Mysterious Animals - Alternative View

Mysterious Animals - Alternative View
Mysterious Animals - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Animals - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Animals - Alternative View
Video: 10 Unidentified Creatures 2024, September

Despite the brave statements of scientists that the fauna of the planet has been fully studied, humanity is regularly faced with the facts of the presence of animals of unknown species. Eyewitness testimonies that they saw a strange creature come from all continents of the planet, and these descriptions do not always coincide, and sometimes differ radically. That is, there is a possibility that several new species appear at once.

It's not even the mythical Loch Ness monster, which has remained a myth, and no one has provided clear evidence. The received evidence suggests that almost always the mysterious inhabitants leave the slaughtered livestock after their departure, which means that they are predators, which causes concern for people. What is really behind the sudden appearance of so many unknown organisms and who are they in reality - the inhabitants of the other world, the results of experiments carried out in secret laboratories, or was nature just joking?

The theory that these creatures are still descendants of some prehistoric inhabitants of the planet is the most popular today, since it is linked to the doctrine of evolution. There is still controversy about how the dinosaurs died and whether they all died? After all, it cannot be that the huge animals that have inhabited the planet for millions of years and have reached their heyday suddenly all disappeared at once?

Many mysteries, like the answers to these questions, are still hiding in the Amazonian jungle. Here, the climate is suitable, in fact, remained the same as it was before the ice age, that is, high humidity, rich flora and fauna. The conditions are ideal for the existence of numerous species and the preservation of existing ones. There are still lizards from the Komodo Islands, which are the largest lizards today? The sharks that inhabited the ocean and sea depths have not changed either, even in the days of a different location of the continents. The same can be said for crocodiles, alligators and caimans.

Scientists are still finding new species of insects in this area, so it is possible that somewhere in the wilds not even a few are hiding, but entire populations of unexplored animals. It should be noted that it was in South America in Chile that a series of killings of farm animals took place in 2000 by a monster known as the Chupacabra. As in many other cases, the victims were completely drained of blood through two neat holes in the neck.

Sources of rumors about supposedly surviving dinosaurs are also located on this continent, and these data have been expanding for at least two centuries, since the very time when rapid technical and scientific progress began in Europe. Perhaps the creation of Arthur Conan Doyle "The Lost World" still has a very real basis. Stories about the strange large inhabitants of the South American and African forests come from local, remote from civilization, Aboriginal tribes.

The description mentions smooth brown skin, about the size of an elephant and a body length of about ten meters, along with a flexible long neck. Locals nicknamed the creature "river plug" and although according to their descriptions, it is herbivorous, but in case of danger it could attack people. This description fits very well with the Jurassic to Cretaceous sauropods and apatosaurs, the largest of the species. The first mention of them dates back to 1913, and in 1980 a scientific expedition to the pygmy tribes took place. When the arriving researchers showed the locals the drawings of these dinosaurs, they were immediately identified as the creatures that lived in the river. More detailed information about the expedition has not been preserved, but it is possible that giant tracks were also discovered, and in 1992,Researchers from Japan made a 15-second video footage of large-scale movement in the water as they flew over the jungle.

Another place on the planet where there are quite a few interesting animals for science is Australia. The mainland-state, in fact, is a kind of laboratory, where at one time nature or the higher mind tried to cross species completely different from each other. An example is not only the kangaroo, the echidna and the platypus are very remarkable. Both of these species reproduce by laying and incubating egg-laying, but at the same time they belong to mammals, since they feed their offspring with milk. The platypus also has a bony beak instead of a mouth, which gives the animal's structure even greater contrast.

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Also, creatures such as mermaids themselves still excite the human imagination. They are described by many writers in fairy tales, mentions of them can be found in the legends of most nationalities, and there are even some witnesses who allegedly saw this hybrid of man and fish. The fact that they do exist is confirmed by experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). In their opinion, after a thorough study of all the facts, experts came to the conclusion that these creatures live in many bodies of water located throughout the planet. It should be noted that the mention of these creatures appeared much earlier than the tales of European writers, because the rock paintings of a half-man-half fish were found in caves of the late Paleolithic era, about 30,000 years old.

According to researchers, the largest population of mermaids lives in the waters of the Caribbean and Mediterranean basins, however, they have also been seen in the South Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. At this time, according to the researchers, the US government is keeping seven mermaids in a special aquarium, the location of which is classified. According to some reports, President Obama personally visited the aquarium and even communicated with mermaids.

Unfortunately, most of these unknown creatures, if captured from afar, then only in photographs with relatively good qualities, which casts doubt on this fact, although the age of the rumors is not the least important. So, for example, in American New Jersey, from the middle of the 18th century, they tell a legend about a terrible humanoid creature that wanders around the city and earned itself the nickname - the Devil from Jersey. In the Middle Ages, seeing this creature meant unhappiness, and periodically new facts of meetings with him appeared. Over several centuries, more than 2000 evidence of such meetings has accumulated, and even today new data continues to arrive.

According to those who saw him, he has a face similar to a horse's muzzle, while elongated, like in dogs of the Collie breed, his head rests on a long neck, paws end in hooves, and webbed wings on his back. Investigating this fact, experts drew attention to the fact that there are some similarities with the famous Chupacabra. Like her, the Jersey Devil is implicated, according to witnesses, in multiple deaths of livestock.

Throughout human history, there has always been a place for inexplicable facts, and they are still there, in the age of wireless technologies, the Internet and genetic engineering. In addition to the already classic Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, or Chupacabra, history is replete with other facts about creatures that have not been studied, but are not inhabitants of the other world. Elves and fairies, in spite of their fabulousness, may well exist as well, like the moth-man seen in 1966 in West Virginia. In any case, there are also living witnesses who allegedly contacted or managed to notice something. In fact, it is not at all necessary to look for such amazing creatures, because the natural world is so diverse that it has not yet been fully studied, and the question arises: "Is there this end?"