Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View

Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View
Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View

Video: Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View

Video: Instead Of A Human Name, You Will Be Assigned A Number In The Registry And You Will Become A Bioobject - Alternative View
Video: How to take Full Control of Windows Registry Key 2024, September

This post I would like to devote to the replacement of a human name with a number. I want to tell you the main meaning and reveal the essence of this action.

What is a NAME for a person? Perhaps I'll start from afar and remember this expression for a start.

What do you call the Ship, it will float the same. A familiar expression, isn't it?

So the name carries a certain destiny and meaning for a person. The name carries letters in a certain order. Each letter of the name carries a certain vibration in the frequency range. Therefore, in the name there is a certain programmed characteristic of parameters for a person. Some names give a person a soft character, another name gives the owner an ardent disposition, and so on.

Here you can also quote the expression: What is in my name for you?

If you get closer to astrology, then the Names in it carry certain characteristics and this is also not casual.

If you are a believer, then you probably have a conflicting feeling right now. They say astrology or astronomy is all demonic knowledge, you think. No, not how much it is not demonic, since even in Orthodoxy they successfully use this knowledge when calculating church holidays (Easter, for example, etc.)

In Slavic culture, for example, as many sources claim in the old days, in addition to the main name given by the parents at birth, they also gave the second name that the Magus assigned during a procedure similar to baptism at a later age. My great-grandmother, who was a witch, told me about this. The second name was known only to the sorcerer and the person who was given the second name. This was done so that a person on the spiritual plane could not be harmed. These were the beliefs of the Slavs; they understood the essence of the Human Name and thus tried to preserve their NAME. (thus save a person from damage or the evil eye).

Promotional video:

Thus, people tried to preserve their NAME in the past. Not only spiritually, but also valued the name as their honor and dignity.

After all, the name and fate of a person are very strongly connected in the physical world and people took this issue very seriously in the past.

Remnants of the past, you will tell me, well, I don't even know. Only you can judge and draw conclusions.

What is happening now in our time? In our time, there is a complete depersonalization of a person in this regard. In many laws that are now being adopted not only in Russia, but throughout the world, People cease to be called people, and in these laws people are given the name BIOBJECT. That is, it is no longer a person, but just a biological object without a name.

Enter in the search for Yandex or Google the query Bioobject - you will learn a lot about this term, which they want to apply to a person.


You can watch the video when you get acquainted with the concept of a BIOBJECT.

In my opinion, something similar to the thing that surrounds us. A number is also assigned instead of a name during the procedure for passing biometrics. And then I remember a moment from the movie Office Romance, where there was an inventory in the office. This is how it turns out that a person in this system becomes inventory material under his personal number. Nothing personal, just a number in the world global system. Human = bioobject = commodity = resource. That's probably all on this.

The registry in which the name will be replaced by a number will be called NEW BEAST.

And of course, do not forget the NURNBERG Trial that took place after the 1941-1945 war. It prohibits assigning a number to a person, as was done in German concentration camps. Remember history and do not repeat the mistakes of the past.

For those who are against such an order in which there are no people, but there are biological objects, I recommend subscribing to the channel. We will remain people with names and destinies !!!

5 G technologies are the harbingers of the beginning of the end of the world.

Peace to you and your home!
