How Do Historians Ignore Facts They Don't Like - Alternative View

How Do Historians Ignore Facts They Don't Like - Alternative View
How Do Historians Ignore Facts They Don't Like - Alternative View

Video: How Do Historians Ignore Facts They Don't Like - Alternative View

Video: How Do Historians Ignore Facts They Don't Like - Alternative View
Video: 12 Annoyances for Historians | The Diatribe 2024, September

In our time, alternative researchers are collecting the most interesting facts about ancient history. But why did it happen?

Over the years, historians have continued to ignore or adjust facts that do not fit the established model of history. Take for example about 30,000 Mexican artifacts depicting aliens or their interactions with humans.


Artifacts of a similar type have been found throughout Mexico for almost 80-100 years. However, scientists once reviewed information about them, recognized them as fakes and continue to ignore them.

Researchers of alternative history sent several artifacts for analysis to independent laboratories, which determined their age at 3000-4000 years. What do you think is a good fake?

I was not lazy and found unique documents in favor of my words.


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The artifact was not of the best quality because it is destroyed during the analysis. Private collectors give them away with a reluctance anyway, so this analysis is already a great achievement.

But even if dozens of analyzes are carried out, then historians will not study a group of these artifacts, because they run counter to the modern version of history.

That is, they simply ignore the real facts that do not suit them.

Do you think this situation occurs only in Mexico? Not!

Around the world, historians are ignoring or pushing facts against official versions of history to a greater or lesser extent.

Historians from Egypt and Peru are doing this with particular grace.

There, they learned to competently fit objectionable facts to their theories, and calmly ignore the rest. For example, you can recall the most commonplace information about the pyramids.

Why do historians ignore the opinion of techies about the pyramids? They directly say that such accuracy and complexity could not have been achieved in those days, but who cares about the opinion of techies? Since historians say that the Egyptians built, it means that it is so and is not subject to criticism.

Thus, you can imagine the state of modern history and how much it can be believed.
