Who Needs To Hide The Fact Of A Global Catastrophe? - Alternative View

Who Needs To Hide The Fact Of A Global Catastrophe? - Alternative View
Who Needs To Hide The Fact Of A Global Catastrophe? - Alternative View

There are thousands of proofs that a global catastrophe has occurred, and they lie on the surface, before our eyes. Another thing is more surprising - why do we not notice them?

Here, for example, I recently came across a picture on the net:


It is in a dungeon near Paris, as explained, the remains of almost 6 million people are buried here. The modern population of Paris is about 2,234 thousand people. They are said to have died as a result of the bubonic plague epidemic. The bones show even in the photo that they are in approximately the same stage of preservation, that is, they were buried at the same time. But where does this amount come from ?! After all, the outbreak lasted from 1346 to 1352. What was the population of Paris, if only there were such a huge number of deaths?

Dates are a separate and big question, so we will not raise this topic for now.

Also, while we will not raise another tricky question - there are many underground churches in which everything is made of skulls and bones. Who needs such a mockery of the remains of people and why?

An interesting program Google-Earth, it provides us with the opportunity to conduct research without getting up from the couch. For example, here is the Dnieper delta:


Promotional video:

See how much sediment the river has brought? The area of the alluvial delta triangle is approximately 5395.7 km2 with a depth difference of 1280 m.

And this is the Ganges delta, one of the greatest rivers in the world:


The area of the trapezium of the delta of this river is 99067 sq. km., but with a difference in depths on average 511 m.

It is not difficult to calculate the amount of sediment:

Dnieper - 6906.5 cubic km

Ganges - 50623 cubic km

They differ by almost 10 times, but if we look at the volumes of the annual runoff of these rivers and the volumes of their discharge of solid precipitation, the difference is even more colossal. We divide the reclaimed mass in deltas by the volumes of solid sediments discharge and get:

Dnieper - 6906.5 / 0.000318818 = 21 billion 662 thousand 829 years

Ganges - 50623/122 = 414 years.

How does it feel?

It becomes clear why the Dnieper valley, even in the area of Mogilev in Belarus, has a width of more than 20 km, where the river itself is barely visible under the bridge. This gigantic wave poured out from the Baltic Sea and, passing through the Central Russian Upland, along the lowlands and river beds, washed away all the plants, animals, forests and soil into the Black Sea.


Sorry, I drew approximately.

We get answers to many questions that no one notices.

Why is the soil layer in the Non-Black Earth Zone of Russia only 10-15 cm?

It was simply washed away by the wave.

Why is the thickness of soil layers up to 1.5 m in the chernozem zone? Where does this amount of peat come from in Belarus, in the Bryansk region?

They were washed by a wave there, along the banks and where it stopped in the lowlands.

Where does such an amount of hydrogen sulfide come from in the Black Sea?

From the decomposition of a huge amount of biomass washed away by the wave into the water area of the former lake. It also became black because for a long time it was really black from soil and rot.

What are the Serpent Shafts and, most importantly, why are they?

These are defensive structures erected by our ancestors. It seems that either they knew about the impending catastrophe, but rather these waves were repeated.

Now it becomes clear why on the territory of Russia there are not so many architectural monuments of antiquity as in Europe. Where did the Great Tartary go? Why did the Russian people, which has an ancient history, as evidenced by the mighty language and extraordinary creative abilities, find themselves in wooden huts, without roads, without cities, without "infrastructure."

Everything was washed away by a giant wave. A global cold snap set in. It also caused the migration of peoples. And Russia suffered the greatest losses, was practically destroyed. Our ancestors survived at the cost of gigantic efforts. Siberia has degraded and completely depopulated. Our closest Aryan relatives, the Goths, walked from there through the impassable jungle of windbreaks and swamps, deserts and mountains, from Eastern Siberia to the territory of modern Germany. They didn't even stay in Crimea. After all, here, too, the entire steppe part of the peninsula was a mudflow from a mixture of clay and rubble. Without any vegetation. From the impact of this mass, the layers of the Crimean Mountains turned almost vertically. Reared. And the three ridges of these mountains tell us that such catastrophes recur regularly.

Let's move on to hotter issues.

When did it happen?

Judging by the discovered log cabins in the structures of the Serpent Ramparts - just recently 300-400 years ago. The logs simply wouldn't be preserved in the ground anymore. Do not believe the lies of "scientists". Now let's see what remains of the Elizabethan Fortress, built on one of the islands of Oceania in 1817, that is, almost 200 years later:


Rubbish and paths.

And log cabins, by the way, collapsed very quickly in our time. And bones decompose within 30-50 years. Don't talk about radiocarbon analysis. Even its author himself limited the limits of his measurements to no more than 2000 years and the accuracy of plus or minus 400 years. And this despite the fact that the stability of the atmospheric background is assumed, which is highly doubtful. Also, the method of determining the timing by the thickness of ice on the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland does not stand up to criticism. Scientists just saw that ice has layers similar to annual rings in trees. Well, they accepted that each layer is equal to a year. Hence millions of years! And who called Greenland a green country? Vikings. When? Millions of years ago?

Many facts, to put it mildly, are not "registered" by official science. As well as the case when the plane was thrown by the Americans in Greenland due to an accident.

It happened on the eve of the war. After the war, as soon as the opportunity presented itself, the military returned for their property. And what? The plane was found at a depth of 75 meters! They punched a well and took it out in parts. So much for a centimeter a year!

So we won't talk about dates yet. And let's move on to the main question, from which everyone started:

Who needs to hide the fact of a global catastrophe?

And most importantly - why?