of filming the same object with two cameras, it turned out that the spheres appeared only in the images of one of them, as if they had chosen the camera themselves. And in some of them you could see the contours resembling a skull or a face.

Based on this, the professor concluded that the orbs are a manifestation of the mind, which is beyond our reality. Therefore, we see them only with the help of digital technology.

Shaggy object

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In Russia, orbs were studied by Vyacheslav Meshcheryakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Researcher at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences. After carefully examining the pictures taken in the area of White Island in St. Petersburg, he noticed that they all have translucent circular objects through which the background is visible. The scientist came to the conclusion that these objects are not balls, but rather thin discs. Moreover, judging by the fact that in different frames they were in different places, that is, they changed their position, this could not be a shooting defect.

The author of these pictures, photographer Yulia Baranova, said that, having noticed the orbs on the camera screen, she looked over it and saw something strange hanging on the birch. The woman was not afraid and decided to touch the mysterious something. According to her, the soft and resilient object seemed to be covered with nap, as if it were made of felt or felt. Julia called him a furry.

According to Meshcheryakov, the appearance of orbs in the images is a reflection of the flash from something that we cannot see with the naked eye. The scientist, oddly enough, associates the orbs with a poltergeist. After all, where a poltergeist is noticed, there are almost always different light phenomena and similar mysterious spheres.

Like his colleague, Meshcheryakov is confident that the glowing balls are alive, because they change their shape and shape. Most of the orbs can be seen in photographs from events associated with emotional outbursts, for example, at weddings, in temples, or around babies. This is another proof of the rationality of the phenomenon - craving for people.

The camera is to blame

There are many versions of the origin of orbs, but two of them are the most popular. Skeptics tend to argue that the appearance of glowing spheres in pictures is nothing more than a problem with the equipment.

Once one of the journalists, returning from a business trip, brought back pictures from there, assuring the editorial staff that they could become a real sensation. The photographs taken aboard the ship captured the daily routine of the crew. Nothing special, if not for one thing - all people were surrounded by translucent spheres of various diameters. The author categorically stated that these are energetic entities. Perhaps it would have been a sensation, but a person well versed in equipment worked in the editorial office. He examined the camera and realized that the spheres in the pictures were due to windy and rainy weather. It just got splashed on the lens. However, the expert could not answer the question why the spheres are not located in the same place on the frames and why their number is different.

Experienced photographers believe that orbs are photography errors, dust, glare, drops on the lens. This statement is also supported by the fact that most often the balls appear in pictures taken with inexpensive cameras that are not designed for sensitive shooting, since they have a small lens. In addition, the flash on them, as a rule, is located above the lens, when shooting, it illuminates the dust hanging in the air, and it is reflected back into the lens. This is how orbs are made. But this does not answer the question of why, when using professional equipment, the images also contain translucent spheres. Again, the orbs in the photographs are located not only in front of the subjects of the photograph, but also behind them, being partially overlapped by them. This means that not everything is so simple.

From the subtle world

Supporters of the second popular version claim that orbs are representatives of another, subtle world, invisible to the eye. The fact is that the camera captures the image at a shutter speed of 1/2000 s and has time to "see" what we cannot see.

Rostov paranormal researchers believe that orbs by their nature resemble ball lightning. Only they are distinguished by reasonable behavior.

With the help of the Kirlian apparatus, which makes it possible to photograph the aura of all living things, it was discovered that energy clots less than a millimeter in size "live" in the aura of people. These energetic entities exist due to human energy, they are simply vampires, giving nothing in return. They can cause mental illness and various serious illnesses. Such, as a rule, are used by sorcerers in their rituals. There are others who peacefully exist with a person, exchange energy with him, protect him from energy vampires.

Most often, energetic entities accumulate in anomalous zones, places of power, in areas of disasters, where dark rituals are held, in cemeteries, in temples, etc. And everywhere where there is a powerful surge of human energy, where you can profit, for example, at rock concerts.

Bad and good

Taking into account this information, the researchers tried to determine how the orbs of a particular color and structure affect a person. For example, if the image shows translucent silvery spheres with several points (eyes), this is not a problem. Such orbs are simply observers; they do not participate in the exchange of energy with a person. But milky-white, almost opaque balls with an indistinguishable center are the very vampires that pose a great danger to humans. In photographs taken in nature, most often you can see white orbs with one "eye" located directly in the center. These are "spirits of nature" and they do not pose a threat to humans.

The most dangerous are the crimson-red orbs, since they are energetic entities from the lower world. They very easily penetrate the energy shell of a person, making him obsessed, inadequate, prone to hallucinations. Thus, by changing the perception of the surrounding world by a person, orbs of this type are able to control it, influence his life.

If the picture shows golden balls about 10 cm in diameter, without a center, with a halo of long beams, you see something like the guards of a particular person. These orbs protect the biofield of their ward from the invasion of aggressive energy entities.

Of course, it is difficult to believe all this, but while there are no official scientific explanations, we can only be content with alternative versions.

Galina Minnikova