Silence Zone "Tethys Sea" - Alternative View

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Silence Zone "Tethys Sea" - Alternative View
Silence Zone "Tethys Sea" - Alternative View

Video: Silence Zone "Tethys Sea" - Alternative View

Video: Silence Zone
Video: Martin Cassidy- Sub-Aerial Basin in the Geologic Column -Norphlet 2024, October

The Zone of Silence (Zone of Silence, "The Tethys Sea") is an anomalous zone in the desert, a mysterious territory on the border of the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila (Mexico), 400 miles south of the American city of El Paso. The main strangeness of this place, first of all, is that the radio receivers are deafened here and not a single TV is receiving transmissions (hence the name given by the locals).

The Zone of Silence (Zone of Silence, "The Tethys Sea") is an anomalous zone in the desert, a mysterious territory on the border of the states of Durango, Chihuahua and Coahuila (Mexico), 400 miles south of the American city of El Paso. The main strangeness of this place, first of all, is that the radio receivers are deafened here and not a single TV is receiving transmissions (hence the name given by the locals).

The "Zone of Silence" is a flat, dull plain, where frail thorny bushes and cacti are found only occasionally, but poisonous snakes are found in abundance. Nevertheless, the Zone of Silence - "The Tethys Sea" less people have settled here since prehistoric times, settling around a few springs. Some sources have not dried up to this day.


In its mystery, as scientists say, it is comparable to the Bermuda Triangle, the Egyptian pyramids and Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas, fortunately, it is on the same latitude as these world celebrities. How is this mystery expressed? For example, in the fact that in the small town of Ceballos TVs do not work, and radios, even at full power, barely sound. If you drive 50 kilometers from this settlement into a deserted desert, then the radio is completely turned off, the clock stops, and the compass needle dances.

According to Dr. Santiago Garcia, people knew about the oddities in this area back in the middle of the 19th century. Already in those days, farmers often observed "hot stones" falling to the ground from a clear sky …

In the 1930s, Francisco Sarabia, a pilot of the Mexican state of Coahuila, stopped working his radio station during a flight over the zone "for no apparent reason"; he told his superiors about this and became the first officially recognized victim due to the strange features of the "Zone of Silence".

In 1964, chemical engineer Harry de la Peña carried out geophysical exploration in this deserted area near the San Ignacio hill. The discovery of the "Zone of Silence" was helped by pure chance - the engineer's radio suddenly failed. He returned to the base to repair the apparatus, but the radio was intact. At the next visit to the mysterious place, history repeated itself. From that moment on, discoveries in the "Zone of Silence" rained down one after another. It turned out, in particular, that meteorites literally rain down from the sky here [IG, 1997, No. 60, p. 4]. Despite the proximity of the United States, from where, it would seem, dozens of scientists should have immediately come to study the mysteries of nature, nevertheless, no one took up full-fledged experiments. It would be logical to assume that there is a secret military base nearby (underground?)powerful installations which turn the entire broadcast upside down. But … no one, including the Americans, has such a technique yet, all the more so in 1964.

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However, both the authorities and the public became really interested in the "quirks" of the zone only in the 1970s, when the American experimental ballistic missile "Athena", launched from the White Sands test site, suddenly deviated from the course and, rushing towards this zone, crashed into the ground … A few years later, one of the stages of the Saturn rocket (the launch vehicle of the famous Apollo spacecraft) exploded over the zone.

After that, according to media reports, the US military sent a special team to study the mysterious features of the ill-fated territory. One of the first scientists to investigate the "Zone of Silence" and its strange properties was Harry de la Peña, it was his group who discovered that communication using portable radios was impossible in this place. It has been argued that there is some kind of "magnetic force that suppresses radio waves" in the region.

Since then, experts from all over the world have been visiting the area, using as a base camp a town built in the heart of the area by the Mexican government. Scientists working in the town began to call the zone "The Tethys Sea" (after the name of the ancient ocean that flooded these places millions of years ago), and the research laboratory in the center of the town, designed to study the unusual forms of biological life present here and the occurring AI, was dubbed "Biosphere ".

Also, the appearance of UFOs and humanoid creatures has been noted here more than once. At the beginning of the 20th century, local residents met intelligent creatures of strange appearance and behavior.

On October 3, 1975, a strange meeting in the zone occurred between the spouses Ernesto and Josephine Diaz. These entrepreneurs and amateur archaeologists drove into the area in their Ford pickup truck, intent on collecting unusual rocks and fossilized remains of ancient animals. Carried away by the search, they did not immediately notice the impending thunderstorm. A few minutes later, the couple hastily packed their finds into the car and rushed away; however, the storm nevertheless overtook them, and the dirt road turned into a swamp. The pickup truck stalled, Ernesto and Josephine tried to prevent the car from getting completely bogged down in the mud. And then 2 human figures appeared not far away, who walked to the car through the streams of rain and waved their hands affably. Two very tall guys in yellow raincoats and hats offered their help to desperate travelers. The strangers' trusting faces were unusual. The guys asked the spouses to sit back in the pickup cab, while they themselves moved to the back of the body. And before Ernesto and Josephine realized what was happening, their car literally flew out of a huge swamp on solid ground! When Ernesto came to his senses came out of the cab to thank the rescuers, they were nowhere to be seen …

Travelers regularly crossing the area have reported strange lights or fireballs moving above the ground at night. For some time they hang motionless in the air, changing their color, and then suddenly take off and disappear with the speed of lightning … Two farmers returning home from a party said that they saw a huge UFO in the form of a brightly glowing ball that fell from the dark heaven to earth, and from it came out humanoids, shining with the same strange light. The humanoids went to the stunned farmers, but they came to their senses and fled.

