What Historians Are Hiding - How And When Did The Planet Fall Asleep? - Alternative View

What Historians Are Hiding - How And When Did The Planet Fall Asleep? - Alternative View
What Historians Are Hiding - How And When Did The Planet Fall Asleep? - Alternative View

Video: What Historians Are Hiding - How And When Did The Planet Fall Asleep? - Alternative View

Video: What Historians Are Hiding - How And When Did The Planet Fall Asleep? - Alternative View
Video: How Did it Begin? Totally Odd Sumerian Genesis | Surprising Result Shows Another History is At Play 2024, September

One of the actively discussed topics among people who are interested in alternative history is the problem of cities covered or washed out with thick layers of clay, somewhere by meters … and somewhere by tens of meters. What kind of catastrophic event led to the fact that cities around the world were covered with an abiogenic layer of clay, which was formed everywhere at once?

The official interpretation is sediment and the formation of a cultural layer. The first, second, and in some places even more floors of all buildings, without exception, built more than 150 years ago were brought in, and this is an obvious fact. At the same time, the foundations of more modern buildings have practically no sediment, or are not covered by cultural ones at all. The settlement cannot be so deep, and even more so even, with such a scale, buildings would simply collapse.


Another version from the officials - people themselves filled the streets of their cities. But, firstly, such volumes of work are completely unbearable, even if today, having at our disposal the entire arsenal of modern technology, filling, say, a couple of meters of the street of at least one million-plus city would be, if not unrealistic, then an extremely difficult task. And such work will require incredible efforts and costs.

What can we say about the whole planet. Secondly, these layers are not the same in their thickness, even in the same settlement in one place it can be one, but literally a couple of blocks to the side - six meters. Even if you did it manually, the more uniform filling would be. And thirdly, all these formations occurred exactly at the same time and with completely homogeneous material, which is completely excluded during manual work.

And there is another key point - where could you get such an amount of homogeneous material? That is, all the versions offered by the so-called historians who are "on the state grub" can be completely excluded, they do not stand up to criticism and crumble like a "house of cards" from the very first reasonable assumption.


So what was it? Modern unbiased researchers of truth believe that the reason for the sudden emergence of such a "cultural layer" is a serious flood that occurred just at the turn of the century. And this version has numerous, both explicit and indirect confirmations, which in some accidental way were not erased during the last "reformatting" of historical reality - but this is a vast topic and it requires a separate story. Another, very likely reason may be the fall of a large cosmic body to the Earth, or (which is just more likely) its destruction in orbit, followed by precipitation from just that very clay.

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When did this happen? All serious alternative studies unanimously announce the approximate date of the event - the end of the eighteenth … the beginning of the nineteenth century. And this dating seems to me to be the most correct, these are very "muddy" times in all respects - here and years without summer with subsequent climate change on the territory of Russia, and the largely incomprehensible campaign of Napoleon, who, having already occupied Moscow, wrote to Alexander I literally - "I in fact, I would like to sacrifice to you the advantage of being the first to enter Moscow, "that is, to liberate the capital rather than seize it (from whom?) and the disappearance of the mighty ancient forests … and many other obvious and not very strange moments that are not only not covered in the official historical version, but moreover carefully erased from it by the efforts of "smart uncles".
