What Opportunities Do The Megaliths Of Gornaya Shoria Open To Us? - Alternative View

What Opportunities Do The Megaliths Of Gornaya Shoria Open To Us? - Alternative View
What Opportunities Do The Megaliths Of Gornaya Shoria Open To Us? - Alternative View

Video: What Opportunities Do The Megaliths Of Gornaya Shoria Open To Us? - Alternative View

Video: What Opportunities Do The Megaliths Of Gornaya Shoria Open To Us? - Alternative View
Video: Discover Dovbush Rocks: Ukraine's Very Own Stonehenge 2024, September

After the discovery of ancient megalithic structures on the mountain tops in Gornaya Shoria, many "official scientists" and professional historians hastened to unfoundedly call them "natural formations" without even any imitation of attempts to study them. There can be no ancient civilizations on the territory of Russia and everything, and therefore any ancient megaliths, if they are not located in Peru, Egypt and other generally recognized centers of ancient civilizations, is just a "play of the forces of nature." A very convenient explanation, and especially for those "suckers" who are accustomed to blindly believing television and unfounded statements of authorities, as well as those fantasies of forgers that are full of official history textbooks.

However, seemingly due to the discovery of "natural formations" Erich von Deniken sends a warning to the Russian researcher G. Sidorov that "the Vatican is not happy" that information about the results of the expedition of this researcher to Gornaya Shoria in 2013 began to spread. Why would this be such a painful reaction to some "natural formations"?

And the whole point is that, to the misfortune of the crabs and their servants, G. Sidorov turned out to be not only a traveler and anthropologist, but also a geologist. And he also spoke in detail about the fact that the giant multi-ton stone blocks found in Gornaya Shoria not only have a regular rectangular shape, but this giant "wall" is lined with blocks made of different types of granite, which completely rejects any attempts to "pull by the ears »The natural nature of these structures.

The second expedition of G. Sidorov was organized in 2017 and brought even more discoveries and interesting hypotheses, since other geologists and builders took part in it. Both of them spoke unequivocally: these are artificial structures, erected in accordance with all the rules of engineering, representing a kind of very stable "wall", along the edges of which there are two stone towers. Many other mountains are crowned with similar structures in places of tectonic faults.

In many places, these "walls" have been destroyed by an unknown powerful shock effect. scattered multi-ton stone blocks like toy cubes. Also, numerous places of melting of granite blocks, as well as traces of burning of its surface, were found, which indicates a high-temperature impact. Both are most likely the result of the purposeful use of ancient destructive weapons, and not of some natural elements.

Here is what G. Sidorov himself told V. Gornaya Shoria about the results of this last expedition:


And what do you think, can nature cast thin and massive blocks of regular shape and the same size from geopolymeric concrete with granite chips, and even so that a structure resembling a wall is obtained? Obviously not. And only a very narrow-minded person can believe the tales of the servants of parasites. What is the purpose of these mysterious buildings and what kind of civilization built them? Is it not here that the solution to the concern of the world parasites, trying to inspire gullible inhabitants with the idea that these ancient structures are just “natural natural structures”, lies also? And is it not for this reason that it is on the territory of our country that official historians so diligently do not notice ancient artifacts?

Surprisingly, the remains of similar destroyed megalithic structures were found not only in Gornaya Shoria. As residents of various localities told G. Sidorov, similar dilapidated structures resembling "walls" can also be found in Altai, in the Sayan Mountains, in the Urals, in the Pamirs, Tan-Shan, the Himalayas, in Kamchatka and Chukotka, and even on Novaya Zemlya. And this allows us to make a preliminary conclusion that all these structures represent a single ancient complex of power plants that collected the energy of tectonic plate movements and provided this energy for the needs of an ancient highly developed civilization. This is evidenced by the electromagnetic anomaly found in stone blocks. as well as testimonies of local residents about periodically occurring anomalous glow in the upper part of the "walls".


Do you know why this discovery worried the parasites so much? They tell us that the well-being of our country's residents depends entirely on the sale of oil and gas. But in reality, this is a despicable lie. This well-being of oil and gas TNCs depends on the volume of oil and gas sales in the external market and the ability to continue to rip off the domestic consumer due to constant increases in fuel prices within our country. And this is not just prosperity, but super-profits obtained from the credulity of "suckers" who believed in the tale of the "unprofitability" of alternative energy.

To justify the annual increase in energy prices, parasites tell us tales of the difficulties associated with oil and gas production. Then why do we need such "expensive", and even environmentally harmful "traditional" hydrocarbon energy? Here is a concrete example of the possibility of using the energy of the movement of tectonic plates. And after all, this system of ancient structures, even in a dilapidated state, continues to collect virtually free natural energy, which you just need to learn to transmit without wires, remembering the development of the genius Tesla. And the overwhelming part of this ancient megalithic energy system is located on the territory of Russia. This means that our country is quite capable of providing itself with energy even without the use of hydrocarbon energy.

The transition to the use of natural energy will undermine the financial and economic condition of the richest families of the Earth and their venal "sixes" who are involved in this business. And the common people of our country do not feel any benefit from the sale of oil and gas by oligarchic clans. On the contrary, every year parasites rip it off more and more as sticky due to the constant increase in fuel and energy prices. The same processes are taking place all over the world. Therefore, both the country and the people, in fact, will only benefit from the introduction of alternative energy, having lost the parasitic stranglehold of the world satanic system. That is why it is so important that people finally learn that such technologies have already been successfully applied in the past, but the very fact of the existence of highly developed civilizations of the past is specially hidden from them by the servants of the parasitic system.

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