Some locals, many of whom are quite trustworthy, have not only observed the mysterious lights. Returning to this place the next morning, we saw burnt or scorched bunches of grass and frail bushes.

In 1976, the first photographs of a UFO were taken in this area, landing near a local topographic landmark - Magnetic Mountain. The pictures clearly show a sparkling silvery object that looks like a huge roast patch. The reporter managed to take several pictures and during the takeoff of the UFO, when it soared up with a loud roar, rushed to the west and quickly disappeared from sight.

The small ranch, located near the borders of the zone, was regularly visited by 3 tall, long-haired blond personalities - two men and one woman, whom the owners of the estate describe as extremely polite, very beautiful, but strangely dressed people. And although they spoke flawlessly in Spanish, there was an unusual musical ringing in the timbre of their voices. Did the mysterious visitors come solely to replenish water supplies? They politely asked permission to fill the flasks they brought with them with water from the well and never asked for food or anything other than water at all. When asked where they came from, they smiled and answered: "From above."

In November 1978, journalist Luis Ramirez Reyes traveled to the zone with a group of journalists. Determined to get ahead of the rest of the group, Ramirez and his photographer rode a jeep deep into the desert to be the first to reach the Biosphere. They were still very far from their destination when Ramirez suddenly realized that they had not taken any supplies with them - neither water nor provisions - and could easily die of thirst and hunger if they suddenly get lost in the harsh desert. Soon they reached a fork in the sandy road with a barely rolled track and chose their further path wrong. After a while, Ramirez noticed 3 figures in front of them wandering towards them. Hoping that these were locals who could find out the way to the Biosphere, he asked the photographer who was driving to stop the car. But to Ramirez's surprise, the jeep drove past them,without slowing down! When asked why the photographer did not stop near people walking along the road, he replied that he did not see any people on the road! Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions … The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirec, to his amazement, again saw the same "3 natives" ahead. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here.why the photographer did not stop near people walking along the road, he replied that he did not see any people on the road! Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions … The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirec, to his amazement, again saw the same "3 natives" ahead. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here.why the photographer did not stop near people walking along the road, he replied that he did not see any people on the road! Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions … The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirec, to his amazement, again saw the same "3 natives" ahead. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here. Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions … The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirec, to his amazement, again saw the same "3 natives" ahead. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here. Ramirez decided that the desert had already affected his psyche and he began to see visions … The jeep drove a couple more miles, and Ramirec, to his amazement, again saw the same "3 natives" ahead. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here. When the car drew level with them, Ramirez asked the photographer (who still hadn't seen anyone on the road) to stop and began to question those he met about the road to the Biosphere. They explained that you need to turn aside and go along the mountainous part of the "Tethys Sea". The locals also reported that they were looking here for their lost sheep and goats, although they did not have flasks of water or special equipment needed by travelers in the harsh conditions here.essential for travelers in these harsh conditions.essential for travelers in these harsh conditions.

Following the recommendations received from the "aborigines", the travelers after a while sighed with relief, seeing in the distance the high building of the "Biosphere". When they reached her and met with the rest of their group, Ramirez told the crowd about the strange encounter. The head of the laboratory, Harry de la Peña, who listened attentively to him, remarked in an instructive tone that there were neither peasants nor other people in the desert, except for the arrived group of correspondents and those who made up the permanent contingent of the "Biosphere". And, of course, there are no sheep or goats to look after. A survey of the area carried out in the following days made it possible to make sure that the desert was completely deserted for tens of miles around …

There are reports of encounters with strangely dressed dwarfs only a few tens of centimeters tall! When local businessman Ruben Lopez was driving through the Tethys Sea to Ceballos at night, his car's engine suddenly began to stutter. He was very surprised because the car had just been fully serviced. Ahead, thirty meters away, Lopez noticed 5 small figures standing at the edge of the road; at first he thought they were lost children, but then he saw that they were wearing silver overalls, and their heads were covered with helmets, similar to motorcycle ones. When they began to approach the car, as if surrounding it, the frightened Lopez threw sharply in neutral, the engine howled, and the stunted creatures scattered into the darkness of the night. After the strange dwarfs disappeared from sight, the car's engine started working normally again …

Meteorites are falling in the zone before and now in large numbers. In the late 1950s, a meteorite that fell near Chihuahua (the capital of the Mexican state of the same name), according to media reports, contained "crystalline structures much older than our solar system!" According to Professor Luis Maeda Villalobos, “the material of this meteorite is as ancient as the universe itself; The solar system is 5 billion years old, and this meteorite is as much as 7 billion years older "…

There are also mysterious ruins of an ancient complex of gigantic stone structures in the "Sea of Tethys", most likely, an astronomical observatory, built several millennia ago. Some archaeologists believe that this observatory could not have been created by the local primitive primitive tribes …

What are the reasons for the appearance of numerous UFOs and ALs?

Dr. Santiago Garcia, who has spent much of his life studying this anomalous area, has suggested that some of the wandering lights could have been from an experimental robot reconnaissance test conducted here by the US military. During the day, his solar panels were automatically recharged, and at night he secretly performed his research. Garcia recalled that when an Air Force team arrived at the scene of the Athena accident to collect its wreckage, the military also took with them several trucks of soil they had taken from the desert for analysis.

It is also believed that the area contains rich deposits of magnetite, and that it is this iron ore that is the reason for the suppression of electromagnetic waves. In addition, it has been proven that the rocks of the ridges surrounding the "Zone of Silence" contain significant amounts of uranium.

But why are UFOs appearing here? Where do their crews come from? There is no answer to this question yet.

Go to the "Zone of silence":

from Mexico City by train or road to Escalope. The nearest settlement to the borders of the zone - the town of Ceballos in the state of Durango - is 25 miles away from it. Now, each research expedition goes deep into the zone from Ceballos.
