The Magical Abilities Of Dogs - Alternative View

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The Magical Abilities Of Dogs - Alternative View
The Magical Abilities Of Dogs - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Abilities Of Dogs - Alternative View

Video: The Magical Abilities Of Dogs - Alternative View
Video: The Dog With Magical Powers 2024, September

Of all animals, in terms of its magical properties, it is the dog that is close to man, since its aura is in best harmony with his energy field. Most of all, it is in harmony with children's energy. Therefore, modern magicians recommend that children communicate more with dogs, since with their powerful energy potential, they will support the intensive growth of the child, who constantly needs new strength, new energy supply.

The presence of a dog near a child will contribute to his healthy development, both physical and spiritual. The fact is that in dogs, unlike other animals, the chakra is very highly developed, which is responsible for the manifestation of selfless love.

A child who constantly plays with a dog will fall under its influence and thereby open his heart towards the world of beautiful feelings, his heart will learn to disinterestedly give love, as a dog does.

In addition, the dog frees the child from focusing on himself, relieves him of the feeling of loneliness and abandonment.

The magical abilities of dogs are most often divided by the color of the coat (suit).

Here are some examples of how to choose a dog in terms of magic and targeted healing.

Dogs of black suit

Black dogs are powerful conductors of energy flows.

Beware of your bad thoughts, as a black dog has the ability to multiply them.

If you have a friendly family, then the dog will only increase good energy.

Also, many peoples noted that a black dog can prevent such unpleasant moments as a thief from entering a house, getting into a home during a thunderstorm - lightning.

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It is worth taking note of those people who wish to engage in spiritualistic seances:

in the field of magic, dogs of this color contribute to the reliable and lasting establishment of a channel with the other world.

Many have seen a black dog with white spots above the eyes, so such dogs have the gift of protecting the house from negative energy and astral entities.

Having such a dog, all residents of your house are additionally protected from the evil eye and "sharing".

Pure white dog

A pure white dog is distinguished by the fact that it transforms any energy into white, positive.

Such a dog can be got by absolutely everyone, without exception, and in some cases even necessary.

This is a true natural healer.

Red color dog

A red-colored dog is recommended for those people who are most susceptible to the evil eye or damage.

Such a dog protects its owner from the "Dark Forces", slander and rituals made by non-professionals.

From a dark cloud

Dogs of this color are recommended for people with an unbalanced psyche, sharp emotional changes, impressionable personalities.

The energy of such a dog helps to align any human energy. In general, such dogs can be called a healer - "the golden mean".

Of the magical properties of a dog, its ability to guard and protect the house from evil spirits is most often used. It was believed that the guarding ability of dogs is so strong that even witches bypass those yards where there is a dog. This was especially true for those dogs that were puppies of the first whelped bitch.

Therefore, according to Slavic beliefs, having learned that somewhere a dog has brought puppies for the first time, witches always try to steal or kill the first of them.

Dogs are very sensitive to various astral entities. When they appear in the house, they begin to rush or bark loudly, either at the place where the dog noticed something unusual, or at the owner, trying to attract his attention.

Dogs were used by many wandering sorcerers, who often had to spend the night in other people's houses or in the forest. Their dogs warned their owner about the presence of astral entities, which could very well be malicious spirits.

This protective ability was so remarkable that it was reflected in many watchdog myths. Therefore, magicians working with the occult properties of animals argued that in the presence of a dog, especially a white one, no witchcraft was effective. The dog's aura is so strong that it can neutralize any kind of black magic. And dogs of a red color are able to ward off the evil eye and damage from their master.

The ancient author Pliny said that the bile of a black dog protects the house from all the spells of evil sorcerers.

Parts of the dog were used very actively for the preparation of various magical potions. For example, a dog's claw was part of a magic drug that made a person invincible, and the ashes of a burnt dog's skull was considered a cure for many diseases. In one medieval treatise on witchcraft, we read: "Against the bite of poisonous reptiles, blood from a dog helps, no worse than known antidotes."

The dog's predictive abilities have also become very popular. Due to the fact that a dog is very close to humans in its energy properties, and its mental body is more developed than that of other domestic animals, it is best able to predict the future of a person. Not even a cat can compare with her.

The prophetic ability of dogs was also used by priests at temples, and village sorcerers and witches, who predicted many different events, and in some cases the weather, based on the behavior of animals.