Siberian Stonehenge - An Ancient City In The Kuzbass Taiga - Alternative View

Siberian Stonehenge - An Ancient City In The Kuzbass Taiga - Alternative View
Siberian Stonehenge - An Ancient City In The Kuzbass Taiga - Alternative View

Video: Siberian Stonehenge - An Ancient City In The Kuzbass Taiga - Alternative View

Video: Siberian Stonehenge - An Ancient City In The Kuzbass Taiga - Alternative View
Video: 4k Russian Siberia Taiga national Park "Chikoy". Национальный парк "Чикой" 2024, September

In 2013, an expedition in the taiga in the south of Kuzbass made a sensational discovery in Gornaya Shoria: at the top of the mountain, at an altitude of 1015–1200 meters, scientists found the ruins of an ancient city made of giant rectangular stone blocks, later called "Kuylyum megaliths". There is no technology on Earth for such construction and lifting such weights to the top of the mountain.

Scientists, having received a report from the expedition, as well as photographs and video footage showing the size of the granite "bricks", consider two versions: about the strong natural weathering of the rocks in Gornaya Shoria and about the man-made origin of the walls. There are more arguments for the second version, and the study of the found ruins of the city, which was instantly dubbed "the ancestral home of the Russians" and "the first Russian Stonehenge", will be continued. In addition to Stonehenge, the find of the ruins in Gornaya Shoria is already being compared with other famous ancient monuments of the world - with the Baalbek terrace in Lebanon and with the Egyptian pyramids.

At the base of the Baalbek terrace there are stone "bricks" weighing 800-1000 tons. For comparison, in the Cheops pyramid the most powerful granite blocks weigh 50–80 tons. It is often said about those and others that they were built by aliens, because even modern supermechanisms cannot lift such heavy "bricks". Evgeny Vertman, Deputy Chairman of the Tomsk Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, expressed his opinion about this:

And the granite blocks in the wall, found by the expedition in Gornaya Shoria, each weigh more than 1000 tons. These are very heavy blocks. And the construction of them was made about 100 thousand years ago. And if this is not the creation of human hands, then the civilization that existed before. Our scientists, having looked at the footage of the expedition, came to the conclusion that the structure is not natural, but anthropogenic. It was carried out technically, however incredible it may seem.

The expedition that returned from the taiga keeps the exact coordinates of the ruins a secret. It is only known that the ancient city is located in the impenetrable taiga beyond Mezhdurechensk. There has never been a hunter (local residents - Shors - for centuries considered those places forbidden and dangerous), nor a tourist. Geologist-guide Vyacheslav Pochetkin said about these places:

Yes, even the foot of the geologist never set foot there. In 1991, while working in a geological team, I noticed a strange structure in the taiga from a helicopter. I could not believe my eyes. I began to question the old geologists. Then he checked it using different maps and geological surveys. No one I saw a wall in the taiga at close range. Everyone was mistaken for ordinary rocks … But that taiga secret did not let me go. Two years ago, I went in search of the ancient city in that direction on purpose. It was hard, but I found it. And this autumn he sent his filming to the permanent expedition of the Tomsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society. And she came to check if these were definitely not ordinary rocks, "decorated" with frost and winds.

The expedition made its way through the windbreak taiga, climbed to the top of the desired mountain on all fours (the ascent angle reached 45 degrees), admired the courage of the guide Vyacheslav - he walked in front, although the 52-year-old geologist had a prosthesis instead of one leg. But seeing the first ruins above, the members of the expedition forgot about all the difficulties. One of the participants, Georgy Sidorov, reported:

When we climbed to the top of more than 1000 meters and saw a giant megalithic wall, we did not know what to think. A clearly man-made structure towered before us. It was partially destroyed. And in different places and, apparently, the monstrous force of the explosions. Above, giant blocks preserved places of melting and obvious burnout … It was clear to all of our people that we had before us some kind of ancient technical structure, which was mercilessly destroyed, but somewhere else was preserved. While studying the artifact, we found two types of masonry: the lower masonry was clearly megalithic - some blocks reached a length of 20 and a height of 6 meters. According to the most conservative estimates, the weight of such giants was over a thousand tons. Baalbek megaliths, in comparison with what we saw in Gornaya Shoria, are just child's play. Dumbfounded, we wandered among these ruinsnot understanding their purpose. Some of the granite blocks at the bottom were built of red granite, crowned with blocks of gray granite, and above there was a polygonal masonry of various blocks, both red granite and gray. In some places, the polygonal masonry seemed to be melted.

Promotional video:

Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov
Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov

Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov

Then the guides, friends-geologists, Vyacheslav Pochetkin and Alexander Bespalov, divided the expedition into two groups. One remained to study the wall with destroyed "brick" masonry, the second went to another ruined building, with vertical blocks. Evgeny Vertman's opinion

These two buildings, as we assume, are not urban buildings after all. It was not an ancient city or a fortress. Most likely, these were technical structures. According to Sidorov, the ancients had some kind of energy facilities, "energy centers" that stood on an energy rift. Why were they needed? In addition to some practical needs, it is possible that such generators were installed on the Earth in order to stabilize the Earth's axis, no matter how fantastic it may sound. In general, the solution to the found ruins is still ahead.

The expedition spent three days and two nights at the top of the mountain. The tents were pitched not in ruins, but far away. Although the measurement of radiation showed that everything is normal. But, according to the expedition, it was psychologically difficult. After all, it was not so much an incomprehensible mechanism that struck, how the ancients cut granite into rectangular bricks (the weight of some, according to Georgy Sidorov's estimates, reached 2 thousand tons), how they raised it to such a steep slope of the mountain and connected it - they made walls out of them without any cement. They just fitted it extremely tightly, so much so that even a knife would not pass in the joint. The expedition members were more burdened by the fact that the wall was melted and destroyed by an unprecedented explosion. The opinion of the conductor Vyacheslav Pochetkin:

The masonry in some places reaches a height of 40 meters, the length of the block most often reaches 7 meters. The length of the wall fragment is about 200 meters. It is a powerful building. But the blocks are melted! And although a huge number of years have passed, judging by the surrounding powerful taiga, even moss still does not grow too much on the melted blocks. There is only five centimeters of moss.

Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov
Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov

Photo: from the archive of Georgy Sidorov

Experts can only guess about the force of the explosion that once scattered these buildings in Gornaya Shoria. Evgeny Vertman's opinion on this issue:

A simple volcanic eruption would not be able to deal with granite blocks like that. By profession, I am a nuclear physicist and I can assume that this kind of damage could have occurred only when the local temperature of the impact would have reached millions of degrees. What really happened there is anyone's guess. But this can be compared to a thermonuclear weapon. Only the effect of such a temperature can explain the fact that the granite blocks heated up and flowed like plasticine, and so later they froze.

So far, the discovery of ruins in Gornaya Shoria has given rise to many questions and hypotheses. From the version that the ancestors of the Russians lived here, or that this place is the ancestral home of mankind, to the version about the landing site of aliens in ancient times and their work on arranging life on Earth, about helping future people. Of particular interest are the search for the entrance to the underground corridors of the building. And perhaps subsequent expeditions will help find answers to many questions.