And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View

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And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View
And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View

Video: And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View

Video: And Yet They Control Us? - Alternative View
Video: 13TH | FULL FEATURE | Netflix 2024, September

Nowadays, many scientists agree that for centuries humanity has been subjected to "programming" and the main events of history - wars, revolutions, major terrorist acts - were imposed on us by some secret forces. Whether these forces are representatives of alien civilizations, or whether they live on our planet, but in a different dimension inaccessible to us, is still a mystery.

Control of the Air Force

In the mid-70s of the 20th century, in the South Urals, not far from Sarga station, there was a base of the USSR air forces. After a small earthquake that occurred in those regions in 1974, bomber aviation pilots began to report that during the flight over the "g" square, which was a very extensive mountain-wooded area, they lost contact with the Earth, and in some cases for a short time even aircraft electronics fail.

Soon, the squadron command began to receive information that during radio communications with the Earth, the crew commanders began to hear strange sounds and extraneous human speech addressed to the pilots, which was not recorded by ground services. Upon returning to the airfield after such "communication sessions", the crew members noted an unusual deterioration in health, lethargy, and depressed mental state. And once mysterious voices ordered the commander of one of the crews to direct the combat vehicle one hundred and fifty kilometers southeast of square "7" and bomb.

The military pilot knew that a small settlement of the Sverdlovsk region was located in that place, but he had to make great willful efforts to immediately stop the flight and return to the base …

Orders from outside

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Here's another case. In the summer of 1983, a young soldier was taken to the military hospital of the Siberian Military District in Novosibirsk - an operator of a radar station stationed near Krasnoyarsk. At first, the symptoms of the disease to the doctors resembled an acute mental disorder: unmotivated fuck, fear of a closed space, severe headaches, accompanied by auditory and visual hallucinations. However, after a long examination, accompanied by many hours of conversations and hypnotic sessions, a rather unusual picture was revealed to the doctors. In particular, in a state of hypnosis, the patient reported that during combat duty in the last three months he had seen on the radar screen repeatedly appearing and unfamiliar graphic images, which for some reason soon began to read freely. So, once a message was transmitted to him,consisted of two words "we are here."

Another time, by sending graphic commands to the radar screen, the soldier was ordered to get up from his seat (which was strictly forbidden according to the instructions) and take five steps in the opposite direction. And soon after lights out, the young man began to hear voices that read strange poems to him, hummed many-headed and very beautiful, but unfamiliar melodies. Then the soldier began to receive orders to leave the barracks on the street, turn his face in the direction opposite to the moon and find the brightest star in the sky. When this command was carried out, the soldier saw a distinct pulsation of an unknown celestial object that had a bluish tint.

This continued until unknown and invisible interlocutors ordered the soldier to damage the sludge cable, which would lead to the failure of the entire radar with power. From the realization that if he commits this action, it will be regarded as a war crime, the soldier CASES AND> 1 nervous breakdown, due to which the young man ended up in the hospital …

Strange meteor

Around the same time, in Krasnoyarsk itself, a neuropsychiatric dispensary within two weeks was delivered to three patients with similar symptoms of the disease. One of them - a trolleybus driver - was ordered by an unknown voice to change the route and direct the car from the embankment to the Yenisei River, which was done by the man. However, the trolleybus was stopped a few meters from the water barrier by a post that got in its way. Another patient, who worked at the enterprise, obediently thrust his hand into the milling machine, as a result of which he lost his hand. The third patient, a nurse, at the direction of the voice, injected several "cubes" of air into the patient's vein instead of medicine.

Then no one compared these cases and did not see a common cause that caused them. However, in 1990, Ivan Dmitrievich Mitrofanov from Krasnoyarsk, who worked as a psychiatrist for many years and then began studying the paranormal phenomena of the human psyche, found in meteorological reports mentions of such an unusual phenomenon in those parts as a starfall, which happened just in June 1983. He soon received more interesting information from the Novosibirsk Observatory, whose staff recorded at the same time a luminous celestial body moving strictly from south to north, and which, presumably, was identified as a meteor. According to I. D. Mitrofanov, it was this heavenly phenomenon that caused the outbreak of mental illness in different regions of Siberia …

Tragedies at the mine

But who is sending us these signals? The answer to this question can be given by the cases collected by Sergei Perfiliev from Barnaul. So, he sets out a story that happened in the 1920s with an artel of gold miners near Ardybash. Even before arriving at the site, the workers of the artel had heard about the strange behavior of the inhabitants of the small village of Sokolikha, in the vicinity of which they had to wash gold. In particular, they talked about unmotivated attacks of mass aggression of residents, frequent cases of suicide and deliberate self-harm. Upon arrival at the scene, the leadership of the artel took increased security measures against a possible attack by neighbors. And soon the workers of the artel themselves began to say that they heard some mysterious voices, and in the evening, especially during full moon periods, they often see strange, seemingly transparent figures,who roam the mine. Some time later, one worker died in a mine under mysterious circumstances. Then another committed suicide by climbing a rocky ledge and jumping down. This "devilry" continued until one of the gold miners accidentally stumbled upon a strange hole in the rock, from which a metal pin was sticking out. This place was surveyed by the leadership of the artel. During the examination of the mysterious hole, all people present experienced a severe headache and heard a strange and incomprehensible speech, the sounds of which came from the hole with a pin and at the same time seemed to be duplicated in the heads of those present. The very next morning, two of the workers who were in that place were found hanged, after which the management of the artel decided to curtail the work and leave this "bad" place.

An antenna in your head?

The researcher is sure that obsessive and hallucinogenic conditions in humans are rarely the result of a true mental disorder. This happens only with organic brain damage, as well as with the use of narcotic, psychotropic substances and alcohol. In other cases, the brain of a person considered to be sick actually picks up sound and visual signals sent to him from the outside. It is these signals that patients of psychiatric clinics perceive as voices sounding in their head and objects of the material and non-material world emerging from nothing. I. D. Mitrofanov believes that in the human brain, or rather at the very base of the cerebellum, there is a certain area of neural tissue that acts on the principle of an antenna that perceives special signals unknown to modern physics.

After acquaintance with such facts, it seems that the modern development of technology, universal computerization, work on the creation of artificial intelligence, the presence of global telecommunication networks, and some secret forces have unlimited possibilities to control humanity. It remains only to hope that these unlimited possibilities of mysterious forces will be pushed for the benefit of our civilization.
