Jimmy's Strange House - Alternative View

Jimmy's Strange House - Alternative View
Jimmy's Strange House - Alternative View

Video: Jimmy's Strange House - Alternative View

Video: Jimmy's Strange House - Alternative View
Video: Tom Brady Helps Jimmy Kimmel Vandalize Matt Damon’s House 2024, September

Says a resident of Nashville, Ohio, named Laurel.

“It happened when my youngest son moved from junior to high school. He made friends there with several students and regularly went to their house with an overnight stay.

I lived in the suburbs, where everyone has private houses, standing far from each other, and when children go to each other not only to play, but also overnight, it was a good old tradition there.

And then one day my son asked me if he could stay overnight at the house of his friend named Jimmy. And of course I said "Yes", although I didn't know anything about this Jimmy, what his house was and what kind of parents.

In the evening I took him to this house at the indicated address. It turned out to be a very large and beautiful house with eight rooms. It was surrounded by a plot of 20 acres. It was undoubtedly the home of the wealthy.

When I met Jimmy's mother, she showed me the room where my son would spend the night and also told me that they had just bought this house and that she was very proud that they were so lucky with the house (maybe the house was sold to them at a good discount).

My son spent the night normally in this house and nothing like that happened there. A few weeks later, the son again began to ask me to let him go with an overnight stay at Jimmy's and of course I also agreed.

But then my son suddenly said that everything was canceled, because "They don't live there anymore." I was surprised to ask again, “What does it mean that they no longer live there?” And my son said, “I don’t know, but they left.”

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I was surprised, but then I decided to take my son to that beautiful house. Jimmy's mom was not there, but Jimmy and his father were at home. So I just thought that my son misunderstood something, normally said goodbye to Jimmy's father and left. This sleepover also passed as usual.

A few more weeks passed and my son began to ask me if he could not only stay at Jimmy's house for the night, but also visit with his family the next morning a large amusement park that was nearby. As usual, I gave my consent.


The next morning, at the time when my son was still supposed to be at the amusement park, I suddenly saw him walking alone on the road to our house. I was surprised and scared, asked him what had happened and had the trip to the park been canceled (but in that case, Jimmy's family had to bring my son to my house).

The son replied to this that early in the morning the whole family of Jimmy, together with him, urgently left their beautiful house, as at night someone tried to strangle Jimmy. And when my son said this, I saw a red stripe on his neck. This was the so-called ligature mark, it remains in those who are severely squeezed on the neck. That is, someone or something tried to strangle my son too!

I was scared and didn’t know what to do and what to do, but in the end I just told my son not to go to Jimmy’s house with sleepovers again.

Several years have passed since then. My youngest son was already at another school and had other friends. One day, my two sons and I stopped at our local Dairy Queen on the way home, and suddenly my youngest son said that this diner was very close to Jimmy's house and that Jimmy was standing there. My son took time off to talk to him and went in that direction to this house.

I saw Jimmy and my son standing and talking for a while. According to my son, Jimmy again invited him to visit him with an overnight stay, but then my son himself refused.

Two more weeks passed, I was driving home along the same road past the same cafe "Dairy Queen" and suddenly realized that the beautiful house in which Jimmy's parents and the boy himself lived was not in its former place. In amazement, I even stopped and went out to look.

There really was nothing! At first I thought that the house was demolished for rebuilding or something else, but there was no trace at all that this house ever existed. No footprints from foundations, no traces of gravel or excavated earth. Just a flat, empty space."