Planet Earth Is A Giant Abandoned Mine - Alternative View

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Planet Earth Is A Giant Abandoned Mine - Alternative View
Planet Earth Is A Giant Abandoned Mine - Alternative View

Video: Planet Earth Is A Giant Abandoned Mine - Alternative View

Video: Planet Earth Is A Giant Abandoned Mine - Alternative View
Video: Documentary 2017 - Earth, The Giant Ancient Mine, Fake Volcanoes, the Bosnian Pyramid and Petra 2024, September

Article by A. Yu. Kusheleva is another confirmation that most of the objects of controversial (natural or man-made) origin are a by-product of the mining industry, a civilization unknown to us. The nature of their origin is akin to waste heaps near mines, and dumps at places of gold mining. It is here that the answers to the questions of skeptics who study, for example, the Kolyma megaliths, or Gornaya Shoria, are hiding: - "And where are the traces of economic activity, tools, dishes, other household items that must accompany, places of long-term residence of a person?" "Where are the necessary door and window openings"? Where are the stairs? etc.

The answer is simple as always.


These are waste heaps in the Donbass. There are no windows or doors. There is nothing familiar, characteristic of traces of human activity, but no one claims that these are "freaks of nature"?

Nanomir Laboratory

When reality reveals its secrets

miracles fade into the shadows …

Promotional video:

Dmitrovsky Val through the eyes of aliens from Easter Island

(material for the newspaper "Dmitrovskie Izvestia")

Photo by Nikolay Podshibyakin
Photo by Nikolay Podshibyakin

Photo by Nikolay Podshibyakin.

What can connect Dmitrovsky Val with Easter Island?


At first glance, nothing. In Dmitrov - a defensive rampart, on the island - a volcano. The shaft was filled by people with shovels, the volcano is a natural formation. But imagine for a moment that you are Sherlock Holmes, who is tasked with investigating a crime unprecedented by human standards. You have been approached by a citizen who claims that millions of tons of gold have been stolen here and there! If he had turned to the police, he would have been sent to a psychiatric hospital, but Sherlock Holmes has solved incredible riddles not for the first time, so he is in no hurry to call the psychiatric hospital, but listens to an incredible story …

An eyewitness account. I walked along Dmitrovsky Val and admired the surroundings.


Suddenly I noticed that the shaft was not round, but sharpened along the course of the Yakhroma River. It turned out that this shape of the shaft is characteristic …


And when I reached the pointed end, i.e. downstream of the river, I found that the rampart had been washed out by overflowing water.

Dmitrovsky shaft. Reconstruction by A. M. Vasnetsov
Dmitrovsky shaft. Reconstruction by A. M. Vasnetsov

Dmitrovsky shaft. Reconstruction by A. M. Vasnetsov.

How so? If there was water inside, then could our ancestors build houses under water? It turns out that the rampart existed even before the foundation of the city and by the beginning of the development it was already washed out by the Yakhroma River, and the water had already receded, i.e. it became dry inside the rampart and it became possible to build houses … Then where did the Dmitrovsky rampart come from?

At this point, the author had

posted a photo,

but at the time of publication

it was

not available for viewing.

I decided to measure its height and found that in different parts it differs more than twice! This means that the rampart could not be poured as a defensive structure. After all, pouring extra 7-8 meters means performing 70-80% of the extra work. People wouldn't do 5 times more than they need to. By the way, the mass of the Dmitrovsky shaft turned out to be almost a million tons! It's easy to calculate. The shaft is 960 meters long, the maximum height is 14 meters, and the width reaches 60 meters. The density of the soil is about 2 tons per cubic meter. Problem for middle school students. Archaeologists and historians understand that it was impossible to fill the shaft quickly, because there were few people, and the shovels were made of wood. Therefore, they decided that the shaft was poured gradually, which is reflected in the reconstruction, where its height is commensurate with the growth of a person. But we already knowthat the shaft was fully formed and even washed out even before the start of construction, i.e. it could not be poured after the foundation of Dmitrov.

At this point, the author had

posted a photo, but at the time of publication

it was

not available for viewing.

It is curious that other (Zmievy) shafts have the same parameters (pay attention to the size and shape of the gaps), i.e. up to 15 meters in height, up to 60 meters in width, and their total length exceeds … 2000 km! This means that their mass is over a billion tons! Even the entire population of the Globe 2000 years ago could not have built the Zmievy Shafts, to which the Dmitrovsky Shaft belongs in all respects.

