"Cooling The Brain" - A New Method In The Fight Against Parkinson's Disease - Alternative View

"Cooling The Brain" - A New Method In The Fight Against Parkinson's Disease - Alternative View
"Cooling The Brain" - A New Method In The Fight Against Parkinson's Disease - Alternative View

Video: "Cooling The Brain" - A New Method In The Fight Against Parkinson's Disease - Alternative View

Video: Cooling The Brain: What It Means And Who It Is For 2024, September

According to some sources, Alzheimer's disease was present even in our distant ancestors. At the same time, the disease was described only at the beginning of the last century, and at about the same time the search for a cure began. Of course, there are significant successes in this area, but unfortunately, it is still impossible to completely protect or heal our body from this neurodegenerative process. Nevertheless, scientists do not abandon attempts to do this, and recently a group of researchers from the University of Queensland began testing a rather promising method.

According to statistics, Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease in the world. It affects about 10 million people every year. The main mechanism for the development of the disease is chronic inflammation of the neurons in the brain, accompanied by protein deposition, loss of control over motor activity and other lesions of the central nervous system. It was on the process of inflammation that Assistant Professor of the Faculty of Medicine Trent Woodroffe and Professor Matt Cooper decided to pay attention.

The essence of the drug's action is as follows: the researchers found that in many patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease, the main factor in the development is the NLRP3 protein complex. It not only induces protein adhesion on inflamed brain cells, but also circulates in the blood. The synthetic molecule MCC950 perceives this protein as a target and blocks it.

Vladimir Kuznetsov
