"Russian Stonehenge" Was Discovered By Geologists In The Mountains Of The Kemerovo Region - Alternative View

"Russian Stonehenge" Was Discovered By Geologists In The Mountains Of The Kemerovo Region - Alternative View
"Russian Stonehenge" Was Discovered By Geologists In The Mountains Of The Kemerovo Region - Alternative View

Video: "Russian Stonehenge" Was Discovered By Geologists In The Mountains Of The Kemerovo Region - Alternative View

Video: Смотри и думай История 99 Мегалиты Сибири Горная Шория Россия 2024, September

A geological expedition discovered a stone "wall" in the mountains in the south of the Kemerovo region.

According to one of the versions, the find is a man-made structure over 100 thousand years old. Scientists compare the structure with Stonehenge and the Egyptian pyramids and intend to go on an expedition this summer to unravel the mystery of its origin. ITAR-TASS was informed about this by Evgeny Vertman, Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk Branch of the Russian Geographical Society.

According to preliminary estimates, the height of the “wall” is about 40 m, and the length is almost 200 m. The length of the “bricks” that make up the structure reaches 20 m, their height is 5-7 m. The weight of each block is more than 1,000 tons. Some of the rectangular stones are scattered along the mountain slopes that adjoin the main find.


Scientists are considering two versions of the origin of the "Russian Stonehenge". According to the first of them, the structure could have been built by an ancient civilization. “Most likely, its representatives possessed other technologies that were incomprehensible to us and inaccessible,” Wertman said. “Of course, questions arise: why did they erect the building, how did they manage to lift the boulders to the mountains over 1,000 meters high. We have to answer all this.” According to the second version, the stones found are the result of geological processes associated with the strong weathering of the rocks of Gornaya Shoria / in the south of the Kemerovo region /.


To get an answer, researchers may have to climb the Kuzbass mountains more than once. “Now we are trying not to draw conclusions. We need proof, added the geologist. “For this, next year we intend to conduct a more detailed expedition using the appropriate equipment.”

Wertman said that for the first time geologists paid attention to this area in Gornaya Shoria in 1991. But after the collapse of the USSR, the lack of funding for a long time did not allow exploring the territory. Work resumed this fall. In addition to residents of Kemerovo, scientists from other regions of Siberia and the Far East took part in the expedition.

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