At this point, the author had

posted a photo, but at the time of publication

it was

not available for viewing.

Excavations of the Serpent Shafts have shown that there is nothing in them, except for waste rock. Wooden fortifications are extremely rare. One gets the impression that in these places the already finished rampart was adapted for new (defensive) tasks. But the steep bank of the river was also adapted to defensive tasks. This does not mean that the river was built by people for defensive purposes?:) By the way, many shafts stretch along the river banks.

At this point, the author had

posted a photo, but at the time of publication

it was

not available for viewing.

There is a reservoir inside the Dmitrovsky shaft. I decided to find out the composition of this water and passed a sample for mass spectral analysis.

-In your water, the concentration of a rare and scattered precious metal (gallium) is 1000 times higher than the concentration in seawater, - the specialist who carried out the analysis told me.

-Wow … So in this place a precious metal comes out from the bowels of the Earth, which cannot evaporate with water and gradually accumulates. How much of it could have accumulated in the Dmitrovsky shaft zone? If its content was the same as the platinum content in the Nizhne-Tagil deposit, i.e. 800 grams per ton of rock, the rock forming the Dmitrovsky shaft could contain 10 thousand tons of gallium.


Exploring the zones indicated by numbers and letters, I came to the conclusion that the Dmitrovsky shaft was filled with the help of a giant mechanism.

I noticed that the height difference from the inner side of the shaft is several meters less than from the outer, i.e. it seems that the rampart is surrounded by a hill washed out by the river. Then its elongated shape along the river becomes understandable, resembling a cut chicken egg in projection. According to my estimate, the mass of the hill reached 4 million tons. This means that the first time someone could have mined 40,000 tons of gallium here, and the second time, i.e. when the rampart was poured around the eroded hill, another 10,000 tons of gallium could be mined. 50,000 tons of gallium at the prices I found on the internet costs the same as half a million tons of gold! Someone took away from here a thousand (or several thousand) times more of Russia's strategic gold reserve!


Further investigations revealed a connection between the embankment of the swell with a small spring, where, according to my estimate, an additional 10 tons of gallium was mined.

Motnage by Alexander Kushelev. Flying saucer image taken from Encyclopedia Larousse
Motnage by Alexander Kushelev. Flying saucer image taken from Encyclopedia Larousse

Motnage by Alexander Kushelev. Flying saucer image taken from Encyclopedia Larousse.

For this, the "flying saucer" after the main production had to return from the launch pad and fill up the shaft protrusion. "Tiny ones," thought Dr. Watson …

-Well, it's clear with Dmitrovsky shaft, but what has Easter Island to do with it? There is no shaft there …

-The shaft is not there, but compared to what happened on Easter Island, Dmitrovsky shaft is just a prank. And it was like this. I am sitting at home, reading the AIF. And there Ernst Muldashev tells how he went to Easter Island.

Geometric examination by Alexander Kushelev
Geometric examination by Alexander Kushelev

Geometric examination by Alexander Kushelev.

It turns out that so much was cut off from this Rano Raraku volcano that it was possible to make not 1000, but a million idols of 10 tons each! In floods, I thought. Need to check. I go to the Internet in Google Maps and see:

Rano Raraku volcano. Reconstruction by Alexander Kushelev
Rano Raraku volcano. Reconstruction by Alexander Kushelev

Rano Raraku volcano. Reconstruction by Alexander Kushelev.

Rano Raraku volcano that looks like a round cake from which a piece has been neatly cut off. The piece is about 800 meters long and over 100 meters high. This is seven times higher than the Dmitrov shaft … In short, someone cut off 10 million tons from the volcano. This is more than the mass of the entire population of Russia:)

Physical and geometric examination of Alexander Kushelev
Physical and geometric examination of Alexander Kushelev

Physical and geometric examination of Alexander Kushelev.

Why would anyone want a million 10-ton idols? To play toy soldiers? And what, they carry out military maneuvers, shoot at wooden (and not only!) Targets. Why not shoot at 10-ton (and there are 300-ton soldiers on Easter Island too!)?

Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl
Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl

Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl.

The purpose of the maneuvers is known - to keep fit in case of an attack. It remains to understand what they fought for? And I decided to look at Easter Island from the height of the satellite, i.e. "Through the eyes of aliens" …

Maunga Parehe. Alexander Kushelev's reconstruction
Maunga Parehe. Alexander Kushelev's reconstruction

Maunga Parehe. Alexander Kushelev's reconstruction.

