Listen, DNA Is Talking To You - Alternative View

Listen, DNA Is Talking To You - Alternative View
Listen, DNA Is Talking To You - Alternative View

Video: Listen, DNA Is Talking To You - Alternative View

Video: Listen, DNA Is Talking To You - Alternative View
Video: Zar Eskin | Your DNA is Talking: Should you Listen? 2024, September

Scientists have known for a long time that all objects have electromagnetic fields. But for most of them, they are so weak that they are not taken into account. Figuratively speaking, the substance is "sleeping", and the device records only its "weak breathing". Now, if it were possible to “wake up” this matter and make it “speak” … For all the fantastic idea, it was possible to implement it by Russian scientists.

Previously, no one even thought of listening to … light. The possibility of a miracle was first "told" by the theoretical studies of Petr Petrovich GARYAEV - Doctor of Biological Sciences, senior researcher at the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, member of the New York Academy of Sciences. Recently, his theory has been brilliantly confirmed in experiments.

When GARYAEV turned to his colleague in the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences Georgy TERTYSHNY, “to listen to the light”, he laughed good-naturedly in response, for experts know that light “does not sound”.

But the geneticist Garyaev was not burdened with prejudice. He continued to insist.

- Well, okay, - said TERRY, - let's try. - And turned on the laser.

A beam of light fell on a plate on which a preparation of heredity molecules - DNA - was applied. An ordinary radio, which had just recorded a humming background, suddenly made loud, very strange sounds. They vaguely resembled the trills of a nightingale or the language of whistles among the wild tribes of South America.

In disbelief, the GRABY put on a light-tight cap on the laser. The strange sounds stopped immediately. GREAT removed the cap - the receiver again gave out such overflows and roulades, as if they had penetrated into the laboratory from another world.

Scientists repeated the experiment for many months, until there was no doubt that the laser light reflected from the DNA generated sounds. But why?

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Many years ago, according to the almanac "It Can't Be," Garyaeva was amazed that the surfaces of internal organs in the anatomized corpses shone brightly. They seemed to glow from the inside. Where does this strange light come from and why is it needed in the darkness of human entrails? Even experienced pathologists could not answer these simple questions.

In search of an answer in one of the academic institutes in Moscow, Garyaev organized sensational experiments and discovered that DNA absorbed the energy of laser light, and then emitted it, as if they themselves had become small lasers. However, why "as if"? Theoretical studies have confirmed that DNA is actually living lasers. Moreover, with their rays they create volumetric images - holograms, in which 99 percent of hereditary information is encrypted. Calculations have shown that light can carry only a small part of information - there must be some other channel for its transmission. What if it is carried by radio waves? This is how the idea was born to listen to the "live" light.

The first to sound was a wave of light reflected multiple times from the chicken DNA. Having convinced of this, scientists began to study the molecule of heredity in other animals and plants. It turned out that they also sound, but everything is different. Each species had its own "melody", its own "speech".

Geneticists have long said that DNA contains “texts” of hereditary information. Now it turned out that this word has a literal meaning: Garyaev and Tertyshny managed to voice the genetic texts. All that remained was to decipher them. But this task is extremely difficult, it will be possible to overcome it only in the third millennium.

In the meantime, scientists decided to check: whether the light reflected from the "dead" matter sounds. I wrote this word in quotation marks, because it is traditionally considered dead only in the West, and in Eastern countries since ancient times, any matter is treated as living, but possessing different levels of consciousness. It is believed that the lowest level is in minerals, in plants it is higher, animals are difficult to understand, and people are better … What was the surprise of scientists when they received some kind of experimental confirmation of this religious version.

It turned out that laser light sounds, reflected many times from any substance. Melodies vary in complexity. Copper, iron, quartz, glass and other objects emit rhythmic but primitive sounds. They have no overflows, roulades and knees, which are generated by living (in the Western sense) matter. The experiments allowed scientists to look at genetic processes in a completely new way.

What's going on? And here's what … One "nimble" chromosome in the language of light and electromagnetic waves tells the body: "Read page number three in the fifth volume of the Book of Life and do as it says there." All organs and systems begin to unanimously fulfill the "order" from above, or rather, from the depths of living matter, the cell nucleus. At the next moment, the laser of the other chromosome turns on, giving out different melodies, and the body begins to fulfill the next "order".

These melodies carry hereditary information from chromosomes. They "recorded" literally all the information about the body - its past, present and future. By the sounds of chromosomes, you can learn everything about their cells: they are healthy or sick, clean or with the AIDS virus, normal or degenerated, human or some Trichomonas similar to them.

Scientists believe that in the future it is possible to find out how each of the thirty thousand diseases known to mankind sounds, and then compile computer catalogs of these melodies. Then it will be enough to illuminate a few human cells to give the patient the most accurate diagnosis.

Scientists are constantly dealing with the dream. She also leads them on the path of discovery. And now they reason like this: it is possible, for example, to find out which combinatorial frequency causes aging and death of a person by the age of 60, and which gives him the opportunity to live in good health until 120. What if our genetic apparatus hears the melody of longevity? One can also dream that it will be possible to find out at what frequencies the cancer cells perform the “melody of death”. After that, you can create a kind of anti-melody that will stop the reproduction of these cells and make them self-destruct. It is known that such programs exist in the hereditary apparatus: a healthy organism destroys thousands of cancer cells every second. And the sounding light can "prompt" the patient how to do it.

New spectroscopy in technology opens up very attractive prospects. For example, jewelers spend a lot of time and money to distinguish jewelry from fakes. It is much more "convenient" to illuminate the sample with a laser in order to accurately determine the composition and structure of the substance by the melody. The computer will compare its sound spectrum with the reference ones, which have precious stones and metals, as well as glass, alloys and other fakes. And it will immediately give out the result of "musical expertise".

- We have already heard how precious stones sound, - says Pyotr Petrovich. - The melodies of diamonds, sapphires, emeralds are fantastic - they are real works of art. And with them primitive, inharmonious sounds that make fakes cannot be compared with them. It is like comparing the trills of a nightingale and the roar of a donkey.

Mikhail DMITRUK. The newspaper "TRUD" for 19.04.1997