In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View

In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View
In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View

Video: In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View

Video: In A British School, 17 Students Immediately Decided To Change Their Gender - Alternative View
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In an unnamed British school, a teacher is shocked by the fact that 17 students immediately declared their desire to change their sex and are already in the process of taking drugs that block puberty.

At the same time, all these children are characterized as having autistic disorders, that is, the teacher is sure that they did not decide to change their sex themselves, but someone inspired them to do it.

According to psychologists, only a small percentage of adolescents who claim to be transsexual actually suffer from gender dysphoria (they feel like a girl in a boy's body and vice versa). The rest make such a decision under the influence of external factors: someone's influence, fashion, the desire for attention to their person.

The Mail On Sunday reporters, whom the teacher contacted, made a request to the National Health Service of England and learned that about 150 people, that is, about a third of all children and adolescents undergoing treatment in the country's clinics for subsequent gender reassignment, are also mildly autistic or severely autistic.

That is, these are vulnerable children with mental health problems. And they most likely do not fully understand what they are going to do with their bodies. But all of them are now taking puberty blockers.

The teacher, who anonymously reported 17 autistic students at her school, says she was forced to do so because she wants to protect these children. According to her, these students are taking potent drugs that have probably already caused serious damage to their growing organisms. But even more terrible awaits them ahead - a real sex change operation.

According to the teacher, there is now a powerful "transsexual lobby" in the country, and many politicians and schools have swallowed the "hook and sink" and mistakenly propagandize these values among children.

The woman asked journalists not to mention her name, as she is very afraid of dismissal. In the press she is called "Carol".

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According to "Carol", all teachers at their school were forbidden to say anything to the parents of those students who declared their transsexuality. All of the students she named are from high school and have an autistic disorder. They are all on pills, and one girl has already undergone breast removal surgery.

Carol also says that many of them started talking about the fact that they were born in the wrong body after watching popular videos with transgender people on YouTube.

After Carol's statement hit the British media, Conservative Party spokesman David Davis made a statement praising the brave teacher and said he had long suspected something was wrong in British schools.

Many adults believe that if a child tells someone that he is gay or feels like a representative of the opposite sex, other students will start bullying him, but in British schools this is just encouraged and after recognition such a child, on the contrary, will become popular. “Carol” says that at her school, transgender students are idolized by other students.


According to "Carol", other teachers also see that all this has long gone beyond the normal, but are afraid to say at least something, fearing that they will be fired for "homophobia" and intolerance towards sexual minorities.

All 17 mentioned transsexuals at Carol's school have formed a kind of group. They dress in similar clothes and give themselves nicknames after transgender YouTube stars. And once "Carol" personally watched as they convinced one student that he was born with the wrong sex and he needed to change it to "correct".

“Carol” has been at school for over two decades and it is very difficult for her to see how young people maim themselves for the sake of friends, fashion and trends.

Recall that last year the media reported that in the UK over the past few years, the number of children and adolescents has jumped up, deciding to change their sex. Among them there are those who already from 9-10 years old begin to take puberty blockers in anticipation of gender reassignment surgery, which is allowed to be performed only after reaching 18 years of age.