How Not To Become A Victim Of Scammers Who Have The Techniques Of Suggestion And Hypnosis - Alternative View

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How Not To Become A Victim Of Scammers Who Have The Techniques Of Suggestion And Hypnosis - Alternative View
How Not To Become A Victim Of Scammers Who Have The Techniques Of Suggestion And Hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Become A Victim Of Scammers Who Have The Techniques Of Suggestion And Hypnosis - Alternative View

Video: How Not To Become A Victim Of Scammers Who Have The Techniques Of Suggestion And Hypnosis - Alternative View
Video: The FORMULA All Narcissists Use to Manipulate Their Victims, Other People and Reality. 2024, June

Gypsies cannot be denied the ability to "speak their teeth", but the rumor that all of them are first-class good at guessing with cards is greatly exaggerated.

What you need to know for this and what rules of behavior should be followed when meeting with them

Tatyana Nikolaevna lost all her savings: 200 thousand rubles, gold earrings, a chain and an almost new mink coat that hung in the hallway disappeared …

She never understood how it happened. A stranger called the apartment and asked for a drink of water. “We don't have a village here,” thought the hostess, but for some reason she took pity on the elderly woman and opened the door.

The guest said that she had come to visit relatives, but got lost in the big city. She asked to go to the kitchen. And then she looked at the hostess with a pitiful look: "Damage on your son … Do you want to deliver?"

Tatyana Nikolaevna was frightened: what if it’s true? After all, a stranger from somewhere knows about her son! In the heat of the moment, I did not remember that his photo was on the sideboard. In general, what it was - she did not understand. I told the stranger all my life, cried … She brought everything that she asked. And when I came to myself - no money, no jewelry, no fur coat.

Psychic abilities are often attributed to fraudsters. Do they really possess them? Or do they just know the basics of hypnosis techniques? After all, now the Internet promises to teach hypnotic effects to anyone. To begin with, "Vecherka" decided to find out what a person with the gift of clairvoyance thinks about this, and turned to the hereditary witch and psychic Tatiana Moskovskaya Ionina (Tanya Moskovskaya).

Promotional video:

“You have to be born with extrasensory abilities,” Moskovskaya is convinced. - Usually they are passed on from the next of kin. But hypnosis, in contrast to psychic abilities, can be learned.

A still from the film Psychic
A still from the film Psychic

A still from the film Psychic.

Hypnosis can be a boon when it is owned by a specialist, such as a psychotherapist, and used to rid a patient of alcohol addiction.

It's another matter if a fraudster owns the techniques of hypnosis. Having got into trust in a person, he, with the help of certain manipulations, achieves the fact that the criticality of the victim's thinking decreases or disappears altogether. And this state allows you to instill any thoughts and patterns of behavior.

It is known that many gypsies master the basics of hypnosis. According to the psychiatrist, psychotherapist of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Igor Salyntsev, representatives of this nationality learn the basic techniques of hypnosis from childhood, observing how their mothers and grandmothers make money on the streets.

- For a gypsy woman, the main thing is to find a topic that is important or “sore” for a particular person. For women, such topics most often include children, diseases of loved ones and family relationships. The gypsy sees the sad look of a pensive woman and tries to interest her, looking into her eyes and speaking loudly, without pauses. In the same way, psychics Kashpirovsky and Chumak worked from TV screens, directing an unblinking gaze at the audience, - reminds Salyntsev.

However, not everyone is amenable to such influences. Signs of people who are not subject to hypnosis are a lowered gaze and crossed arms. Likewise, there are people who easily and quickly enter a hypnotic trance. As a rule, among them are those who have experienced some kind of psychological trauma or are going through a difficult life situation.

Are there ways to protect against a hypnotist cheater?

- The most effective way is not to communicate, not to enter into energy contact, - advises Tatiana Moskovskaya. - Very often, such people begin their "work" with a harmless question - what time is it? Do not answer. Today, if a person does not have a watch, they probably have a mobile phone, so finding out the time is not a problem. Therefore, calmly go your own way, without answering the question.

In addition, according to the clairvoyant, you should not allow obsessive strangers to touch you. And most importantly, don't let yourself get out of your calm state. At the same time, it does not matter what emotions you are "led" to: fear, surprise, indignation … After all, it is at this moment that the hypnotist enters into energetic contact with the person.

Psychiatrist Salyntsev agrees with the psychic:

“If you suspect that they are trying to put you into a hypnotic trance, break off communication with such a“hypnologist”, immediately leave,” the doctor advises.


Most often, the victims of scam hypnotists are:

- Easily suggested people: insecure, timid, quickly accepting other people's ideas.

- Women who believe in magic, love spells and fortune-telling, suffering from unrequited love.

- Emotional people, whose actions often depend on the mood, and not on the mind.

- People who do not know how to say a firm "no", afraid of offending anyone with a refusal.

Yulia Konovalova
