V. Azhazha About The Cellular Structure Of Our Universe - Alternative View

V. Azhazha About The Cellular Structure Of Our Universe - Alternative View
V. Azhazha About The Cellular Structure Of Our Universe - Alternative View

Video: V. Azhazha About The Cellular Structure Of Our Universe - Alternative View

Video: V. Azhazha About The Cellular Structure Of Our Universe - Alternative View
Video: Are there Infinite Versions of You? 2024, April

The hexagonal structure of the honeycomb is the most harmonious and widespread in nature. There are many such examples of the use of such structures by Nature.

But few people guess that our Universe also consists of huge “honeycombs”, including Galatians and Metagalaxies. And for the first time scientists started talking about it 20 years ago, but many did not attach serious importance to it.

It is understandable, there are forces on our planet that are doing everything possible so that we do not have genuine knowledge. And for this purpose a whole caste of hired talkers is actively working, leading us away from the truth.

In contrast to the official policy of silence, I would like to acquaint you with the opinion of the late Russian scientist and ufologist, candidate of technical sciences V. Azhazhi, which he expressed regarding the “cellular” structure of our Universe in his book “Ufological Mystery”, published back in 2002. And this is what he writes there:

Information and energy are the first bricks of the material world, which for many millennia human thought has been looking for, putting forward hypotheses of the presence of material particles.

Now we can say that in nature there are no atoms, no electrons, much less elementary particles in our today's understanding. These concepts are conditional….

The universe consists of different material worlds. There are subtle worlds, there are dense material worlds, where energy is condensed. There are solid-material worlds, like our physical world of the Earth, where energy is in a superdense state.

A variety of Matter (substance) is a different state of energy. Any substance (gas, liquid, mineral, metal) has an energy structure of a "honeycomb", an information-energy spiral is unrolled around the nodes of this structure, at different turns of it there is a different number of energy clots, and, penetrating all nodes, it forms energy cells along the whole structure of matter …

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Matter is finite and consists of information and energy. But what about the so-called infinity of the Universe in this case? The Universe is finite, multi-layered, constantly expanding, retains the structure of the "honeycomb", consists of a control core - the Universe Reason and a controlled system of closed vortex information and energy flows.

The universe can be identified with a living being, such as a person. And just like a human, she has life support systems. A person has a circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive system.

The Universe has closed information and energy systems (flows). Only due to the fact that these flows are closed, everything in the Universe has its own cycles. The Universe has a homogeneous, strictly regular structure of "honeycomb" and is constantly growing, but not chaotically, but strictly according to the Laws.

Closed information and energy flows in the Universe circulate according to the principle of a spatial spiral - an energy vortex. The information-energy spiral in the substance cell is a microcopy of the global information-energy spiral of the galaxy.

The Great Spiral of the Universe is constantly spinning according to a certain Law, which is the reason for the constant expansion of the Universe and the reason for the constant change of matter - the transformation of some substances into others.

The stars (suns) move along the unwinding information and energy spiral of the galaxy. The planets around suns (stars) also move in a similar spiral, while the entire spiral revolves around the center of the galaxy.

The planets around the suns (stars) move in a spiral, not an ellipse, as we were taught from birth. At the same time, this spiral rotates with the sun (star). Satellites move around planets not in a stationary orbit, but in a spiral that rotates with the planet.


The "honeycomb" of the Universe is constantly expanding throughout its volume, and the galaxies located in the nodes of the "honeycomb" move away from each other. The suns (stars), moving in a spiral, also move away from the center of the galaxy, constantly growing and increasing their mass. the planets and their satellites behave …

Our galaxy is at the periphery of the universe, and the solar system is at the periphery of the galaxy. Therefore, neither the angle of view, nor the resolution of the eye and telescopes allow us to see the correct hexagons in the night sky. But this does not mean that they do not exist.

It only says that observational astronomy also deals with consequences and nothing more.


In the book "Big Bang" by the American astrophysicist Joseph Silk, a large-scale photograph of the Universe makes a special impression (p.67, Fig. 25).

This image was used by astronomers as a map for counting galaxies in clusters by the degree of luminosity (whiteness) of each spot in the image. The structure of the "honeycomb" of the Universe is clearly visible in this picture, it is impossible not to notice it, although none of the researchers paid attention to it."

Here is a very illustrative example of how the consciousness of the majority of orthodox scientists behaves: they simply do not notice everything that goes beyond the picture of the description of reality instilled in them from childhood.

But, fortunately, the number of independent researchers and leading scientists with an "open-minded view" of the surrounding reality is growing. And, sooner or later, this quantity will pass into the quality of our knowledge about the world around us, bringing humanity to a new level of evolution of consciousness.

michael101063 ©

Book by V. Azhazh, 2002