Aqueduct Pont Du Garde. How This Megalith Was Built - Alternative View

Aqueduct Pont Du Garde. How This Megalith Was Built - Alternative View
Aqueduct Pont Du Garde. How This Megalith Was Built - Alternative View

Video: Aqueduct Pont Du Garde. How This Megalith Was Built - Alternative View

Video: Aqueduct Pont Du Garde. How This Megalith Was Built - Alternative View
Video: Pont du Gard (Roman Aqueduct) (UNESCO/NHK) 2024, September

At the moment, there are many structures that were created hundreds, if not thousands of years ago. The mysteries of their creation haunt modern researchers and scientists. After all, sometimes there are such creations that it was not possible to explain how they were created, how they were erected, and most importantly what tools were used.

This is about such a creation today and will be discussed in this article.

The Pont du Garde aqueduct is a huge structure with the following dimensions: height - 47 m, length - 275 m. It is made up of large stone blocks, not fastened to each other by any mortar (just exactly superimposed on each other).

Now let's take a closer look at him.

This structure is currently used as a bridge, and used to be part of a 50-kilometer aqueduct that stretched from Uzes to Nîmes.


The construction of the Pont du Gard aqueduct (according to modern studies) began in the middle of the first century AD, and it was carried out without mortar binding the stones.

As mentioned above, it was originally a water supply system, and for the movement of large vehicles, some of its parts were hollowed out, which posed a threat of collapse. Fortunately, this megalith survived. Already in 1747, another bridge was built across the Gardon River, across which the crossing was carried out, and the Pont du Garde was closed for restoration by order of Napoleon III.

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This structure is surrounded by some questions. One of them is who actually built it. There is an assumption that these were the Romans. But there is one "but" here. During the construction of megaliths of this scale, this people necessarily used some kind of bonding solution. But these stones are simply stacked on top of each other with amazing precision. The pyramids in Egypt, and the megaliths in Maalbek, Machu Picchu, etc. were built in the same way (there were definitely no Romans in these places). So it was not they, but who, it is unknown.

Now let's talk about the size and construction principle of this object.

This ancient Roman aqueduct consists of three arches, built on top of one another, and is a modern 15-storey building high. So, during small floods, the lower arch remained practically dry, but when there were large floods, it went completely under the water.

And here are the dimensions of the stones from which Pont du Garde is composed.


As you can see from the photo, you can calculate the size of the stone blocks. They are 0.5 m high, 2 m long and 1 m wide. The approximate weight of the blocks is from 2 tons to 6 tons. And there are thousands of them here and there is no binding component.

Also of interest is another mystery in the construction of the aqueduct. Its slope is only 34 cm per 1 km, and it goes down 17 m. Question: How is it possible to keep the exact parameters with such a huge size?

The next item we'll look at is where the stones were mined.

In places where "bricks" were mined, they also look somewhat unusual. See for yourself.


How could people have worked the stone so smoothly and in huge blocks 2000 years ago? This mystery will definitely remain unsolved for us.

Modern historians have put forward their own assumptions about how the stones were mined. They think that its extraction was carried out in steps and cut out about half a meter with a constant step of about 5 cm (which would indicate manual labor). But in fact, there is nothing even similar. All the same, there would be some kind of protrusions, uneven cuts, but here we see cut layers, 2 human height in height. What's more surprising is the right angles formed as a result of cutting. And there are a lot of them too.


Manual labor certainly cannot be achieved.

Of course, opinions are divided. And someone will be sure that this structure was built by people, but with the help of technology, and someone thinks that this is completely manual labor. And it is quite possible that we will not reveal this secret.