Why Did The Scammers Steal Andrey Kadykchansky's YouTube Channel? - Alternative View

Why Did The Scammers Steal Andrey Kadykchansky's YouTube Channel? - Alternative View
Why Did The Scammers Steal Andrey Kadykchansky's YouTube Channel? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Scammers Steal Andrey Kadykchansky's YouTube Channel? - Alternative View

Video: Why Did The Scammers Steal Andrey Kadykchansky's YouTube Channel? - Alternative View
Video: How Sponsorship Scammers steal channels, scam YouTubers into promoting malware & spy on subscribers 2024, October

Probably everyone who is interested in alternative history knows Andrei Kadykchansky - an independent researcher of the real past, a member of expeditions of the ASPIK channel and the Tart-Aria info expedition club. On the youtube platform, Andrey hosted his own channel "Andrey Kadykchansky", some of the videos of which I frankly liked. And the rubric "Kadykchanskie vedomosti" was very original.

But now, today he turned through his accounts in social networks to his subscribers with information that on January 9, some scammers took control of his channel and he was unable to regain control. Moreover, due to "violations of the youtube rules of use", his previous channel was blocked by the administration of the video holding. Communication with the robots of this video holding has not yet brought success. Therefore, he decided to restore his channel to a new address.

In order to fully restore the previous functions and videos, he now needs to recruit a certain number of subscribers and views.

First of all, I appeal to the subscribers of his old channel: restore your subscription to the new address. Also, those who want to support Andrei and help him in his trouble, be noted with comments and likes under his videos. Full information about what happened was posted by him in the video “Special issue. Revival”and everyone can get acquainted with it in detail.

Such a misfortune can happen to any owner of a video channel. But of particular concern is the fact that this has happened to an independent researcher of alternative history. And, although Andrei himself said that this was not related to the direction of his channel, I personally do not agree with him here. For these fraudulent hackers were probably fulfilling someone's order. Let us recall the recent history of intimidation and beating of S. Pogorelov, the author of the Other History channel. Since this story caused a certain resonance, the servants of the parasites switched to completely new tactics.

It is very likely that they operate through hackers, and the most unprincipled of them, who do not care what will happen to them and humanity in a few years. These are the corrupt servants of parasites and help them to establish a satanic "new world order" on Earth for their money. But I appeal to those hackers and IT security specialists who have not lost their human appearance and have not sold themselves to a parasitic satanic system: help Andrey. And it seems that all of us - alternatives, especially those whose channels are popular with viewers, will need your help in the near future.

Parasites always act according to already worked out patterns, if at least once it brought success. And their new tactics are completely understandable. They give the order to hackers, and when they give them passwords for money, they take control of the channel. deliberately sum him up under the "violation of the youtube rules" to be blocked. It could be spam, pornography, or something else. It does not matter, the main thing is that the channel is “closed”. Thus, the servants of the parasites achieve their task without any physical intimidation and pressure on the alternatives. Moreover, such a tactic allows them not to "light up" themselves at such promotions.

Therefore, answering the question: "Why did the fraudsters steal the channel of Andrei Kadykchansky?" You can safely answer in order to stop broadcasting. because in our world there are forces that really do not want us to learn the truth about our past and be able to figure out what is really going on in the present. Well, everyone who serves these forces will cover their families with shame for many generations.

Promotional video:

Dear ladies and gentlemen, hackers! If you receive such an order, then first look at what the channel from which you steal passwords for the parasite servants is. Know that if you are serving parasites. then you betray all mankind and deprive the future of your own children and grandchildren. Well, if you do not understand this, then the just retribution of higher powers will help you understand this in the near future. The rest of the owners of YouTube channels, and especially researchers of alternative history, I advise you to strongly change the passwords in your youtube accounts and always have copies of your films and videos on removable media. Good luck, colleagues! And to all the corrupt and ideological servants of the parasites - fair and quick retribution!

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