The Tower Of Silence Is One Of The Most Sinister Places On Our Planet - Alternative View

The Tower Of Silence Is One Of The Most Sinister Places On Our Planet - Alternative View
The Tower Of Silence Is One Of The Most Sinister Places On Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Tower Of Silence Is One Of The Most Sinister Places On Our Planet - Alternative View

Video: The Tower Of Silence Is One Of The Most Sinister Places On Our Planet - Alternative View
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The "Tower of Silence" or Dakhma is a special place in the form of a huge bowl that the Zoroastrians, a small people in India, use to bury the dead. And if they ate more precisely, bodies are folded into dakhma, where they decompose under the influence of a hot climate.

The Zoroastrian religion forbids burying the dead. It is believed that evil spirits can enter the dead, which can subsequently desecrate the living. In the Vendidad, in the religious laws of the Zoroastrians, there are clear instructions for disposing of corpses. You cannot defile the basic elements of the universe with dead bodies: earth, fire, air and water. This is why the dead are piled up in the open to be eaten by animals.

Dakhma is a huge bowl on top of a mountain. Inside the dakhma is divided into three beds, on the first are the bodies of men, on the second - women and on the third - children. After the predators eat the flesh, the bones are folded into an ossuary - a special building to store them.


In our time, this type of burial is almost not practiced, there are only isolated cases. But, in 2013, there was a case that does not fit in a healthy head. Several thousand dead bodies suddenly appeared near the dakhma. Nobody was able to recognize them, and they were not listed among the missing either.

The animals did not try to eat the corpses, and there were no larvae on them either. But the most striking thing was that the pit, which is in the middle of the dakhma, was filled with blood, and this blood was more than the corpses lying outside could hold. The stench was so unbearable that it was impossible to be even a few kilometers from the dakhma.

Everyone who lived near Dakhma was urgently hospitalized and quarantined to prevent the spread of diseases.


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The hospitalized patients had high fever and delirium. They screamed in unnatural voices and claimed to be tainted with demon blood. Interestingly, the patients had nothing to do with the Zoroastrians and their religion. Gradually delirium spilled over into madness, some patients began to attack doctors. Unfortunately, an unknown disease killed all witnesses of the mysterious burial.

The police were never able to find out what kind of corpses that appeared in the dakhma. What caused the madness of the inhabitants who lived in that area is also unknown. Doctors believe that hallucinations and mental disorders could cause the smells and gases of decaying bodies. And religious leaders do not exclude the manifestation of demonic forces.