Who poured three mounds on Easter Island?


They are so huge that people thought they were volcanic domes …

Maunga Parehe, maunga Tea-Tea, maunga Vai-Heva
Maunga Parehe, maunga Tea-Tea, maunga Vai-Heva

Maunga Parehe, maunga Tea-Tea, maunga Vai-Heva.

But Sherlock Holmes conducts his own investigation and makes sure that the lighter material of the "mounds" does not fall below the surface of the slope. And this means that they were poured from above … Later it turns out that there are a dozen more mounds on Easter Island, and the total mass of the megalithic complex exceeds 60 million tons. This is more than the mass of the Rano Raraku volcano … A handful of people to create such a thing is like ants build a tank. In my estimation, the aliens mined several million tons of precious metals on Easter Island. It can be compared to mining in Egypt. There, other aliens heated the nummulite deposits with dielectric reflectors in the form of pyramids. Tens of millions more tons of precious metals were mined from the Dead Sea. Several tons of precious metals per day were mined in Baalbek, evaporating the largest river in ancient Lebanon, Leonte. But most of all they could get from the Mariana Trench. According to my estimates, only one cubic kilometer of gold could be extracted from sea water there. Do you need a cubic kilometer of gold?;)

-Aliens take away from under our noses millions of tons and even cubic kilometers of precious metals … Is it really that bad?

-Why? As the famous chess player used to say, one lost game of chess is worth ten won … If we learn to extract precious metals as efficiently as aliens, then on our planet we will be able to extract millions of times more efficiently, and on other planets we will "take revenge" …

-What, the aliens will let us take revenge?

-Let's apply the famous deduction method. Those aliens who mined precious metals and poured the Dmitrovsky shaft have long created a "self-assembled tablecloth" and they are no longer interested in the mines. And the aborigines, on whose planets we can take revenge, do not yet know that there are "flying saucers" with aliens:)

-Let's admit. And who will tell us about the technology of extraction of precious metals by aliens?

- Well, okay, listen to the third story … It was the summer of 7515 from the Creation of the World or 2007 in a new style. I was returning with mushrooms from the forest. Before reaching my summer cottage, I noticed a circle of crushed grass. The blades of grass were laid very neatly, not broken, but bent at the knees … An examination under a microscope showed that there were burns on the knees, as in case of strong radiation. The blades of grass were twisted into spirals, as if charged particles were flying in a strong magnetic field under the influence of an electric field … Then I decided to check if there were precious metals in this place? Mass spectral analysis showed that everything in the soil is normal. In plants too. However, analysis of spring water showed that the concentration of gallium in it is approximately 700 times higher than in seawater. Water brings gallium to the surfacebut it is practically absent in irradiated plants and soil. Where did he go? It was then that I imagined how charged gallium ions fly in spirals … And who charged them? And then I remembered about ionizing radiation. Maybe it left burns on the knees of the plants? But why only gallium was ionized by radiation? I decided to investigate and found out that there is characteristic radiation that is absorbed only by certain chemical compounds or elements, for example, gallium … This is how the technology of mining precious metals became clear in the first approximation. At midnight, when the Sun does not interfere with photographing the Earth's surface with flares that have a special spectrum, the aliens find spots with an increased concentration of precious metals. Then they irradiate these areas with characteristic radiation, ionizing only what they need. And you can extract ionized precious metals with an ordinary electric field. And we can do that when we have cheap electricity. After all, the power of the characteristic X-ray radiation should be several megawatts, and in a couple of hours a ton of gallium can be pulled out of a small swamp …

-Well it is clear. And where to get the money for the creation of new energy, new mining industry?

-First, you can organize an expedition to Easter Island, prove to mankind that apart from volcanoes on the island, there are a dozen bulk hills, the mass of which is close to the mass of the Rano Raraku volcano. When it becomes obvious to many that the aliens have mined tens of megatons of precious metals there, then there will be people who also want to extract millions of tons of precious metals. In the meantime, there are such people, you can organize a museum right under the fill mound, making a tunnel under it. After all, a volcano must have a vent along which lava rose from the ground, while a bulk hill has no vent. Each visitor to the Museum "Under an Alien Roof" will be able to make sure that there is no vent, which means it is under the "Alien Roof" …

If every visitor to the museum cashes in a dollar, then very soon over Easter Island tourists will be able to fly on home-made flying bracelets, like bird-people from Easter Island;)

Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl
Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl

Illustration from the book of Thor Heyerdahl.