The Sun “worries Once”: What Happens To Our Luminary And What To Expect From Him In The Future? - Alternative View

The Sun “worries Once”: What Happens To Our Luminary And What To Expect From Him In The Future? - Alternative View
The Sun “worries Once”: What Happens To Our Luminary And What To Expect From Him In The Future? - Alternative View

Video: The Sun “worries Once”: What Happens To Our Luminary And What To Expect From Him In The Future? - Alternative View

Video: The Sun “worries Once”: What Happens To Our Luminary And What To Expect From Him In The Future? - Alternative View
Video: The Legend of Zelda | Part 1 2024, September

The sun is a star that gives life to all life on Earth. However, its rays can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Scientists are seriously concerned about what is happening on our Luminary in the last days.

The series of flares, which began on the Sun on September 4, does not stop. On the first Monday of the month, the yellow giant threw into open space 5 "discharges" of plasma of the classification of M. However, this luminary was not limited, on September 6 and 7, scientists recorded the most powerful flares on the Sun in the past 12 years. They were assigned classification X, and the power indicator was 9.3 and 9.8 points. A few days later, the Sun again arranged a test for the Earth and threw out another portion of energy, equal to X 8.2. Researchers of magnetic anomalies and solar activity are in no hurry to reassure the inhabitants of the Earth. According to the forecasts of experts, the "agitated" luminary will not allow our planet and humanity to relax further. Scientists warn that the possibility of further emissions in the coming days is very high. What are solar flares and where do they come from,said the director of the observatory of the American National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Scott McIntosh. The specialist recalled that an ocean of incandescent plasma rages on the surface of the Sun. Powerful magnetic fields constantly arise in it, the lines of force of which form various arches, loops or balls, in which ufologists constantly see a UFO or a portal. Such "constructions" are very unstable; after a while, the solar "magnetic laces" are rearranged, merged, or destroyed. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the energy stored in them can be released and in the place of the breakthrough heat the gas so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling hell. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such events. The specialist recalled that an ocean of incandescent plasma rages on the surface of the Sun. Powerful magnetic fields constantly arise in it, the lines of force of which form various arches, loops or balls, in which ufologists constantly see a UFO or a portal. Such "constructions" are very unstable; after a while, the solar "magnetic laces" are rearranged, merged, or destroyed. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the energy stored in them can be released and in the place of the breakthrough heat the gas so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling hell. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such events. The specialist recalled that an ocean of incandescent plasma rages on the surface of the Sun. Powerful magnetic fields constantly arise in it, the lines of force of which form various arches, loops or balls, in which ufologists constantly see a UFO or a portal. Such "constructions" are very unstable; after a while, the solar "magnetic laces" are rearranged, merged, or destroyed. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the energy stored in them can be released and in the place of the breakthrough heat the gas so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling hell. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such which ufologists constantly see a UFO or a portal. Such "constructions" are very unstable; after a while, the solar "magnetic laces" are rearranged, merged, or destroyed. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the energy stored in them can be released and in the place of the breakthrough heat the gas so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling hell. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such which ufologists constantly see a UFO or a portal. Such "constructions" are very unstable; after a while, the solar "magnetic laces" are rearranged, merged, or destroyed. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the energy stored in them can be released and in the place of the breakthrough heat the gas so that it becomes noticeably hotter than even the surrounding bubbling hell. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such events. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such events. As of 2005, scientists have recorded more than 60,000 such events.


When the activity of the Sun begins to decline, the magnetic fields moving along the surface of the planet begin to shift towards the equator. Since these peculiar "currents" have a different direction, when they meet, a completely natural process takes place, namely the formation of a whirlpool. The American expert notes that similar natural processes occur with the waters of the World Ocean on Earth. Blue "gold" flows along the surface of our planet in different directions, and at the equator collides and forms whirlpools. Such areas on the fiery planet are unstable, it is there that spots appear, which lead to the most powerful coronal mass ejections. Plasma clouds leaving the surface of a hot planet in a kind of "solar charge" can weigh from 1 to 10 million tons.

Specialists of the Laboratory of X-ray Astronomy of the Sun of the Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences, in turn, told how such activity of the Luminary affects the Earth. The plasma cloud, which was formed as a result of a powerful flare on the Sun, reaching our planet, simply “burns” the lines of its field. Scientists reported that the latest explosion reached the Earth's surface almost 12 hours earlier than expected. As noted by the representatives of the laboratory, such a manifestation of the Sun is the largest in this cycle of the sun, which has lasted since December 2008. It is noteworthy that the solar "spit" does not always rush towards the Earth, it can also choose another cosmic direction. The speed of the solar plasma cloud can vary from 600 to 900 kilometers per second.


Scientists from the American space agency NASA came to another amusing conclusion, having studied the last "disturbances" of the Sun, experts came to the conclusion that it is fraught with a global cosmic catastrophe. According to preliminary data, solar plasma eruptions can lead to a disruption in the order of movement of planets in the solar system, and the Earth will inevitably collide with Venus. Cosmologists argue that a planetary apocalypse could happen as early as 2027.

Solar plasma emissions also affect the life of the inhabitants of our planet. It is known that on such days there are more frequent accidents, the health and condition of almost everyone, even absolutely healthy people, deteriorates. Statistics show that on days of increased disturbance of the Sun, ambulance calls are more frequent. Experts do not advise these days to overload yourself with physical activity, alcohol, fatty and spicy foods. It is also not recommended to make air flights and only if absolutely necessary go underground, for example, in the subway. At altitudes where passenger airliners usually fly, the layer of air that protects the aircraft from the "turbulent" upper atmosphere becomes much thinner. But underground, ultra-low frequency electromagnetic fields are much stronger than on the surface during large magnetic storms. This can trigger heart attacks.


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Solar emissions affect the operation of terrestrial and near-terrestrial technology. During such storms, the work of communication satellites is interrupted, there are interruptions in the Internet and electricity supply.

The hit of our luminary's magnetic emissions into the Earth's atmosphere caused incredible aurora borealis, even in areas where it usually never existed. So the inhabitants of Moscow, Murmansk and other cities of the Russian Federation could observe the fabulous phenomenon.

Scientists who develop interstellar spacecraft and spacesuits for astronauts are engaged in the fight against solar radiation. Experts worry that in the future, it is solar emissions that may become a significant obstacle to human exploration of the Moon and Mars. Futurologists note that the expedition to the Red Planet, which is to take place in 20 years, can become a kind of space "Flying Dutchman" precisely because of the lack of effective means of protecting space travelers at present.


The unpredictable behavior of the Sun excites the minds of not only modern scientists. In ancient times, various historical figures attributed magical properties to solar activity and even tried to predict the "end of the world." Currently, fans of the apocalyptic theory also see in the September emissions of solar plasma "a bad sign" and "a sign of the coming end of the world." However, what to believe in - each of us will have to decide for ourselves.
