The Putorana Plateau, Or What Dangers Are Hidden In The Lost World Of Siberia? - Alternative View

The Putorana Plateau, Or What Dangers Are Hidden In The Lost World Of Siberia? - Alternative View
The Putorana Plateau, Or What Dangers Are Hidden In The Lost World Of Siberia? - Alternative View

Video: The Putorana Plateau, Or What Dangers Are Hidden In The Lost World Of Siberia? - Alternative View

Video: The Putorana Plateau, Or What Dangers Are Hidden In The Lost World Of Siberia? - Alternative View
Video: Putorana Plateau expedition. 2024, September

On the territory of Eastern Siberia in the northwestern part of the largest elevated plain in the world - the Central Siberian plateau - the Putorana mountain range stretches. It impresses not only with its size, but also with its unique natural beauty, and almost complete absence of human activity, and unusual glow, and hidden dangers in the future.

The Putorana Plateau in its total area can be compared with the territory of Great Britain - it covers about 250 thousand square kilometers. Translated from the Evenk language, the name of the plateau means “lakes with steep banks”. And this place is often called "the land of a thousand waterfalls and ten thousand lakes." The highest point of the plateau is at an altitude of 1701 meters. There is a UNESCO World Heritage Site - Putorana Natural Reserve, which was founded in 1988. The reserve is home to the wintering site for the world's largest population of wild reindeer.


In general, the Putorana plateau holds a record in several categories. First, the reserve is one of the largest in Russia. Secondly, on the plateau there is one of the highest waterfalls in the country, which is called Khabarbinskaya and has a height of 108 meters. Thirdly, here on the plateau is one of the deepest Russian lakes - Khantayskoye. Its depth in some places reaches 500 meters.

According to the conclusions of scientists who have studied the plateau, its formation was due to a powerful earthquake that happened 10-12 million years ago. Before the natural cataclysm, the local territory had a milder climate, which was replaced by a cold snap, and after it - changes in the flora and fauna.


The large number of waterfalls and lakes on the plateau's territory is explained by the fact that snow lies here almost until August. The deepest Khantai lake among the local population received another name - the Cup of Tears. It has its own legend and used to be sacred. Girls from nearby villages came to this lake in the hope of seeing signs on the surface of the water surface regarding their future fate. Legend has it that once the Fire God killed the son of the great goddess Eshnu, and took his soul to his dungeon. The goddess grieved for her son for a long time, and then turned into a black basalt rock. Her tears filled a huge pit, turning it into a lake.


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For several decades, only the workers of the reserve and about ten employees from the local weather station have lived on the Putorano plateau. The only local transport that can be used to reach the plateau is by helicopter. But the unique beauty of this place is impressive and attracts tourists from all over the world.

And meteorologists also talk about a mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon that they observe every year. In late December - early January, for two weeks in the evenings near the Khabarba waterfall, a huge luminous spiral emerges right from the ground. It is formed from rotating concentric circles rising into the sky. Such an amazing light show lasts for about 15 minutes, then the luminous spiral simply dissolves into the dark airspace.


Scientists also noticed that the Putorana plateau rises by about one and a half centimeters annually. This can be explained by active underground processes, which in the future may lead to a new natural disaster. What exactly can happen in Eastern Siberia - scientists do not yet know for sure. This may be a new and powerful enough volcano. Or a series of strongest earthquakes, due to which the entire Central Siberian plateau will be cut. Or the gigantic gap between the Siberian platform and the West Siberian plate, into which the Laptev Sea will rush. But for now, you can still come here as part of an excursion group. Or rather, to arrive.